
D56 637. Average of Levels in Binary Tree


637. Average of Levels in Binary Tree






/*** Definition for a binary tree node.* class TreeNode {*     public $val = null;*     public $left = null;*     public $right = null;*     function __construct($value) { $this->val = $value; }* }*/
class Solution {/*** @param TreeNode $root* @return Float[]*/public $level = 0;public $values = [];function averageOfLevels($root) {$this->levelValues($root);$avg = [];foreach($this->values as $values){$avg[] = array_sum($values)/count($values);}return $avg;}function levelValues($root){if(is_null($root)){return $this->values;}        if(!isset($this->values[$this->level])){$this->values[$this->level] = [];}$this->values[$this->level][] = $root->val;if($root->left){$this->level++;$this->averageOfLevels($root->left);$this->level--;}if($root->right){$this->level++;$this->averageOfLevels($root->right);$this->level--;}return $this->values;}



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