
If there’s only one thing I could teach someone before they started learning to program, I’d teach them how to be consistent.


Successful self-taught developers don’t have any special abilities that others don’t possess.


What they do have are the habits, routines, and/or life circumstances that allow them to consistently apply effort towards their studies.


I believe the hardest part of teaching yourself programming isn’t the difficulty of the material but rather setting up your life in a way that allows you to consistently chip away at your goal.


Existing habits are hard to break. Expectations of the people around you are hard to manage. These factors are often overlooked.

现有的习惯很难打破。 周围人的期望很难管理。 这些因素经常被忽略。

The key difference between someone who has successfully taught themselves programming and someone who has failed is that one person stopped before the job was done and the other person didn’t. It’s that simple.

一个成功地自学编程的人和一个失败的人之间的主要区别是,一个人在完成工作之前就停了下来,而另一个人没有完成。 就这么简单。

A slow learner who shows up consistently will always outperform a fast learner who quits early.


Regardless of who you are, learning to program is a large undertaking that requires a sizable commitment of time. Until we discover a way to upload memories into our brains, the only reliable way we can make it through this large pile of hours is through consistency.

无论您是谁,学习编程都是一项艰巨的任务,需要大量时间。 在我们找到一种将记忆上传到我们大脑中的方法之前,要在这么长的时间内完成记忆,唯一可靠的方法就是保持一致性。

Shortcuts and hacks don’t work. It’s not possible to become proficient at programming by drinking a case of Red Bull and studying for 3 days straight.

快捷方式和骇客无效。 喝一箱红牛并连续学习三天是不可能精通编程的。

Just like eating an elephant, learning programming can only be done one bite at a time.


小习惯 (Tiny Habits)

Tiny Habits is the best methodology I've found when it comes to changing your behavior and becoming more consistent.


Tiny Habits is a behavior change framework developed by Dr. BJ Fogg. BJ Fogg is the founder of the Behavior Design Lab at Stanford University and is largely considered one of the world’s leading experts in behavior and habit change.

Tiny Habits是由BJ Fogg博士开发的行为改变框架。 BJ Fogg是斯坦福大学行为设计实验室的创始人,在很大程度上被认为是行为和习惯改变的世界领先专家之一。

In my opinion, Tiny Habits provides the best framework for behavior change. It’s backed by both research and real-world applications.

我认为,“小习惯”为行为改变提供了最佳框架。 它得到了研究和实际应用程序的支持。

Through his years of research, BJ Fogg has found only 3 ways people change their behavior.

通过多年的研究,BJ Fogg发现了人们改变行为的三种方式。

  1. Epiphanies主显节
  2. Environment changes环境变化
  3. Taking baby steps采取婴儿的步骤

Out of the three options, epiphanies are the most unreliable. People can’t usually create an epiphany on demand. If you can, well, you might have some sort of superpower.

在这三种选择中,顿悟是最不可靠的。 人们通常无法按需创建顿悟。 如果可以的话,您可能会拥有某种超级大国。

Changing your environment is a good option if you can manage it. However, most self-taught developers I meet are trying to fit their studies into their already busy lives.

如果可以管理,更改环境是一个不错的选择。 但是,我遇到的大多数自学成才的开发人员都在努力使自己的学习适应本来已经很忙的生活。

This leaves taking baby steps as the best option. Taking baby steps is available to everyone and it’s easy to apply to your life once you know the basics.

这使婴儿步作为最佳选择。 迈出婴儿一步对每个人都可用,一旦您了解了基础知识,就很容易将其应用于您的生活。

Tiny Habits is a framework centered around taking baby steps.

Tiny Habits是一个围绕着采取小步骤的框架。

Tiny Habits have three main pieces.


  1. An anchor锚点
  2. A tiny behavior小小的行为
  3. A reward一份奖励

In the remainder of the article, I’ll explain the three parts of Tiny Habits and look at ways you can apply it to self-taught development.


雾行为模型 (The Fogg Behavior Model)

The core component of Tiny Habits is the Fogg Behavior Model. The Fogg Behavior Model is represented by the formula B = MAP.

