
  • Word Preparation
    • commence: 开始,着手
    • observance: 惯例,习俗
    • in commemoration of: 为纪念...;为庆祝...
    • loved one: 爱人;亲人
    • historical event: 历史事件
    • cultural significance: 文化重要性;文化意义
  • Grammar
    • express one's thanks to ...

Word Preparation

commence: 开始,着手

to begin something

The meeting will commence in two minutes.

The wedding ceremony can’t commence until the bride arrives.

observance: 惯例,习俗

the act of following a custom

She is not at work today because of a religious observance.

The observance of this holiday began more than thirty years ago.

in commemoration of: 为纪念…;为庆祝…

showing remembrance of an important person or event

This song is sung in commemoration of the soldiers who fought in the war.

This special dinner will be held in commemoration of our great leader.

loved one: 爱人;亲人

a person you love, usually a family member

I wrote a letter to my loved ones to let them know I was coming home.

Lisa usually gives only her loved ones a present on Christmas.

historical event: 历史事件

an event that took place in the past

You will be tested on the historical events of World War II.

The death of their leader became an important historical event.

cultural significance: 文化重要性;文化意义

an important meaning related to traditions of a society

What is the cultural significance of a mooncake?

Most people don’t know that this dress has cultural significance.


express one’s thanks to …

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, people eat mooncakes with their loved ones to express their thanks to the moon.

  • Finally, I’d like to express my sincere thanks to all those who helped today.
  • I should like to express my thanks for all that you have done for me.
  • Since we never met, I don’t know how to express my thanks to him.

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