一、FPGA Cyclone Ⅳ OV5640图像实时采集系统设计

  • 1、系统框架
  • 2、摄像头配置模块
  • 3、图像数据拼接模块
  • 4、SDRAM操作模块
  • 5、乒乓缓存模块
  • 6、VGA驱动模块
  • 7、顶层模块
  • 8、参数定义
  • 9、最终效果
    • ①:分析综合
    • ②:上板验证




Date     :
Author   :厉长川
Version  :2022.10.10 v1
*********************************************************************************/`include "param.v"module sccb( input           clk         ,//系统时钟50MHzinput           rst_n       ,//复位信号output  reg     done        ,//配置完成标志output          cmos_rst_n  ,//摄像头复位信号output          cmos_pwdn   ,//摄像头掉电使能信号output    reg     cmos_scl    ,//时钟线inout         cmos_sda     //数据线
);          //参数定义           localparam  IDLE  = 3'd0    ,//初始化START = 3'd1    ,//起始D_ADD = 3'd2    ,//写入器件地址DC    = 3'd3    ,//响应(don't care)H_ADD = 3'd4    ,//写入寄存器地址高八位L_ADD = 3'd5    ,//写入寄存器地址低八位WR    = 3'd6    ,//写数据STOP  = 3'd7    ;//停止   //中间信号定义        wire            idle2start  ;//状态跳转条件    wire            start2d_add ;        wire            d_add2dc    ;    wire            dc2h_add    ;    wire            h_add2dc    ;wire            dc2l_add    ; wire            l_add2dc    ;   wire            dc2wr       ;wire            wr2dc       ;wire            dc2stop     ;    wire            stop2idle   ;    reg     [2:0]   state_c     ;//现态reg     [2:0]   state_n     ;//次态reg     [5:0]   cnt_1m      ;//50Mhz时钟做50分频产生1Mhz时钟        wire            add_cnt_1m  ;              wire            end_cnt_1m  ; reg             clk_1m      ;//1Mhz时钟             reg     [1:0]   cnt_250k    ;//1Mhz时钟做4分频产生250Khz时钟 reg     [3:0]   cnt_bit     ;//bit计数wire            add_cnt_bit ;    reg     [7:0]   num         ;//配置寄存器个数reg     [20:0]  cnt_ms      ;//20ms计数        wire            add_cnt_ms  ;              wire            end_cnt_ms  ; reg             en          ;//sccb使能reg     [31:0]  lut_data    ;//写入数据(分别是器件地址,寄存器地址和寄存器数据,各8bit)reg     [1:0]   flag_dc     ;//计数进入DC状态次数reg             sda         ;//sccb写数据寄存//cmos_sda:sccb写数据赋值assign cmos_sda = (state_c != DC)?sda:1'bz;//cnt_ms:20ms计数always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)begincnt_ms <= 21'b0;end else if(add_cnt_ms)begin if(end_cnt_ms)begin cnt_ms <= 21'b0;endelse begin cnt_ms <= cnt_ms + 1'b1;end endend assign add_cnt_ms = cnt_ms != `CNT_MS;assign end_cnt_ms = add_cnt_ms && cnt_ms == `CNT_MS + 1'b1; //cmos_rst_n:摄像头复位信号assign cmos_rst_n = cnt_ms > `RST_CMOS;//cmos_pwdn:摄像头掉电使能信号assign cmos_pwdn = cnt_ms < `PWDN;//en:sccb使能always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)beginen <= 1'b0;end else if(cnt_ms == `CNT_MS - 1'b1)begin en <= 1'b1;end else if(num == `NUM_CFG)begin en <= 1'b0;end end           //cnt_1m:产生1Mhz时钟计数always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)begincnt_1m <= 6'b0;end else if(add_cnt_1m)begin if(end_cnt_1m)begin cnt_1m <= 6'b0;endelse begin cnt_1m <= cnt_1m + 1'b1;end endend assign add_cnt_1m = (state_c != IDLE);assign end_cnt_1m = add_cnt_1m && cnt_1m == `CNT_1M - 1'b1;//clk_1m:1Mhz时钟always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)beginclk_1m <= 1'b1;end else if((cnt_1m == (`CNT_1M >> 1) - 1'b1) || end_cnt_1m)begin clk_1m <= ~clk_1m;end end//cnt_250k:产生250Khz时钟计数always @(posedge clk_1m or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)begincnt_250k <= 2'b0;end else begin cnt_250k <= cnt_250k + 1'b1;end end//cnt_bit:bit计数always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)begincnt_bit <= 4'b0;end else if(add_cnt_bit)begin cnt_bit <= cnt_bit + 1'b1;endelse if(state_c == DC)begincnt_bit <= 4'b0;endend assign add_cnt_bit = ((state_c == D_ADD) || (state_c == H_ADD) || (state_c == L_ADD) || (state_c == WR))&& (cnt_250k == 2'd3) && (cnt_1m == 1'b1);//flag_dc:计数进入DC状态次数always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)beginflag_dc <= 2'b0;end else if((cnt_250k == 2'd2) && end_cnt_1m && (state_c == DC))begin flag_dc <= flag_dc + 1'b1;end end//状态机always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)beginstate_c <= IDLE;end else begin state_c <= state_n;end endalways @(*)begin case (state_c)IDLE  : if(idle2start)beginstate_n = START;endelse beginstate_n = state_c;endSTART : if(start2d_add)beginstate_n = D_ADD;endelse beginstate_n = state_c;endD_ADD : if(d_add2dc)beginstate_n = DC;endelse beginstate_n = state_c;endDC    : if(dc2h_add)beginstate_n = H_ADD;endelse if(dc2l_add)beginstate_n = L_ADD;endelse if(dc2wr)beginstate_n = WR;endelse if(dc2stop)beginstate_n = STOP;endelse beginstate_n = state_c;endH_ADD : if(h_add2dc)beginstate_n = DC;endelse beginstate_n = state_c;endL_ADD : if(l_add2dc)beginstate_n = DC;endelse beginstate_n = state_c;endWR    : if(wr2dc)beginstate_n = DC;endelse beginstate_n = state_c;endSTOP  : if(stop2idle)beginstate_n = IDLE;endelse beginstate_n = state_c;enddefault: state_n = state_c;endcaseend//给定状态跳转条件assign    idle2start     =   (state_c == IDLE ) && en ;assign    start2d_add    =   (state_c == START) && (cnt_250k == 2'd2) && end_cnt_1m ;assign    d_add2dc       =   (state_c == D_ADD) && (cnt_250k == 2'd2) && end_cnt_1m && (cnt_bit == 4'd8) ;assign    dc2h_add       =   (state_c == DC   ) && (cnt_250k == 2'd2) && end_cnt_1m && (flag_dc == 1'b0) ;assign    h_add2dc       =   (state_c == H_ADD) && (cnt_250k == 2'd2) && end_cnt_1m && (cnt_bit == 4'd8) ;assign    dc2l_add       =   (state_c == DC   ) && (cnt_250k == 2'd2) && end_cnt_1m && (flag_dc == 1'b1) ; assign    l_add2dc       =   (state_c == L_ADD) && (cnt_250k == 2'd2) && end_cnt_1m && (cnt_bit == 4'd8) ; assign    dc2wr          =   (state_c == DC   ) && (cnt_250k == 2'd2) && end_cnt_1m && (flag_dc == 2'd2) ;assign    wr2dc          =   (state_c == WR   ) && (cnt_250k == 2'd2) && end_cnt_1m && (cnt_bit == 4'd8) ;assign    dc2stop        =   (state_c == DC   ) && (cnt_250k == 2'd2) && end_cnt_1m && (flag_dc == 2'd3) ;assign    stop2idle      =   (state_c == STOP ) && (cnt_250k == 2'd2) && end_cnt_1m ;//cmos_scl:时钟总线always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)begincmos_scl <= 1'b1;end else if((state_c == STOP))beginif((cnt_250k == 2'd3) && end_cnt_1m)begincmos_scl <= 1'b1;endendelse if(state_c != IDLE)begin if((cnt_250k == 1'b1) && end_cnt_1m)begincmos_scl <= 1'b0;endelse if((cnt_250k == 2'd3) && end_cnt_1m)begincmos_scl <= 1'b1;endend else begin cmos_scl <= 1'b1;end end//sda:数据总线always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)beginsda <= 1'b1;end else begin case (state_c)START:if((cnt_250k == 1'b0) && end_cnt_1m)beginsda <= 