小习惯的核心组件是Fogg行为模型。 雾行为模型由公式B = MAP表示。

Behavior = Motivation * Ability * Prompt


Motivation — Hopes, fears, pleasure-seeking, pain avoidance, social acceptance, and social rejection.


Ability — Your ability to perform a task, which includes: time, money, physical effort, mental effort, social deviance, and routine.


Prompt — An internal or external trigger that reminds you to do the behavior.


The Fogg Behavior Model is represented visually by the graph below.


A behavior occurs when motivation, ability and a prompt converge at the same time. If these three variables converge above the Action Line then a behavior occurs. If not, then nothing happens.

当动机,能力和提示同时融合时,就会发生行为。 如果这三个变量收敛于“动作线”上方,则会发生行为。 如果没有,则什么也不会发生。

As you can see, our motivation and ability work together to bring behaviors into existence. Hard to do behaviors require a high level of motivation and easy to do behaviors require a low level of motivation.

如您所见,我们的动力和能力共同作用,使行为成为现实。 难做的行为需要高水平的动机,易做的行为需要低水平的动机。

I like to think of the Fogg Behavior Model as a bit of code that runs in our brains.


The prompt triggers a code block that checks the variables ‘ability’ and ‘motivation’. If either variable is high/low enough then it returns a behavior. If not, then it returns nothing.

该提示触发一个代码块,该代码块检查变量“能力”和“动机”。 如果任一变量足够高/足够低,则它将返回行为。 如果不是,则不返回任何内容。

The Fogg Behavior Model is a simple but powerful discovery that can have a large impact on your approach to learning software development.


It will act as the foundation for developing Tiny Habits and should be referenced frequency.


避免动力 (Avoid motivation)

A habit can only be created when a behavior consistently stays above the Action Line.


There are only two ways this can occur.


  1. Maintain a high level of motivation.保持高度的动机。
  2. Make a behavior easy to perform.使行为易于执行。

Maintaining a high level of motivation over a long period of time is possible. As Neicheze said, “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.”

长期保持较高的动力水平是可能的。 正如内切兹所说:“有生存理由的人几乎可以忍受任何方式。”

But I wouldn’t bank on it.


As I’m sure we’ve all experienced, our motivation comes and goes without warning. One day we're excited about a new project and the next we struggle to find the energy to get off the couch.

我确信我们都经历过,我们的动力来来往往而没有警告。 一天,我们为一个新项目感到兴奋,而第二天,我们努力寻找摆脱困境的能量。

We're often tricked into feeling like the wave of motivation we're riding will last forever. But it never does.

我们经常被欺骗,感觉我们所乘的动力浪潮将永远持续下去。 但是它永远不会。

Our external motivations lose their power or shift away. Our internal motivations slowly dwindle due to the constant assault from our fears and doubts.

我们的外部动机会失去力量或转移。 由于我们的恐惧和疑虑不断袭击,我们的内部动机逐渐减弱。

We lose the fire we once had and we end up right back where we started.


We humans are complex and our motivations are inconsistent.


For these reasons, motivation is the most volatile variable in the Fogg Behavior Model.


James Clear, author and blogger, developed a fantastic graphic illustrating the effect of motivation on our habits.

作者兼博客作者James Clear制作了一张奇妙的图片,阐明了动机对我们习惯的影响。

Motivation should be thought of as a fair-weather friend. Its presence is nice but it shouldn’t be trusted with anything important.

动力应该被认为是天气好的朋友。 它的存在很好,但是任何重要的东西都不应该被信任。

The safe thing to do is to side-step motivation and design your study habit with the assumption that your motivation will always be low.


Staying under the ebbs and flows of motivation is the only reliable path to consistently repeating a behavior.


识别微小的行为 (Identifying a tiny behavior)

A common mistake people make when developing a new habit is starting too big. We tend to think of behavior change as one big step rather than a series of smaller steps.

人们在养成新习惯时常犯的一个错误是开始过大。 我们倾向于将行为更改视为一个大步骤,而不是一系列较小的步骤。

Big behaviors are attractive because they feel like the most efficient route. We tell ourselves something like, “If I study for 3 hours a day then I’ll learn programming in no time.”

