
Is there a person who truly enjoys creating tables? Seriously, have you met them?

有没有一个真正喜欢创建桌子的人? 说真的,你见过他们吗?

If you haven’t worked on tables before, it might seem like an easy task. It’s basically just rows and columns. Or is it?

如果您以前没有处理过表,那么这似乎很容易。 它基本上只是行和列。 还是?

Experienced designers will tell you that creating a beautiful and functional table can truly drive you crazy if you don’t have the nerves of steel.


On the more positive note, there are many table-making tools that can make your task a lot easier. On a less positive note, not all of them are that good.

更积极的一点是,有许多表格制作工具可以使您的任务轻松得多。 从不太积极的角度来看,并不是所有人都那么好。

Usually, there are 2 ways to create a table. You can either make a beautiful one or a functional one. But is it possible for a table to be both? Yes, it is.

通常,有两种创建表的方法。 您可以制作漂亮的一个或实用的一个。 但是,表格是否可以同时存在呢? 是的。

All you need is a good WP plugin and you are all set to create perfectly aligned tables with all the necessary functions that also work on mobile!


wpDataTables以及您为什么需要它 (wpDataTables and Why You Need It)

If you are looking for a WordPress plugin that will help you create the best tables and charts, search no more. wpDataTables is here and it is the no 1 WordPress table-making tool – for all the right reasons.

如果您正在寻找可帮助您创建最佳表格和图表的WordPress插件,请不要再搜索。 wpDataTables在这里,它是第一个WordPress表格制作工具-出于所有正确的原因。

Not only is it really easy to master, but it also comes in two versions depending on the type of tables you need.


If you need to create tables up to 150 rows, wpDataTables Lite is all you’ll ever need.

如果您需要创建最多150行的表, 则只需要wpDataTables Lite

If you want all the extra features and options that wpDataTables has to offer, you should check out the unlimited version.


wpDataTables Lite (wpDataTables Lite)

If you want to create tables up to 150 rows, here are 3 simple steps to do it with wpDataTables Lite.

如果要创建最多150行的表,请执行以下3个简单步骤,使用wpDataTables Lite进行操作

步骤1:建立表格 (Step 1: Create a Table)


You can create your table manually by selecting the mentioned option in your WordPress admin panel. Find wpDataTables, select the “Create a Table” option, and click on “Create a table manually”.

您可以通过在WordPress管理面板中选择提及的选项来手动创建表格。 找到wpDataTables,选择“创建表”选项,然后单击“手动创建表”。

步骤2:自订表格 (Step 2: Customize the Table)

You can configure your table in any way you see fit with wpDataTables.


Name it, set the number of rows and columns, enter the values you need, and click “Create the table”.


Once you do that, you will get to choose whether you want to open the table in a standard editor or an Excel-like editor.


步骤3:发布表格 (Step 3: Publish Your Table)

With wpDataTables, you can easily insert your table in the post or page.


You will find the “Insert a wpDataTable” button in the editor and then you will get to choose the location where the table will be published.


You could also simply copy & paste the shortcode manually.


If you aren’t sure how to do it, here is a demo link to check out this plugin in action.


wpDataTables 2.3用于复杂数据 (wpDataTables 2.3 for Complex Data)

If wpDataTables Lite isn’t enough to help you with the huge amount of data you need to organize, wpDataTables 2.3 is the way to go.

如果wpDataTables Lite不足以帮助您处理需要组织的大量数据, 那么wpDataTables 2.3是您的理想之选。

With this plugin, you can organize an unlimited amount in a matter of minutes.


It will help you avoid most of the issues people usually encounter when dealing with tables. For example, unresponsive tables that you can’t really see on a mobile screen, no proper search or filter function, no editing after publishing, no charts, no way of transferring the data from other spreadsheets etc.