1'b0;endD_ADD:if((cnt_250k == 2'd3) && (cnt_1m == 2'd2))beginsda <= lut_data[32 - cnt_bit];endDC   :if((cnt_250k == 2'd3) && (cnt_1m == 2'd2))beginsda <= 1'b0;endH_ADD:if((cnt_250k == 2'd3) && (cnt_1m == 2'd2))beginsda <= lut_data[24 - cnt_bit];endL_ADD:if((cnt_250k == 2'd3) && (cnt_1m == 2'd2))beginsda <= lut_data[16 - cnt_bit];endWR   :if((cnt_250k == 2'd3) && (cnt_1m == 2'd2))beginsda <= lut_data[8 - cnt_bit];endSTOP :if((cnt_250k == 1'b0) && end_cnt_1m)beginsda <= 1'b1;enddefault: sda <= 1'b1;endcaseend end//num:配置寄存器个数计数always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)beginnum <= 1'b0;end else if(dc2stop)begin num <= num + 1'b1;end end//done:配置完成标志always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)begindone <= 1'b0;end else if((num == `NUM_CFG) && stop2idle)begin done <= 1'b1;end end//lut_data:数据always@(*)begincase(num)            8'd0  : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3008,8'h82}; //Bit[7]:复位 Bit[6]:电源休眠8'd1  : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3008,8'h02}; //正常工作模式8'd2  : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3103,8'h02}; //Bit[1]:1 PLL Clock//引脚输入/输出控制 FREX/VSYNC/HREF/PCLK/D[9:6]8'd3  : lut_data <= {8'h78,8'h30,8'h17,8'hff};//引脚输入/输出控制 D[5:0]/GPIO1/GPIO0 8'd4  : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3018,8'hff};8'd5  : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3037,8'h13}; //PLL分频控制8'd6  : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3108,8'h01}; //系统根分频器8'd7  : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3630,8'h36};8'd8  : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3631,8'h0e};8'd9  : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3632,8'he2};8'd10 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3633,8'h12};8'd11 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3621,8'he0};8'd12 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3704,8'ha0};8'd13 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3703,8'h5a};8'd14 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3715,8'h78};8'd15 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3717,8'h01};8'd16 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h370b,8'h60};8'd17 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3705,8'h1a};8'd18 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3905,8'h02};8'd19 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3906,8'h10};8'd20 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3901,8'h0a};8'd21 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3731,8'h12};8'd22 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3600,8'h08}; //VCM控制,用于自动聚焦8'd23 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3601,8'h33}; //VCM控制,用于自动聚焦8'd24 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h302d,8'h60}; //系统控制8'd25 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3620,8'h52};8'd26 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h371b,8'h20};8'd27 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h471c,8'h50};8'd28 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3a13,8'h43}; //AEC(自动曝光控制)8'd29 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3a18,8'h00}; //AEC 增益上限8'd30 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3a19,8'hf8}; //AEC 增益上限8'd31 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3635,8'h13};8'd32 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3636,8'h03};8'd33 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3634,8'h40};8'd34 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3622,8'h01};8'd35 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3c01,8'h34};8'd36 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3c04,8'h28};8'd37 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3c05,8'h98};8'd38 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3c06,8'h00}; //light meter 1 阈值[15:8]8'd39 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3c07,8'h08}; //light meter 1 阈值[7:0]8'd40 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3c08,8'h00}; //light meter 2 阈值[15:8]8'd41 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3c09,8'h1c}; //light meter 2 阈值[7:0]8'd42 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3c0a,8'h9c}; //sample number[15:8]8'd43 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3c0b,8'h40}; //sample number[7:0]8'd44 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3810,8'h00}; //Timing Hoffset[11:8]8'd45 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3811,8'h10}; //Timing Hoffset[7:0]8'd46 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3812,8'h00}; //Timing Voffset[10:8]8'd47 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3708,8'h64};8'd48 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h4001,8'h02}; //BLC(黑电平校准)补偿起始行号8'd49 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h4005,8'h1a}; //BLC(黑电平校准)补偿始终更新8'd50 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3000,8'h00}; //系统块复位控制8'd51 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3004,8'hff}; //时钟使能控制8'd52 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h4300,8'h61}; //格式控制 RGB5658'd53 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h501f,8'h01}; //ISP RGB8'd54 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h440e,8'h00};8'd55 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5000,8'ha7}; //ISP控制8'd56 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3a0f,8'h30}; //AEC控制;stable range in high8'd57 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3a10,8'h28}; //AEC控制;stable range in low8'd58 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3a1b,8'h30}; //AEC控制;stable range out high8'd59 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3a1e,8'h26}; //AEC控制;stable range out low8'd60 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3a11,8'h60}; //AEC控制; fast zone high8'd61 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3a1f,8'h14}; //AEC控制; fast zone low//LENC(镜头校正)控制 16'h5800~16'h583d8'd62 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5800,8'h23}; 8'd63 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5801,8'h14};8'd64 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5802,8'h0f};8'd65 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5803,8'h0f};8'd66 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5804,8'h12};8'd67 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5805,8'h26};8'd68 