
  • Word Preparation
    • remote: 偏僻的
    • steam room: 蒸汽室
    • one-of-a-kind: 独一无二的
    • ski resort: 滑雪度假村,滑雪胜地
    • ski lodge: 滑雪小屋
    • picture-perfect: 完美的
  • Grammar
    • such as与for example的区别

Word Preparation

remote: 偏僻的

far away and cannot easily be reached

Amanda left the city to live on a remote island.

There are many children who cannot afford to go to school in some remote areas.

steam room: 蒸汽室

a room heated to a high temperature by steam

Emily likes to relax in the steam room after excising.

You shouldn’t stay in the steam room for more than one hour.

one-of-a-kind: 独一无二的


This dress isn’t only a one-of-a-kind piece of history, but will also be a solid and reliable investment.

I often look for one-of-a-kind products or services so that I create a style that is all my own.

ski resort: 滑雪度假村,滑雪胜地

a place with accommodations and places for skiing

What is the main problem in running a ski resort?

After we reached the parking lot and parked, we took a shuttle toward the ski resort.

ski lodge: 滑雪小屋

a type of hotel in the mountains with accommodations for skiing

Does this ski lodge offer free breakfast?

I would like to know if someone wants to spend the Christmas vacation with me at a ski lodge.

picture-perfect: 完美的

having an appearance that’s exactly right

The most picture-perfect happiness can only be fixed in my memory of the time.

Nothing could be more picture-perfect than the scenery of the beach during sunset hours.


such as与for example的区别

  • English is spoken in many countries, such as Australia, Canada and so on.
  • She can’t eat dairy products, such as milk and cheese.
  • There are many kinds of pollution, for example, noise is a kind of pollution.
  • Some people, students for example, can get cheaper tickets.

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