
  • Word Preparation
    • spectacular: 壮丽的
    • richness: 丰富
    • significant contribution: 卓越贡献
    • cradle of civilization: 文明摇篮
    • have a lot of attractions: 有很多旅游景点
    • be impressed: 对...有深刻印象
  • Grammar
    • most 作为副词的用法

Word Preparation

spectacular: 壮丽的

very exciting to look at

There is a spectacular view of the city from the roof of this building.

The sunsets on this island are spectacular to watch.

richness: 丰富

the quality of having a lot of a particular quality or valuable substance

You’ve added so much happiness and richness to my life.

There is richness of nutrition in these fruits.

significant contribution: 卓越贡献

important help from someone or something

Einstein made significant contributions in the field of physics.

I am sure his pace and ability will make a significant contribution to the team.

cradle of civilization: 文明摇篮

a location identified as a place where developed cultures started

I read in my history textbook that the Middle East was one of the cradles of civilization.

Most of my professors say that cradles of civilization are always near a river.

have a lot of attractions: 有很多旅游景点

having many interesting places to visit

New York has a lot of attractions that are worth visiting.

Although this city is nice to live in, it does not have a lot of attractions.

be impressed: 对…有深刻印象

to admire or respect something

I was impressed by the speech she gave at the wedding.

We should be impressed with a person’s ability instead of their clothes.


most 作为副词的用法

  • Which subject is the most difficult in your department?
  • This is a most useful book.
  • That’s most kind of you.

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