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5806,8'h0c};8'd69 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5807,8'h08};8'd70 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5808,8'h05};8'd71 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5809,8'h05};8'd72 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h580a,8'h08};8'd73 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h580b,8'h0d};8'd74 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h580c,8'h08};8'd75 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h580d,8'h03};8'd76 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h580e,8'h00};8'd77 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h580f,8'h00};8'd78 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5810,8'h03};8'd79 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5811,8'h09};8'd80 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5812,8'h07};8'd81 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5813,8'h03};8'd82 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5814,8'h00};8'd83 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5815,8'h01};8'd84 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5816,8'h03};8'd85 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5817,8'h08};8'd86 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5818,8'h0d};8'd87 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5819,8'h08};8'd88 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h581a,8'h05};8'd89 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h581b,8'h06};8'd90 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h581c,8'h08};8'd91 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h581d,8'h0e};8'd92 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h581e,8'h29};8'd93 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h581f,8'h17};8'd94 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5820,8'h11};8'd95 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5821,8'h11};8'd96 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5822,8'h15};8'd97 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5823,8'h28};8'd98 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5824,8'h46};8'd99 : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5825,8'h26};8'd100: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5826,8'h08};8'd101: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5827,8'h26};8'd102: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5828,8'h64};8'd103: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5829,8'h26};8'd104: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h582a,8'h24};8'd105: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h582b,8'h22};8'd106: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h582c,8'h24};8'd107: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h582d,8'h24};8'd108: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h582e,8'h06};8'd109: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h582f,8'h22};8'd110: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5830,8'h40};8'd111: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5831,8'h42};8'd112: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5832,8'h24};8'd113: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5833,8'h26};8'd114: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5834,8'h24};8'd115: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5835,8'h22};8'd116: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5836,8'h22};8'd117: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5837,8'h26};8'd118: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5838,8'h44};8'd119: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5839,8'h24};8'd120: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h583a,8'h26};8'd121: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h583b,8'h28};8'd122: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h583c,8'h42};8'd123: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h583d,8'hce};//AWB(自动白平衡控制) 16'h5180~16'h519e8'd124: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5180,8'hff};8'd125: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5181,8'hf2};8'd126: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5182,8'h00};8'd127: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5183,8'h14};8'd128: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5184,8'h25};8'd129: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5185,8'h24};8'd130: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5186,8'h09};8'd131: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5187,8'h09};8'd132: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5188,8'h09};8'd133: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5189,8'h75};8'd134: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h518a,8'h54};8'd135: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h518b,8'he0};8'd136: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h518c,8'hb2};8'd137: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h518d,8'h42};8'd138: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h518e,8'h3d};8'd139: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h518f,8'h56};8'd140: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5190,8'h46};8'd141: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5191,8'hf8};8'd142: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5192,8'h04};8'd143: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5193,8'h70};8'd144: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5194,8'hf0};8'd145: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5195,8'hf0};8'd146: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5196,8'h03};8'd147: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5197,8'h01};8'd148: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5198,8'h04};8'd149: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5199,8'h12};8'd150: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h519a,8'h04};8'd151: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h519b,8'h00};8'd152: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h519c,8'h06};8'd153: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h519d,8'h82};8'd154: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h519e,8'h38};//Gamma(伽马)控制 16'h5480~16'h54908'd155: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5480,8'h01}; 