这将帮助您避免人们在处理表时通常遇到的大多数问题。 例如,您无法在移动屏幕上真正看到的无响应表,没有适当的搜索或过滤功能,发布后无法进行编辑,图表,无法从其他电子表格传输数据等。

Apart from making it possible for you to deal with a large amount of data, wpDataTables 2.3 also comes with over 20 useful features that aren’t included in the lite version.

除了使您能够处理大量数据之外,wpDataTables 2.3还具有精简版未包含的20多种有用功能。

You can either display the table data from Google Spreadsheet, Excel, MySQL, XML, JSON or a CSV file, or you can create the table from scratch completely in your WordPress admin panel.

您可以显示来自Google Spreadsheet,Excel,MySQL,XML,JSON或CSV文件的表格数据,也可以完全在WordPress管理面板中从头开始创建表格。

Here are some of the key features of this plugin:


  • Native support for MySQL, MS SQL, and PostgreSQL – query these DBs directly from your WordPress and display the data in interactive tables and charts, with an option to edit these.对MySQL,MS SQL和PostgreSQL本机支持–直接从WordPress查询这些数据库,并在交互式表格和图表中显示数据,并可以选择编辑它们。
  • Responsive tables – create responsive tables for all devices, with 2响应 –使用2个设备为所有设备创建响应表
  • Scrollable feature – show wide table with a horizontal scrollbar.可滚动功能 –显示带有水平滚动条的宽表。
  • Advanced filtering – filter the tables by specific values in the column with dropdown, radio, checkbox, and range filters. Filters can also work as cascade, with the help of Powerful Filters高级过滤 –使用下拉菜单,单选按钮,复选框和范围过滤器,按列中的特定值过滤表。 在强大的过滤器的帮助下,过滤器也可以级联工作
  • Hide table feature – the table can appear only once the page is finished load隐藏表格功能 –只有在页面加载完成后表格才能显示
  • Filter-in-form feature – filter can be displayed in a form above the table or in a widget.表单过滤功能 –过滤器可以表格上方的形式或在小部件中显示。
  • Table tools such as copy, save to Excel or save to CSV.表格工具,例如复制,保存到Excel或保存到CSV。
  • Enable sorting for better organization.启用排序以获得更好的组织。
  • Display length – choose the number of entries per page.显示长度 –选择每页的条目数。
  • Calculation of Sum, Averages, MIN/MAX values – show the results of aggregate functions in the table footer.计算总和,平均值,MIN / MAX值 –在表尾显示汇总函数的结果。
  • WISYWYG table creation – preview how the table will look in the process of configuration.WISYWYG表创建 –预览表在配置过程中的外观。
  • Conditional Formatting – highlight cells, rows, and columns based on the values.条件格式 –根据值突出显示单元格,行和列。

In addition to that, you can customize the table by using different colors, changing fonts and their sizes, editing each column separately etc.


If you want, you can also turn your data into a graph or chart quickly and easily.


You can use it with 3 render engines – Google Charts, Highcharts, and Chart.js.

您可以将其与3个渲染引擎一起使用-Google Charts HighchartsChart.js

It doesn’t get any simpler and better than this.


结论 (Conclusion)

Organizing data is often a long and boring process that no one likes to deal with. Luckily, with the right tools, you can save a lot of time and create beautiful and functional tables in a matter of minutes.

组织数据通常是一个漫长而无聊的过程,没人喜欢处理。 幸运的是,使用正确的工具,您可以节省大量时间,并在几分钟内创建漂亮而实用的表。

wpDataTables is the no 1 WordPress plugin for creating tables and charts that will help you create responsive tables without wasting time.

wpDataTables是用于创建表格和图表的No.1 WordPress插件,它将帮助您创建响应式表格而不会浪费时间。

Whether you need to deal with a tiny amount of data or a huge one, wpDataTables is exactly what you need.


Not only will your tables look great, they will also work perfectly!


翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/23394/have-you-tried-the-1-wordpress-plugin-for-creating-tables-on-your-website


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