大行为很有吸引力,因为它们感觉像是最有效的途径。 我们对自己说:“如果我每天学习3个小时,那么我将很快学习编程。”

However, big behavior changes are fragile because they rely on a high level of motivation.


Since motivation can't be trusted, easy to do behaviors are the best path towards consistency.


Unlike motivation, prompts and ability are almost completely in our control. We can choose a well-crafted prompt or decide on a behavior that’s within our ability.

与动机不同,提示和能力几乎完全由我们控制。 我们可以选择精心设计的提示或决定我们力所能及的行为。

A tiny behavior can be discovered by experimenting with the subcomponents of the Ability variable from the Fogg Behavior Model (time, money, physical effort, mental effort, social deviance, and routine).


Imagine each one of these subcomponents as a dial you can turn up and down. The key is to turn them as low as possible without changing the nature of the behavior.

想象一下这些子组件中的每一个都是可以上下转动的表盘。 关键是在不改变行为性质的情况下将它们降低到最低。

For example, BJ Fogg recommends flossing one tooth to start a flossing habit. It’s hard to say no to flossing one tooth.

例如,BJ Fogg建议用牙线剔牙以养成使用牙线的习惯。 很难用牙线剔牙。

The tiny behavior for learning to code could be something as simple as logging into your computer and opening a browser.


As the illustration in the last section points out, it needs to be “so easy, you can’t say no.”


It might seem like a waste of time doing something so small.


Remember, what we’re after are long-term changes. Each tiny behavior acts as the foundation that future behaviors are built upon.

请记住,我们追求的是长期变化。 每个微小的行为都是将来行为建立的基础。

If you want to do more, go for it. Treat it as extra credit. Just make sure you never do less than the tiny behavior.

如果您想做更多,那就去吧。 将其视为额外信用。 只要确保您做不到的事比做微小的行为都要多。

设置提示 (Setting up a prompt)

Next, we need to identify a prompt that will act as an anchor for the new habit.


Prompts are simply a reminder to act. These can include notifications, people, remembering something or other habits (among other things).

提示只是行动的提醒。 这些可能包括通知,人员,记住某件事或其他习惯(以及其他习惯)。

Behaviors can’t exist without a prompt.


Spend some time making sure your prompt is worthwhile. The new habit will fall apart if the prompt isn’t well-established and well-anchored in your life.

花一些时间确保您的提示值得。 如果提示在您的生活中没有确立并得到很好的把握,那么新的习惯将会消失。

I’ve found the best prompts are those that leverage existing habits. You can make the end of one habit the prompt for a new one. I’ve also found visual cues like sticky notes to be effective.

我发现最好的提示是那些利用现有习惯的提示。 您可以使一个习惯的结束提示新的习惯。 我还发现像粘滞便笺这样的视觉提示是有效的。

Use the following fill-in-the-blank sentence when trying to figure out your prompt. After I _____ I will ______.

尝试弄清楚提示时,请使用下面的空白句。 在我_____之后,我将______。

For example, after I make my morning coffee I will sit down and open freeCodeCamp.


You will probably need to rework your prompt if you find yourself consistently forgetting to do your tiny behavior.


Moving from the prompt to your tiny behavior should feel natural. If it’s not, then either your prompt or tiny behavior needs to be reworked.

从提示转到小行为应该很自然。 如果不是,那么您的提示或微小行为都需要重新设计。

Finding a good anchoring prompt will require some experimentation.


识别奖励 (Identifying a reward)

The last thing you need to remember when developing your study habit is to reward yourself.


We are hardwired to repeat behaviors that provide us with positive feedback. It’s a signal to our brains that a behavior has value and is worth repeating.

我们很难重复为我们提供正面反馈的行为。 这向我们的大脑发出信号,即行为具有价值,值得重复。

Rewards need to be immediate and positive. If either of these two things is missing then the reward won’t be effective.

奖励必须是即时且积极的。 如果缺少这两件事,那么奖励将无效。

Avoid negativity if you fail. Positive reinforcement is the only way to grow new behaviors. Negative reinforcement can only shrink existing behaviors.