8'd156: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5481,8'h08};8'd157: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5482,8'h14};8'd158: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5483,8'h28};8'd159: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5484,8'h51};8'd160: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5485,8'h65};8'd161: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5486,8'h71};8'd162: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5487,8'h7d};8'd163: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5488,8'h87};8'd164: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5489,8'h91};8'd165: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h548a,8'h9a};8'd166: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h548b,8'haa};8'd167: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h548c,8'hb8};8'd168: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h548d,8'hcd};8'd169: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h548e,8'hdd};8'd170: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h548f,8'hea};8'd171: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5490,8'h1d};//CMX(彩色矩阵控制) 16'h5381~16'h538b8'd172: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5381,8'h1e};8'd173: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5382,8'h5b};8'd174: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5383,8'h08};8'd175: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5384,8'h0a};8'd176: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5385,8'h7e};8'd177: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5386,8'h88};8'd178: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5387,8'h7c};8'd179: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5388,8'h6c};8'd180: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5389,8'h10};8'd181: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h538a,8'h01};8'd182: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h538b,8'h98};//SDE(特殊数码效果)控制 16'h5580~16'h558b8'd183: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5580,8'h06};8'd184: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5583,8'h40};8'd185: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5584,8'h10};8'd186: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5589,8'h10};8'd187: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h558a,8'h00};8'd188: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h558b,8'hf8};8'd189: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h501d,8'h40}; //ISP MISC//CIP(颜色插值)控制 (16'h5300~16'h530c)8'd190: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5300,8'h08};8'd191: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5301,8'h30};8'd192: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5302,8'h10};8'd193: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5303,8'h00};8'd194: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5304,8'h08};8'd195: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5305,8'h30};8'd196: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5306,8'h08};8'd197: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5307,8'h16};8'd198: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5309,8'h08};8'd199: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h530a,8'h30};8'd200: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h530b,8'h04};8'd201: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h530c,8'h06};8'd202: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5025,8'h00};//系统时钟分频 Bit[7:4]:系统时钟分频 input clock =24Mhz, PCLK = 48Mhz8'd203: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3035,8'h11}; 8'd204: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3036,8'h3c}; //PLL倍频8'd205: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3c07,8'h08};//时序控制 16'h3800~16'h38218'd206: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3820,8'h46};8'd207: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3821,8'h01};8'd208: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3814,8'h31};8'd209: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3815,8'h31};8'd210: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3800,8'h00};8'd211: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3801,8'h00};8'd212: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3802,8'h00};8'd213: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3803,8'h04};8'd214: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3804,8'h0a};8'd215: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3805,8'h3f};8'd216: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3806,8'h07};8'd217: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3807,8'h9b};//设置输出像素个数//DVP 输出水平像素点数高4位8'd218: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3808,8'h04};//DVP 输出水平像素点数低8位8'd219: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3809,8'h00};//DVP 输出垂直像素点数高3位8'd220: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h380a,8'h03};//DVP 输出垂直像素点数低8位8'd221: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h380b,8'h00};//水平总像素大小高5位8'd222: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h380c,8'h08};//水平总像素大小低8位 8'd223: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h380d,8'hc0};//垂直总像素大小高5位 8'd224: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h380e,8'h04};//垂直总像素大小低8位     8'd225: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h380f,8'hf8};8'd226: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3813,8'h06};8'd227: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3618,8'h00};8'd228: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3612,8'h29};8'd229: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3709,8'h52};8'd230: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h370c,8'h03};8'd231: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3a02,8'h17}; //60Hz max exposure8'd232: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3a03,8'h10}; //60Hz max exposure8'd233: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3a14,8'h17}; //50Hz max exposure8'd234: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3a15,8'h10}; //50Hz max exposure8'd235: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h4004,8'h02}; //BLC(背光) 2 lines8'd236: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h4713,8'h03}; //JPEG mode 