写在前面:Coursera是大型公开在线课程项目,由美国斯坦福大学两名计算机科学教授创办,旨在同世界顶尖大学合作,首批合作院校包括斯坦福大学、密歇根大学、普林斯顿大学、宾夕法尼亚大学等美国名校。Coursera在线提供网络公开课程,所提供的证书也越来越被高校和企业所认可。但是Coursera是付费的,一套课程需要几百刀,广大学生群体却常常因为无法承担相对较高的费用而未能如愿得到完整的课程资源与证书。Coursera 考虑到这个情况,提供了Financial aid申请机会。

本人是偶然在b站上看到搬运的吴恩达教授的那门 Deep-learning 的课程,听了几节觉得大有裨益。之后随着指路才了解到 Coursera 这个优秀的学习平台,真的很多课都迫不及待地想学,便入坑了,想着既能学到知识又能提高英语听力,顺带还能捞到证书,岂不是一举n得的好事。正当我为付费课程一筹莫展的时候,朋友告诉我可以申请 Financial aid 白嫖的好方法。

关于申请 Financial aid (Deep-learning Series):



Hi, I'm a college student from China, majoring in Data Science and Big Data Technology. In the last semester, I learned some basic Machine Learning principles myself, which proved so beneficial in my field. I hope to take a further step in the Deep Learning field. However, my plan to take the postgraduate certificate examination prevented me to take a part-time job. Therefore, I'm not financially independent, all my tuition fees are provided by my parents. I really don't want to burden them more. Meanwhile, I really hope to be capable of using deep learning to extend my capabilities in both the computer science field and the telecommunication field, which can greatly help me build an overall sense of science. Coursera Financial Aid is just a way out. I hope this application can be considered. I guarantee I will certainly take the whole process seriously. No pain, no gain. And I will keep my step forward to the top. I am looking forward to your reply. Thank you for your patience, and wish you a good day!


As we know, the development of Artificial Intelligence is leading the trend of whole computer science. Deep learning is the new and most important branch of the field of artificial intelligence. I have been very interested in AI since I was a child and have been learning this knowledge. My career goal is to find a job in the field in the future. I'm convinced that deep learning can enable me to get more opportunities, for example in a computer science company, and telecommunication company. Moreover, deep learning has the potential of extending classical algorithms in my major. Therefore, this course is a course I must take. It allows me to fully understand the basics of deep learning. With this foundation, I can continue to learn the knowledge of this field and research this aspect. Through my constant study of this aspect of knowledge and research projects in this area, I have enough strength and confidence to compete for jobs in this field when I am looking for a job in the future. I am grateful to your help if I get the Finance Aid. Thank you!


I don't wish to burden my family with tuition fees, it is not recommended to use the low-interest loan, because the burden will still be transferred to my parents.

2、 然后经过长达15天的漫长等待。。


再次感谢吴恩达教授及 Coursera !让我这样的贫苦孩子有书读!我一定会好好学习的!!!


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