jxl 冻结单元格

When you create a table in Word, you can have the table automatically resized to fit the contents. However, sometimes you may want to freeze the size of the cells in the rows and columns so they will not change. This is easy to accomplish.

在Word中创建表时,可以自动调整表的大小以适合内容。 但是,有时您可能希望冻结行和列中单元格的大小,以便它们不会更改。 这很容易实现。

Open the Word file containing the table for which you want to freeze the size of the cells and find the table in the document. If you want to freeze the size of all the cells in the table, which is what we did in our example, move your mouse over the crosshair box in the upper-left corner of the table until it becomes a cursor with a crosshair icon.

打开包含要冻结其单元格大小的表的Word文件,然后在文档中找到该表。 如果要冻结表中所有单元格的大小(这就是我们在本示例中所做的操作),请将鼠标移到表左上角的十字线框中,直到它成为带有十字线图标的光标。

Click on the crosshair box to select the entire table, if desired. Right-click on the crosshair box and select “Table Properties” from the popup menu.

如果需要,单击十字线框以选择整个表格。 右键单击十字线框,然后从弹出菜单中选择“表属性”。

NOTE: If you don’t want to freeze all the cells in the table, select the rows, columns, or cells you want to freeze, right-click on the the selected cells, and select “Table Properties” from the popup menu.


On the “Table Properties” dialog box, click the “Row” tab.


Enter the size you want for the height of the row(s) in the “Specify height” edit box and then select “Exactly” from the “Row height is” drop-down list.


Click on the “Table” tab.


Click the “Options” button.


On the “Table Options” dialog box, in the “Options” section, click the “Automatically resize to fit contents” check box so there is NO check mark in the box. Click “OK”.

在“表格选项”对话框的“选项”部分中,单击“自动调整大小以适合内容”复选框,因此该框中没有复选标记。 点击“确定”。

Click “OK” on the “Table Properties” dialog box to close it.


If you don’t turn off the “Automatically resize to fit contents” option, Word will adjust the column width of your tables to display your data in the best way possible.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/224386/how-to-freeze-the-size-of-the-cells-in-a-table-in-word/

jxl 冻结单元格

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