38'd237: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h4407,8'h04}; //量化标度8'd238: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h460c,8'h22};     8'd239: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h4837,8'h22}; //DVP CLK divider8'd240: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3824,8'h02}; //DVP CLK divider8'd241: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h5001,8'ha3}; //ISP 控制8'd242: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3b07,8'h0a}; //帧曝光模式  //彩条测试使能 8'd243: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h503d,8'h00}; //8'h00:正常模式 8'h80:彩条显示//测试闪光灯功能8'd244: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3016,8'h02};8'd245: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h301c,8'h02};8'd246: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3019,8'h02}; //打开闪光灯8'd247: lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h3019,8'h00}; //关闭闪光灯//只读存储器,防止在case中没有列举的情况,之前的寄存器被重复改写default : lut_data <= {8'h78,16'h300a,8'h00}; //器件ID高8位endcaseendendmodule



Date     :
Author   :厉长川
Version  :2022.10.10 v1
*********************************************************************************/`include "param.v"module pixel_sampling( input             clk           ,//像素采集工作时钟,pclk   input              rst_n         ,//复位信号   input       [7:0]   din           ,//摄像头采集像素input               vsync         ,//场同步信号input               href          ,//行有效信号output  reg         dout_valid    ,//输出数据有效标志output reg [15:0]  dout           //输出拼接完成的像素
);                                                  //中间信号定义         reg            [7:0]   din_r         ;//像素缓存reg         [1:0]   v_r           ;//场同步信号同步打拍,检测上升沿reg                 flag          ;//像素拼接标志,高电平拼接,低电平缓存reg                 pixel_valid   ;//舍弃10帧完成reg          [3:0]   cnt_frame     ;//像素帧计数wire              add_cnt_frame ;wire             end_cnt_frame ;//v_r:场同步信号同步打拍always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)beginv_r <= 2'b0;end else begin v_r <= {v_r[0], vsync};end end//cnt_frame:像素帧计数always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)begincnt_frame <= 4'b0;end else if(add_cnt_frame)begin if(end_cnt_frame)begin cnt_frame <= 4'b0;endelse begin cnt_frame <= cnt_frame + 1'b1;end endend assign add_cnt_frame = (v_r[0] & ~v_r[1]) && (cnt_frame <= `PIXEL);assign end_cnt_frame = add_cnt_frame && cnt_frame == `PIXEL + 1'b1;//pixel_valid:舍弃10帧完成always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)beginpixel_valid <= 1'b0;end else if(cnt_frame == `PIXEL)begin pixel_valid <= 1'b1;end end//flag:像素拼接标志always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)beginflag <= 1'b0;end else if(href && pixel_valid)begin flag <= ~flag;end else beginflag <= 1'b0;endend//din_r:像素缓存always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)begindin_r <= 8'b0;end else if(href && pixel_valid)begin din_r <= din;end end//dout:像素拼接always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)begindout <= 16'b0;end else if(href && pixel_valid && flag)begin dout <= {din_r, din};end end//dout_valid:输出数据有效标志always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)begindout_valid <= 1'b0;end else if(href && pixel_valid)begin dout_valid <= flag;end else begindout_valid <= 1'b0;endendendmodule



Date     :
Author   :厉长川
Version  :2022.10.10 v1
*********************************************************************************/`include    "param.v"module sdram( input               clk         ,//100Mhzinput              rst_n       ,//复位,低电平input              w_req       ,//写请求input             r_req       ,//读请求input     [23:0]  w_addr      ,//写地址input     [23:0]  r_addr      ,//读地址input     [15:0]  w_data      ,//写数据output      [15:0]  r_data      ,//读数据output reg  [12:0]  sdram_addr  ,//地址总线output reg  [1:0]   sdram_ba    ,//bank选择inout       [15:0]  sdram_dq    ,//数据总线output reg  [3:0]   cmd         ,//命令output              r_ack       ,//写操作响应output              wr_ack      ,//读操作响应output reg          init_done   ,//初始化结束output              w_done      ,//写操作完成标志output              r_done       //读操作完成标志);                               //参数定义parameter   IDLE      =   4'd0  ,//初始化PRE       =   4'd1  ,//预充电状态AREF      =   4'd2  ,//自动刷新状态REGIST    =   4'd3  ,//模式寄存器配置W_ACT     =   4'd4  ,//写行激活R_ACT     =   4'd5  ,//读行激活WRITE     =   4'd6  ,//写状态READ      =   4'd7  ,//读状态BURST     =   4'd8  ;//突发停止//状态跳转条件wire                idle2pre    ;wire                pre2aref    ;wire                aref2regist ;wire                regist2idle ;wire                aref2idle   ;wire                idle2w_act  ;wire                idle2r_act  ;wire                w_act2write ;wire                write2burst ;wire                r_act2read  ;wire                read2burst  ;wire                burst2pre   ;wire                pre2idle    ;//中间信号reg         [3:0]   state_c     ;//现态reg         [3:0]   state_n     ;//次态reg                 waite_done  ;//200us上电等待结束reg         [1:0]   atref_time  ;//自动刷新次数     reg         [13:0]  cnt_init    ;//上电初始化计数wire                add_cnt_init;wire                end_cnt_init;reg         [9:0]   cnt_aref    ;//自动刷新计数wire                add_cnt_aref;wire                end_cnt_aref;reg         [1:0]   cnt_4clk    ;//四周期时钟计数器wire                add_cnt_4clk;reg         [2:0]   cnt_7clk    ;//7周期时钟计数器wire                add_cnt_7clk;reg         [9:0]   cnt_bit     ;//读写计数wire                add_cnt_bit ;wire                end_cnt_bit ;wire                rd_ack      ;//读响应赋值reg         [2:0]   r_ack_r     ;//读响应赋值打四拍reg                 wr          ;//写操作标志reg                 rd          ;//读操作标志reg                 aref_req    ;//自动刷新请求reg                 ack_r1      ;//写响应打拍reg                 ack_r2      ;//读响应打拍reg         [15:0]  dq_r        ;//sdram读数据打拍reg                 w_ack       ;//写响应打拍reg                 w_en        ;//写使能reg                 r_en        ;//读使能// w_en:写使能always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)beginw_en <= 1'b0;end else if(w_req)begin w_en <= 1'b1;end else if(wr && pre2idle)begin w_en <= 1'b0;end end// r_en:读使能always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)beginr_en <= 1'b0;end else if(r_req)begin r_en <= 1'b1;end else if(rd && pre2idle)begin r_en <= 1'b0;end end// dq_r:sdram读数据打拍always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)begindq_r <= 16'b0;end else begin dq_r <= sdram_dq;end