
  • Word Preparation
    • cancel: 取消
    • due to: 由于,因为
    • according to: 根据,按照
    • Working day:工作日
    • apologize: 道歉,表示歉意
  • Grammar
    • should的用法

Word Preparation

cancel: 取消

to decide that an organized event will not now happen, or to stop an order for goods or services that you no longer want

The flight was canceled because of a typhoon.

Dana canceled the party because not enough people were coming.

due to: 由于,因为

because of

The bus was delayed for one hour due to heavy snow.

The restaurant’s success was largely due to its new manager.

according to: 根据,按照

as stated by

If everything goes according to plan, they should finish by Thursday.

According to Ella, it was the first time they had met.

Working day:工作日

Every minute of his working day is a minute he invests in making profit.

On a working day I tend to get up around seven o’clock.

apologize: 道歉,表示歉意

to say that you are sorry for doing sth. wrong or causing a problem.

I would like to apologize for not being polite to you earlier today.

She apologized for being an hour late to the meeting.



  1. 建议(不是命令)。例如,You look tired. You should get some sleep.
  2. 原本应该做的事情,但是还没有做。例如,That man on the motorbike should be wearing a helmet.
  • You should do your homework now.
  • I think you should study English very hard.
  • You should be handing in your homework.
  • He should be flying to Beijing tomorrow.

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