struct Node
{Node(const DataType& d):_next(NULL),_prev(NULL),_data(d){}
public:DataType _data;Node* _prev;Node* _next;
class DouList
{friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, DouList& l);
public:DouList()//构造函数:_head(NULL),_tail(NULL){}DouList(const DouList& l)//拷贝构造{if (l._head == NULL){return;}Node *cur = l._head;Node *newNode = new Node(cur->_data);_head = newNode;_tail = _head;cur = cur->_next;while (cur){newNode = new Node(cur->_data);_tail->_next = newNode;newNode->_prev = _tail;_tail = newNode;cur = cur->_next;}}DouList& operator=(DouList l)//=运算符的重载{swap(_head,l._head);swap(_tail, l._tail);return *this;}~DouList()//析构函数{Node* cur = _head;while (cur){Node* del = cur;cur = cur->_next;delete del;}_head = NULL;_tail = NULL;}public:void PushBack(const DataType& d);//后插void PopBack();//后出void PushFront(const DataType& d);//前插void PopFront();//前出Node* Find(const DataType& d);//查找void Insert(Node* pos, const DataType& d);//在指定位置插入void BubbSort();//冒泡排序void Reverse();//逆序void Remove(const DataType& d);//删除指定的元素void RemoveAll(const DataType& d);//删除所有指定的元素void Erase(Node* pos);//删除指定的节点
private:Node* _head;//头指针Node* _tail;//尾指针
};ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, DouList& l)//输出运算符的重载
{Node* cur = l._head;while (cur){os << cur->_data << "<=>";cur = cur->_next;}cout << "over";return os;
}void DouList::PushBack(const DataType& d)
{Node* newNode = new Node(d);if (_head == NULL){_head = newNode;_tail = _head;}else{_tail->_next = newNode;newNode->_prev = _tail;_tail = newNode;}
}void DouList::PopBack()
{if (_head == NULL){return;}if (_head == _tail){delete _head;_head = NULL;_tail = NULL;return;}Node* del = _tail;_tail = _tail->_prev;_tail->_next = NULL;delete del;
}void DouList::PushFront(const DataType& d)
{Node* newNode = new Node(d);if (_head == NULL){_head = newNode;_tail = _head;}else{newNode->_next = _head;_head->_prev = newNode;_head = newNode;}}void DouList::PopFront()
{if (_head == NULL){return;}if (_head == _tail){delete _head;_head = NULL;_tail = NULL;return;}Node* del = _head;_head = _head->_next;_head->_prev = NULL;delete del;
}Node* DouList::Find(const DataType& d)
{Node* cur = _head;while (cur){if (cur->_data == d){return cur;}cur = cur->_next;}return NULL;
}void DouList::Insert(Node* pos, const DataType& d)
{if (pos == NULL){return;}Node* newNode = new Node(d);if (pos != _tail)//非尾节点插入{newNode->_next = pos->_next;newNode->_prev = pos;pos->_next = newNode;}else//尾节点插入{_tail->_next = newNode;newNode->_prev = _tail;_tail = newNode;}
}void DouList::BubbSort()
{Node* cur = _head;Node* end = NULL;bool flag = true;while (cur->_next != end && flag){flag = false;while (cur->_next != end && cur){if (cur->_data > cur->_next->_data){flag = true;swap(cur->_data, cur->_next->_data);}cur = cur->_next;}end = cur;cur = _head;}
}void DouList::Reverse()
{Node* cur = _head;Node* newHead = NULL;Node* tmp = NULL;while (cur){tmp = cur->_next;cur->_next = newHead;if (newHead){newHead->_prev = cur;}newHead = cur;newHead->_prev = NULL;cur = tmp;}swap(_head, _tail);
}void DouList::Remove(const DataType& d)
{if (_head == NULL)//无节点{return;}Node* cur = _head;while (cur){if (cur->_data == d){if (cur == _head)//第一个相等{PopFront();return;}else if (cur == _tail&& _head != _tail)//最后一个节点相等{PopBack();return;}else//其他节点{cur->_prev->_next = cur->_next;cur->_next->_prev = cur->_prev;delete cur;return;}}cur = cur->_next;}
}void DouList::RemoveAll(const DataType& d)
{Node* cur = _head;bool flag = true;while (cur){flag = true;if (cur->_data == d){flag = false;cur = cur->_next;Remove(d);}if (flag){cur = cur->_next;}}
}void DouList::Erase(Node* pos)
{if (pos == NULL)//{return;}if (pos == _head)//删除第一个节点{PopFront();return;}if (pos == _tail)//删除最后一个节点{PopBack();return;}//非尾节点的删除pos->_next->_prev = pos->_prev;pos->_prev->_next = pos->_next;



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