end// cnt_init:上电等待200us计数always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)begincnt_init <= 14'b0;end else if(add_cnt_init)begin if(end_cnt_init)begin cnt_init <= 14'b0;endelse begin cnt_init <= cnt_init + 1'b1;end endend assign add_cnt_init = cnt_init <= `INIT_TIME;assign end_cnt_init = add_cnt_init && cnt_init == `INIT_TIME + 1'b1; // waite_done:上电等待200us结束标志always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)beginwaite_done <= 1'b0;end else if(cnt_init == `INIT_TIME - 1'b1)begin waite_done <= 1'b1;end else begin waite_done <= 1'b0;end end// cnt_aref:自动刷新7us计数always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)begincnt_aref <= 10'b0;end else if(add_cnt_aref)begin if(end_cnt_aref)begin cnt_aref <= 10'b0;endelse begin cnt_aref <= cnt_aref + 1'b1;end endend assign add_cnt_aref = init_done;assign end_cnt_aref = add_cnt_aref && cnt_aref == `AREF_TIME - 1'b1;// cnt_4clk:四周期时钟计数器always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)begincnt_4clk <= 2'b0;end else if(add_cnt_4clk)begin cnt_4clk <= cnt_4clk + 1'b1;endend assign add_cnt_4clk = (state_c == PRE) || (state_c == REGIST) || (state_c == W_ACT)|| (state_c == R_ACT) || (state_c == BURST);// cnt_7clk:七周期时钟计数器always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)begincnt_7clk <= 3'b0;end else if(add_cnt_7clk)begin cnt_7clk <= cnt_7clk + 1'b1;endend assign add_cnt_7clk = (state_c == AREF);// atref_time:自动刷新次数always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)beginatref_time <= 2'b0;end else if(cnt_7clk == 3'd7)begin atref_time <= atref_time + 1'b1;end end// init_done:SDRAM初始化结束always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)begininit_done <= 1'b0;end else if(regist2idle)begin init_done <= 1'b1;end end// cnt_bit:读写计数always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)begincnt_bit <= 10'b0;end else if(add_cnt_bit)begin if(end_cnt_bit)begin cnt_bit <= 10'b0;endelse begin cnt_bit <= cnt_bit + 1'b1;end endend assign add_cnt_bit = (state_c == WRITE) || (state_c == READ);assign end_cnt_bit = add_cnt_bit && (((state_c == WRITE) && (cnt_bit == `BURST_LEN - 1'b1)) || ((state_c == READ) && (cnt_bit == `BURST_LEN - 1'b1)));// 写操作标志always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)beginwr <= 1'b0;end else if(write2burst)begin wr <= 1'b1;end else if(pre2idle)begin wr <= 1'b0;end end// 读操作标志always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)beginrd <= 1'b0;end else if(read2burst)begin rd <= 1'b1;end else if(pre2idle)begin rd <= 1'b0;end end// aref_req:自动刷新请求always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)beginaref_req <= 1'b0;end else if(end_cnt_aref)begin aref_req <= 1'b1;end else if(aref2idle)begin aref_req <= 1'b0;end end// 状态转移always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)beginstate_c <= IDLE;end else begin state_c <= state_n;end end// 判断状态转移条件always @(*)begin case(state_c)IDLE    :  if(idle2pre)beginstate_n = PRE;endelse if(idle2w_act)beginstate_n = W_ACT;endelse if(idle2r_act)beginstate_n = R_ACT;endelse beginstate_n = state_c;endPRE     :    if(pre2idle)beginstate_n = IDLE;endelse if(pre2aref)beginstate_n = AREF;endelse beginstate_n = state_c;endAREF    :  if(aref2idle)beginstate_n = IDLE;endelse if(aref2regist)beginstate_n = REGIST;endelse beginstate_n = state_c;endREGIST  :    if(regist2idle)beginstate_n = IDLE;endelse beginstate_n = state_c;endW_ACT   :    if(w_act2write)beginstate_n = WRITE;endelse beginstate_n = state_c;endR_ACT   :   if(r_act2read)beginstate_n = READ;endelse beginstate_n = state_c;endWRITE   : if(write2burst)beginstate_n = BURST;endelse beginstate_n = state_c;endREAD    :   if(read2burst)beginstate_n = BURST;endelse beginstate_n = state_c;endBURST   :    if(burst2pre)beginstate_n = PRE;endelse beginstate_n = state_c;enddefault:    state_n = state_c;endcaseend// 状态转移条件赋值assign    idle2pre    =   (state_c == IDLE  ) && (waite_done || aref_req) ;//仲裁,进入自动刷新条件assign    pre2aref    =   (state_c == PRE   ) && (cnt_4clk == 2'd3) ;assign    aref2regist =   (state_c == AREF  ) && (cnt_7clk == 3'd7) && (atref_time == 2'd3) ;assign    regist2idle =   (state_c == REGIST) && (cnt_4clk == 2'd3) ;assign    aref2idle   =   (state_c == AREF  ) && (cnt_7clk == 3'd7) && (atref_time == 2'd3) && init_done ;assign    idle2w_act  =   (state_c == IDLE  ) && !aref_req && w_en && init_done ;//仲裁,进入写操作条件assign    idle2r_act  =   (state_c == IDLE  ) && !aref_req && r_en && init_done ;//仲裁,进入读操作条件assign    w_act2write =   (state_c == W_ACT ) && (cnt_4clk == 2'd3) ;assign    write2burst =   (state_c == WRITE ) && end_cnt_bit ;assign    r_act2read  =   (state_c == R_ACT ) && (cnt_4clk == 2'd3) ;assign    read2burst  =   (state_c == READ  ) && end_cnt_bit ;assign    burst2pre   =   (state_c == BURST ) && (cnt_4clk == 2'd3) ;assign    pre2idle    =   (state_c == PRE   ) && (cnt_4clk == 2'd3) && (wr || rd) ;always @(*)begin if(!rst_n)begincmd = `CMD_NOOP;sdram_addr = 13'b0;sdram_ba = 2'b0;end else begin case (state_c)PRE     :   if(cnt_4clk == 1'b0)begincmd = `CMD_PRE;sdram_addr = 13'b001_0_00_000_0_000;//选中所有bank进行预充电sdram_ba = 2'b00;endelse begincmd = `CMD_NOOP;sdram_addr = 13'b0;sdram_ba = 2'b0;endAREF    :   if(cnt_7clk == 1'b0)begincmd = `CMD_AREF;sdram_addr = 13'b0;sdram_ba = 2'b0;endelse begincmd = `CMD_NOOP;sdram_addr = 13'b0;sdram_ba = 2'b0;endREGIST  :   if(cnt_4clk == 1'b0)begincmd = `CMD_MOD;sdram_addr = 13'b000_0_00_010_0_111;//配置模式寄存器sdram_ba = 2'b0;endelse begincmd = `CMD_NOOP;sdram_addr = 13'b0;sdram_ba = 2'b0;endW_ACT   :   if(cnt_4clk == 1'b0)begincmd = `CMD_ACT;sdram_addr = w_addr[21:9];sdram_ba = w_addr[23:22];endelse begincmd = `CMD_NOOP;sdram_addr = 13'b0;sdram_ba = 2'b0;endR_ACT   :   if(cnt_4clk == 1'b0)begincmd = `CMD_ACT;sdram_addr = r_addr[21:9];sdram_ba = r_addr[23:22];endelse begincmd = `CMD_NOOP;sdram_addr = 13'b0;sdram_ba = 2'b0;endWRITE   :   if(cnt_bit == 1'b0)begincmd = `CMD_WR;sdram_addr = {4'b0000, w_addr[8:0]};sdram_ba = w_addr[23:22];endelse begincmd = `CMD_NOOP;sdram_addr = 13'b0;sdram_ba = 2'b0;endREAD    :   if(cnt_bit == 1'b0)begincmd = `CMD_RD;sdram_addr = {4'b0000, r_addr[8:0]};sdram_ba = r_addr[23:22];endelse begincmd = `CMD_NOOP;sdram_addr = 13'b0;sdram_ba = 2'b0;endBURST   :   if(cnt_4clk == 1'b0)begincmd = `CMD_BR;sdram_addr = 13'b0;sdram_ba = 2'b0;endelse begincmd = `CMD_NOOP;sdram_addr = 13'b0;sdram_ba = 2'b0;enddefault :   begincmd = `CMD_NOOP;sdram_addr = 13'b0;sdram_ba = 2'b0;endendcaseend end// wr_ack:写响应  assign wr_ack = (state_c == WRITE );// rd_ack:读响应     assign rd_ack = (state_c == READ ); // r_ack_r:读响应打两拍always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)beginr_ack_r <= 3'b0;end else begin r_ack_r <= {r_ack_r[1:0], rd_ack};end end // r_ack:输出的读响应assign  r_ack = r_ack_r[2];// w_ack:写响应打第一拍always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)beginw_ack <= 1'b0;end else begin w_ack <=  wr_ack;end end  // ack_r1:写响应打第二拍always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)beginack_r1 <= 1'b0;end else begin ack_r1 <= w_ack;end end// ack_r2:输出的读响应打拍always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)beginack_r2 <= 1'b0;end else begin ack_r2 <= r_ack;end end// 读写操作完成标志assign w_done = ack_r1 & ~w_ack;assign r_done = ack_r2 & ~r_ack;// 数据:sdram_dqassign sdram_dq = wr_ack?w_data:16'bz;// r_data:sdram读出数据assign r_data = r_ack?dq_r:16'd0;endmodule


Date     :
