Connecting with Employers in a Virtual World: Session Activities
Task 1
Read the example messages below. If you were on the receiving end of these interactions, what would you think?
Seeking a mentor:
I’m looking for a mentor, I wondered if you would consider mentoring me?
Finding out about an organisation at a careers fair:
Hi, please tell me more about your company and what you do.
Advice on career planning:
I’m looking to start a career in the Arts sector but I’m not sure where to begin, can you help me?
Finding out more about opportunities:
I saw your careers fair presentation and I’d like to know more about your internships.
Looking for a job:
I’m looking for a job in this sector, do you have anything available?
Task 2
Look at the revised messages, what has improved them?
New message 1
I’m currently working on developing a career in journalism. I’ve been working on student journalism projects but I’d like to better understand the steps I could take to help me secure opportunities after I graduate. I saw on your profile on Alumni Career Connect that you have worked for two different newspapers since graduating and had similar experiences to me as a student. I was wondering if you could spare thirty minutes to have a chat over Skype as I’d like to hear more about your experiences and ask you a few questions about how some of the options I’m considering so I can understand the pros and cons better.
New message 2
I’ve just graduated from a degree at Cambridge where I did a marketing internship and was the social media officer for the boat club for two years. I’m particularly interested in working in an agency where I can work on a variety of marketing projects. Looking at your recent case studies on the website, I was particularly interested in the diversity of your clients and the creative approaches to marketing strategy you have taken. I’m currently looking for work and I wondered whether you might have any job opportunities at the moment? I have included my CV and a link to my portfolio and would love to speak to you further about how I could work with you, I’d be open to working on some short-term projects in the first instance.

Nadia Parker
Jesus College, CB5 8BL | Email: | Tel: 07521234234

2019 – Present: BA (Hons) Philosophy, University of Cambridge, UK
Predicted Grade: First Class
2017 – 2019: Hills School, Bristol, UK
A Levels: Psychology (A*), Mathematics (A*), Biology (A*), History (A)
GCSEs: 10 GCSEs grades A*-B including English and Maths
Policy & Politics Jul - Sept 2020: Intern, Office of John Matthews MP, Bristol
8 week internship in the MP’s office for the Kingswood and Bradley Stoke Constituency
• Conducted research into access to GP services. Analysed over 2,000 survey responses using Excel using these to inform focus group design. Facilitated four focus groups with constituents.
• Produced a concise report outlining the findings, outlined recommendations to improve GP access in the area. Resulted in a bid from the MP to secure funding for a new health centre.
• Accurately recorded issues raised by constituents at weekly casework surgeries, obtaining key details relating to the case and written permission for MP representation.
• Drafted correspondence to key agencies including social services and the Department for Work and Pensions to progress cases, updating the casework database to monitor progress.
• Drafted two press releases for publication in local newspapers and reporting on local TV and radio stations.

Jan 2020 – Present: Writer, Varsity Student Newspaper
• Pitch articles to section editors, articulating a clear rationale for the story in line with the briefs presented. 6 articles and reports published in first year.
• Conduct interviews in response to stories, eliciting views and opinions from key stakeholders, including university staff and student groups.

Oct 2019 – Present: Listening Volunteer, Cambridge Nightline
• Listening to the concerns of callers, using active listening skills to empathise with and tactfully calm individuals experiencing difficult circumstances.

Research and
analytical skills
Jan 2020 – Present: Member, Polygeia, Cambridge
Global health policy society and think tank
• Conducted research into key global health policy issues, analysing data, reviewing academic literature and investigating existing reports from charities, NGOs and government to inform a response.
• Published a report on Mental Health in Refugees in the UK, collaborating with society members to develop policy recommendations.
• Presented research and recommendations to an audience of 100 at the 2020 Polygeia conference

Organisation & Time Management
Oct 2021 – Present: Ents Officer, Selwyn College May Ball Committee
• Successfully prioritised tasks to balance degree work achieving a first class result, alongside extra-curricular activities and securing bookings for musical entertainment, including two nationally recognised acts.
Nadia Parker
Jesus College, CB5 8BL | Email: | Tel: 07521234234

2019 – Present: BA (Hons) Philosophy, University of Cambridge, UK
First Year: 2:1 (64%) Second Year: ungraded due to Covid-19 Third Year: 1st (predicted)
Relevant modules: Ethics & Political Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Ethics
Dissertation: ‘Tackling the climate crisis in an unequal world’ supervised by Prof. XXXXXX
An exploration of the ethical issues presented by global approaches to climate policy and net-zero targets with a focus on developing nations in the global south.
2017 – 2019: Hills School, Bristol, UK
A Levels: Psychology (A*), Mathematics (A*), Biology (A*), History (A)
GCSEs: 10 GCSEs grades A*-B including English and Maths
Jul - Sept 2020: Intern, Office of John Matthews MP, Bristol
8 week internship in the MP’s office for the Kingswood and Bradley Stoke Constituency
• Conducted research into access to GP services. Analysed over 2,000 survey responses using Excel and SPSS.
• Used survey findings to inform focus group design. Facilitated four focus groups with constituents exploring issues of GP access amongst three key groups.
• Conducted follow up qualitative interviews with 5 GP Practice Managers to triangulate findings.
• Researched GP Access issues nationally, conducting literature searches to inform focus group and interview topics.
• Produced a concise report outlining the findings, outlined recommendations to improve GP access in the area. Resulted in a bid from the MP to secure funding for a new health centre.

Jan 2020 – Present: Member, Polygeia, Cambridge
Global health policy society and think tank
• Conducted research into key global health policy issues, analysing data, reviewing academic literature and investigating existing reports from charities, NGOs and government to inform a response.
• Published a report on Mental Health in Refugees in the UK, collaborating with society members to develop policy recommendations.
• Presented research and recommendations to an audience of 100 at the 2020 Polygeia conference

Jan 2020 – Present: Writer and Political Editor, Varsity Student Newspaper
• Promoted to Political editor in October 2021, coordinate stories from writers, editing articles and providing support to source stories on a range of political topics.
• Conduct research and interviews for stories, analysing policy decisions and keeping abreast of political developments.

Oct 2021 – Present: Ents Officer, Selwyn College May Ball Committee
• Successfully prioritised tasks alongside degree work and extra-curricular activity to secure bookings for musical entertainment, including two nationally recognised acts
Oct 2019 – Present: Listening Volunteer, Cambridge Nightline
• Listening to the concerns of callers, using active listening skills to empathise with and tactfully calm individuals experiencing difficult circumstances.

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