A student is given two samples of carbohydrates.


He tests to see if one is glucose and the other one is starch.


Describe the two chemical tests he should use to identify each carbohydrate.


Source:Paper 1 May 2015

试题来源:2015年5月 Paper1


The student can test for glucose using Benedict’s solution. Glucose is added to Benedict’s solution and heated. If glucose is present the solution will turn from blue to yellow (or red or orange).

The student can test for starch using iodine. If starch is present the iodine will turn from yellow to blue/black.


Questions involving tests for glucose and starch are very common, and should be very easy to answer. In my model answer I gave very simple, concise information, which is all that is needed for this ‘describe’ style of question. 

I mentioned Benedict’s solution (1 mark) and gave the correct colour change (1 mark). I also mentioned using iodine (1 mark) and gave the correct colour change (1 mark).


Common pitfalls that my students encounter are:


· Students don’t remember the test

· 学生遗漏测试

· Students don’t remember the correct colour change

· 学生没记住正确的颜色变化

· Students don’t know the meaning of “carbohydrate”

· 学生不知道“carbohydrate”的意思

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