Author   :厉长川
Version  :2022.10.10 v1
*********************************************************************************/`include "param.v"module data_cache( input               clk         ,//100MHz工作时钟input                  rst_n       ,//复位信号input                 w_done      ,//写完成input                 r_done      ,//读完成input                 init_done   ,//sdram初始化结束input       [15:0]    r_data      ,//sdram数据接收fifo,输入数据input                 r_wrclk     ,//sdram数据接收fifo,写时钟input                 r_wrreq     ,//sdram数据接收fifo,写请求input       [15:0]    t_data      ,//sdram数据发送fifo,输入数据input                 t_rdclk     ,//sdram数据发送fifo,读时钟input                 t_rdreq     ,//sdram数据发送fifo,读请求   input                 w_ack       ,//写响应input                 r_ack       ,//读响应output      [15:0]   r_q         ,//sdram数据接收fifo,输出数据output reg  [23:0]    w_addr      ,//sdram写地址output reg  [23:0]    r_addr      ,//sdram读地址output      [15:0]   t_q         ,//sdram数据发送fifo,输出数据output reg            sdram_rdreq ,//sdram数据接收fifo,读请求output reg            sdram_wrreq  //sdram数据发送fifo,写请求
);                                    //中间信号定义      wire        [9:0]     r_rdusedw   ;//sdram数据接收fifo,读数据计数wire        [9:0]     t_wrusedw   ;//sdram数据发送fifo,写数据计数reg                   bank_flag   ;//bank切换标志reg                   bank_en     ;//bank切换使能// bank_flag、bank_en、w_addr:bank切换标志、bank切换使能和写地址always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)beginbank_en <= 1'b0;bank_flag <= 1'b0;w_addr <= 24'b0;end else if(w_done)begin if(w_addr[22:0] >= `ADDR_END)beginbank_en <= 1'b1;bank_flag <= ~bank_flag;endelse beginw_addr <= w_addr + `BURST_LEN;endend else if(bank_en)beginbank_en <= 1'b0;if(bank_flag)beginw_addr <= {1'b1, 23'b0};endelse beginw_addr <= {1'b0, 23'b0};endendend//r_addr:读地址always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)beginr_addr <= 24'b0;end else if(r_done)begin if(r_addr[22:0] >= `ADDR_END)beginif(!bank_flag)beginr_addr <= {1'b1, 23'b0};endelse beginr_addr <= {1'b0, 23'b0};endendelse beginr_addr <= r_addr + `BURST_LEN;endend end//sdram_rdreq、sdram_wrreq:sdram读写请求always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)beginsdram_rdreq <= 1'b0;sdram_wrreq <= 1'b0;end else if(init_done)begin if(r_rdusedw >= `BURST_LEN)beginsdram_rdreq <= 1'b0;sdram_wrreq <= 1'b1;endelse if(t_wrusedw < `BURST_LEN)beginsdram_rdreq <= 1'b1;sdram_wrreq <= 1'b0;endelse beginsdram_rdreq <= 1'b0;sdram_wrreq <= 1'b0;endend else begin sdram_rdreq <= 1'b0;sdram_wrreq <= 1'b0;end endfifo_r u_fifo_r(.aclr    (  ~rst_n  ),.data    (r_data    ),.rdclk   (clk       ),//sdram数据接收fifo,读时钟.rdreq   (w_ack     ),.wrclk   (r_wrclk   ),//sdram数据接收fifo,写时钟.wrreq   (r_wrreq   ),.q       (r_q       ),.rdusedw (r_rdusedw ));fifo_t u_fifo_t(.aclr    (  ~rst_n  ),.data    (t_data    ),.rdclk   (t_rdclk   ),//sdram数据发送fifo,读时钟.rdreq   (t_rdreq   ),.wrclk   (clk       ),//sdram数据发送fifo,写时钟.wrreq   (r_ack     ),.q       (t_q       ),.wrusedw (t_wrusedw ));endmodule


Date     :
Author   :厉长川
Version  :2022.10.10 v1
*********************************************************************************/`include "param.v"module vga( input                clk         ,//65Mhzinput               rst_n       ,//复位信号input        [15:0]  din         ,//vga输入数据output              vga_out_hs  ,//行同步output              vga_out_vs  ,//场同步output        [15:0]  vga_dout    ,//rgb像素数据output              data_req     //像素数据请求信号
);                                                  //中间信号定义    wire                data_valid  ;//输入像素有效标志  reg            [10:0]  cnt_h       ;//行同步计数器wire               add_cnt_h   ;wire               end_cnt_h   ;reg            [10:0]  cnt_v       ;//场同步计数器wire               add_cnt_v   ;wire               end_cnt_v   ;//cnt_h:行同步计数always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)begincnt_h <= 11'b0;end else if(add_cnt_h)begin if(end_cnt_h)begin cnt_h <= 11'b0;endelse begin cnt_h <= cnt_h + 1'b1;end endend assign add_cnt_h = 1'b1;assign end_cnt_h = add_cnt_h && cnt_h == `H_TO - 1'b1;//cnt_v:场同步计数always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)begincnt_v <= 11'b0;end else if(add_cnt_v)begin if(end_cnt_v)begin cnt_v <= 11'b0;endelse begin cnt_v <= cnt_v + 1'b1;end endend assign add_cnt_v = end_cnt_h;assign end_cnt_v = add_cnt_v && cnt_v == `V_TO - 1'b1;//vga_out_hs:行同步assign vga_out_hs = (cnt_h <= `H_SYNC - 1'b1) ;//vga_out_vs:场同步assign vga_out_vs = (cnt_v <= `V_SYNC - 1'b1) ;//data_req:像素数据请求信号 assign data_req = (`H_SYNC + `H_BP - 2'd2 < cnt_h) && (cnt_h <= `H_SYNC + `H_BP + `H_ACTIVE - 2'd2) &&(`V_SYNC + `V_BP < cnt_v) && (cnt_v <= `V_SYNC + `V_BP + `V_ACTIVE);//data_validassign data_valid = (`H_SYNC + `H_BP < cnt_h) && (cnt_h <= `H_SYNC + `H_BP + `H_ACTIVE) &&(`V_SYNC + `V_BP < cnt_v) && (cnt_v <= `V_SYNC + `V_BP + `V_ACTIVE);//vga_dout:rgb像素数据assign vga_dout = data_valid ? din : 16'b0;endmodule


Date     :
Author   :厉长川
Version  :2022.10.10 v1