如果失败,请避免消极情绪。 积极强化是发展新行为的唯一途径。 负强化只会缩小现有行为。

At a minimum, you need to reward yourself immediately after you complete your tiny behavior. For bonus points, you can also reward yourself when you remember your prompt and during the actual tiny behavior.

至少,您在完成小小的行为后需要立即奖励自己。 为了获得奖励积分,您还可以在记住提示时以及在实际的微小行为中奖励自己。

The easiest reward at your disposal is an instant celebration (out loud or quietly). Try telling yourself “Good job” or give a little fist pump. These small acts can go a long way.

您可以使用的最简单的奖励是即时庆祝(大声或安静地庆祝)。 尝试告诉自己“做得好”或举起拳头。 这些小举动可以走很长一段路。

Rewarding yourself after each tiny behavior might seem silly. However, rewards are a fundamental part of habit formation.

在每一个微小的行为之后奖励自己似乎是愚蠢的。 但是,奖励是养成习惯的基本组成部分。

BJ Fogg points out that, more than anything else, emotions create habits. Rewards are the mechanism that injects positive emotions into the new behavior.

BJ Fogg指出,情感比习惯更重要。 奖励是将积极情绪注入新行为的机制。

Setting up your prompt and tiny behavior only plant the seeds. Rewards provide the sunshine and water that allow a habit to grow.

设置Swift而细微的行为只能种下种子。 奖励提供使习惯养成的阳光和水。

You won’t need to reward yourself forever, just until the behavior becomes a habit.


小习惯到小习惯 (Tiny behavior to Tiny habit )

Once you have a solidly anchored prompt, a tiny behavior identified, and a reward setup, the only thing left to do is let time work its magic.


As time goes on, the new behavior will slowly move to the right on the Fogg Behavior Model.


As your programming ability increases and your new study habit becomes routine, increasing the time and intensity will feel natural.


The key is to only increase the time and intensity of your study habit when you feel comfortable doing so. Don’t force it.

关键是只有在感到自在时才增加学习习惯的时间和强度。 不要强迫它。

Forcing the behavior will cause both your Motivation and Ability to decrease, which will slowly push you below the Action Line.


You are trying to build a solid foundation that future habits can be built upon. Moving too quickly can put that in jeopardy.

您正在尝试为将来的习惯建立坚实的基础。 太快地移动可能会危及这一点。

If you fail at any point, don’t look at it as a personal failure but rather a design failure. Your behavior either wasn’t small enough or your prompt wasn’t a solid anchor.

如果您在任何时候都失败了,请不要将其视为个人失败,而是设计失败。 您的行为不够小,或者提示不是很可靠。

As I’ve mentioned, it’ll take some experimentation to get it right.


Life can be hectic sometimes so don’t get upset if you abandon your new Tiny Habit altogether. When the opportunity presents itself, reassess your prompt and tiny behavior and start fresh.

有时生活可能很忙,所以如果您完全放弃新的“小习惯”,不要生气。 当机会出现时,重新评估您Swift而细微的行为并重新开始。

结论 (Conclusion)

I truly believe anyone can learn to program if they are consistent.


Teaching yourself programming isn’t easy. Each day can be a grind. However, you don’t give yourself a chance if don't consistently show up.

自学编程并不容易。 每天都可以磨。 但是,如果没有持续出现,您就不会给自己机会。

I hope you've found Tiny Habits useful. I think it's an important tool when designing a consistent study habit.

希望您发现小习惯很有用。 我认为这是设计一致的学习习惯时的重要工具。

You'll be surprised how easy and fun behavior change can be once you start small.


Big changes start from small beginnings.


If you want to hear about other insights I've learned along the way, follow my alter ego Zero to Programmer on Twitter. The goal of the account is to help you learn to code more efficiently.

如果您想了解我在此过程中学到的其他见解,请在Twitter上关注我对编程人员的自我零 。 该帐户的目的是帮助您学习更有效的编码。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-be-more-consistent-when-learning-to-code/



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