*********************************************************************************/module img_pro( input             clk         ,//系统时钟50Mhzinput               rst_n       ,//复位信号,低电平有效input   [7:0]       cmos_db     ,//摄像头采集数据input               cmos_pclk   ,//摄像头pclk时钟48MHzinput               cmos_vsync  ,//摄像头场同步信号input               cmos_href   ,//摄像头行有效信号output              cmos_rst_n  ,//摄像头复位信号output              cmos_xclk   ,//摄像头xclk时钟24Mhzoutput              cmos_pwdn   ,//摄像头掉电使能信号output             cmos_scl    ,//摄像头配置时钟信号inout               cmos_sda    ,//摄像头配置数据信号output              sdram_clk   ,//sdram工作时钟output              sdram_cke   ,//sdram使能output  [12:0]      sdram_addr  ,//sdram地址总线output  [1:0]       sdram_ba    ,//sdram bank地址inout   [15:0]      sdram_dq    ,//sdram数据总线output  [1:0]       sdram_dqm   ,//数据掩码output  [3:0]       cmd         ,//sdram操作命令output              vga_out_hs  ,//vga行同步信号output              vga_out_vs  ,//vga场同步信号output  [15:0]      vga_dout     //vga输出的RGB数据);                                               //中间信号定义        wire                vga_clk     ;//vga时钟wire                clk_100MHz  ;//100MHz工作时钟wire                done        ;//摄像头配置完成标志wire    [15:0]      pixel_dout  ;//采集的像素数据wire                dout_valid  ;//采集数据有效标志wire    [15:0]      w_data      ;//sdram写入数据wire    [15:0]      r_data      ;//sdram读出数据wire    [15:0]      vga_din     ;//vga输入数据wire                data_req    ;//vga数据请求wire    [23:0]      w_addr      ;//sdram写地址wire    [23:0]      r_addr      ;//sdram读地址wire                sdram_rdreq ;//sdram数据接收fifo,读请求wire                sdram_wrreq ;//sdram数据发送fifo,写请求wire                r_ack       ;//读响应wire                wr_ack      ;//写响应wire                locked_1    ;//pll_1输出稳定标志wire                locked_2    ;//pll_2输出稳定标志wire                reset       ;//sccb、data_cache、sdram和vga模块复位信号wire                init_done   ;//sdram初始化结束wire                pixel_rst   ;//pixel_sampling模块复位信号wire                w_done      ;//写完成标志wire                r_done      ;//读完成标志//sdram_cke:sdram使能assign sdram_cke = 1'b1;//sdram_dqm:数据掩码assign sdram_dqm = 2'b00;//reset:sccb、data_cache、sdram和vga模块复位信号assign reset = locked_1 & locked_2 & rst_n;//pixel_rst:pixel_sampling模块复位信号assign pixel_rst = done & init_done & reset;sccb u_sccb(.clk          (clk           ),.rst_n        (reset         ),.done         (done          ),.cmos_rst_n   (cmos_rst_n    ),.cmos_pwdn    (cmos_pwdn     ),.cmos_scl     (cmos_scl      ),.cmos_sda     (cmos_sda      ));pixel_sampling u_pixel_sampling(.clk          (cmos_pclk     ),//摄像头pclk时钟48MHz.rst_n        (pixel_rst     ),//pixel_sampling模块复位信号.din          (cmos_db       ),//摄像头采集数据.vsync        (cmos_vsync    ),//摄像头场同步信号.href         (cmos_href     ),//摄像头行有效信号.dout_valid   (dout_valid    ),//输出数据有效标志.dout         (pixel_dout    ) //输出拼接完成的像素);data_cache u_data_cache(.clk          (clk_100MHz    ),.rst_n        (reset         ),.w_done       (w_done        ),.r_done       (r_done        ),.init_done    (init_done     ),.r_data       (pixel_dout    ),.r_wrclk      (cmos_pclk     ),.r_wrreq      (dout_valid    ),.t_data       (r_data        ),.t_rdclk      (vga_clk       ),.t_rdreq      (data_req      ),.w_ack        (wr_ack        ),.r_ack        (r_ack         ),.r_q          (w_data        ),.w_addr       (w_addr        ),.r_addr       (r_addr        ),.t_q          (vga_din       ),.sdram_rdreq  (sdram_rdreq   ),//sdram数据接收fifo,读请求.sdram_wrreq  (sdram_wrreq   ) //sdram数据发送fifo,写请求);sdram u_sdram(.clk          (clk_100MHz    ),.rst_n        (reset         ),.w_req        (sdram_wrreq   ),.r_req        (sdram_rdreq   ),.w_addr       (w_addr        ),.r_addr       (r_addr        ),.w_data       (w_data        ),.r_data       (r_data        ),.sdram_addr   (sdram_addr    ),.sdram_ba     (sdram_ba      ),.sdram_dq     (sdram_dq      ),.cmd          (cmd           ),.init_done    (init_done     ),.r_ack        (r_ack         ),.wr_ack       (wr_ack        ),.w_done       (w_done        ),//写操作完成标志.r_done       (r_done        ) //读操作完成标志);vga u_vga(.clk          (vga_clk       ),.rst_n        (reset         ),.din          (vga_din       ),.vga_out_hs   (vga_out_hs    ),.vga_out_vs   (vga_out_vs    ),.vga_dout     (vga_dout      ),.data_req     (data_req      ));pll_1 pll_1_inst (.areset       (~rst_n        ),.inclk0       (clk           ),//50MHz.c0           (vga_clk       ),//65MHz.c1           (clk_100MHz    ),//100MHz.c2           (sdram_clk     ),//100MHz,-75deg.locked       (locked_1      ));pll_2   pll_2_inst (.areset       (~rst_n        ),.inclk0       (clk           ),//50MHz系统时钟.c0           (cmos_xclk     ),//24Mhz.locked       (locked_2      ));endmodule



Date     :
Author   :厉长川
Version  :2022.10.10 v1
`define     CNT_1M      6'd50                                   //1M时钟计数
`define     CNT_MS      21'd1315000                             //26.3ms时间计数
`define     PWDN        18'd255000                              //5.1ms计时
`define     RST_CMOS    19'd310000                              //1.1ms复位等待时间
`define     NUM_CFG     8'd248                                  //寄存器配置个数//pixel_sampling参数定义
`define     PIXEL       4'd10                                   //舍弃帧数//vga接口参数
// 1024*768  65Mhz
`define     H_ACTIVE    11'd1024                                //行有效
`define     H_FP        11'd24                                  //行前沿
`define     H_SYNC      11'd136                                 //行同步
`define     H_BP        11'd160                                 //行后沿
`define     H_TO        11'd1344                                //行周期
`define     V_ACTIVE    11'd768                                 //场有效
`define     V_FP        11'd3                                   //场前沿
`define     V_SYNC      11'd6                                   //场同步
`define     V_BP        11'd29                                  //场后沿
`define     V_TO        11'd806                                 //场周期 //sdram模块参数
`define     CMD_NOOP    4'b0111                                 //空指令
`define     CMD_ACT     4'b0011                                 //行激活指令
`define     CMD_RD      4'b0101                                 //读指令
`define     CMD_WR      4'b0100                                 //写指令
`define     CMD_BR      4'b0110                                 //突发终止指令
`define     CMD_PRE        4'b0010                                 //预充电指令
`define     CMD_AREF   4'b0001                                 //自动刷新指令
`define     CMD_MOD     4'b0000                                 //模式寄存器配置命令
`define     INIT_TIME   14'd10000                               //上电等待时间,10000个时钟周期(100us)
`define     AREF_TIME   10'd700                                 //自动刷新间隔时间,700个时钟周期(7us)
`define     BURST_LEN   10'd512                                 //读写突发长度
`define     ADDR_END    `H_ACTIVE * `V_ACTIVE - `BURST_LEN      //读写地址末地址




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