qq群 voiceover

by Jayven N

由Jayven N

如何在iOS上使用VoiceOver为所有人构建应用程序 (How to build apps for everyone using VoiceOver on iOS)

辅助功能入门 (Getting started with accessibility)

There’s always those topics that people don’t talk about enough. Sometimes, those topics happen to be the most important ones. Accessibility is one of those topics.

总是有一些人们谈论不多的话题。 有时,这些主题恰好是最重要的主题。 可访问性是这些主题之一。

目标 (Goal)

This article talks about why accessibility is important and how you can step into the shoes of a VoiceOver user.


介绍 (Introduction)

People have disabilities.


A lot of people have disabilities.


Disability is normal.


Disability doesn’t have to be something dramatic like breaking a bone. It can be a right shoulder pain that prevents me from doing Exercise A. Hence, I am disabled to do Exercise A. Exercise B, on the other hand, is as effective a shoulder exercise as Exercise A. And, it is for possible for people with and without right shoulder pain.

残疾不必像骨折一样引人注目。 可能是右肩疼痛使我无法进行练习A。因此,我无法进行练习A。另一方面,练习B与练习A一样有效。有无右肩痛的人。

One in six people in the United States has one or more disabilities.


Yes, one in six. Look around the room. Count one to six. One of you statistically has a disability.

是的,六分之一。 环顾房间。 数一到六。 你们中的一位统计上有残疾。

Disabilities are real and relevant.


Everyone eventually and naturally deteriorates with time. Brain, muscles, eyes, and ears work differently with time. Everything changes with time. Humans are no different.

每个人最终都会自然而然地随着时间而恶化。 大脑,肌肉,眼睛和耳朵的工作时间会不同。 一切都会随着时间而改变。 人类没有什么不同。

Let’s talk about why accessibility is important and how to get started building apps with accessibility in mind.


为什么要构建可访问的应用程序? (Why build an accessible app?)

好处1:感觉很棒 (Benefit 1: it feels great)

Feels great to do great things. You can leave the world a little better than you found it. There’s nothing like sleeping like a baby knowing you have given the world everything today for a more inclusive tomorrow. Making a positive impact according to your ideologies always feels great.

做伟大的事情感觉很棒。 您可以离开世界比发现的世界好一点。 没有什么比像婴儿一样睡着了,知道您已将当今世界的一切奉献给了一个更加包容的明天。 根据您的意识形态产生积极的影响总是感觉很好。

利益2:受众群体规模 (Benefit 2: audience size)

What if you could increase your revenue by 16.7% by simply supporting accessibility users? That sounds like a very fair deal.

如果仅通过支持辅助功能用户可以将收入增加16.7%,该怎么办? 这听起来很公平。

If a company is making 100,000,000 USD per year, they could be making 117,000,000 USD by implementing accessibility features. This is by making the app available to a wider range of users.

如果一家公司每年的收入为100,000,000美元,那么通过实施辅助功能,他们可以赚取117,000,000 USD。 通过使该应用程序可供更广泛的用户使用。

Here’s the thing, no one wants to be left out of a great party. If you have a great party, you probably want to invite a lot of great people. If you have a great app, you probably want a lot of people to experience your masterpiece as well.

这就是事情,没有人想离开一个伟大的聚会。 如果您有一个很棒的聚会,您可能想邀请很多很棒的人。 如果您拥有出色的应用程序,那么您可能还希望很多人也能体验您的杰作。

Say the invitation letters are sent out. The invitation letters reach the mailboxes. The invitees happily open the invitation letters and scream YES! into the sky.

说出邀请函。 邀请信到达邮箱。 被邀请者高兴地打开邀请函并大声尖叫! 进入天空。

Now let’s talk about getting to your party: everyone has a preferred form of transportation. People may travel by car, motorbike, helicopter, private jet, or jetpack.

现在让我们谈谈参加聚会的方式:每个人都有自己喜欢的交通工具。 人们可能会乘汽车,摩托车,直升机,私人飞机或喷气背包旅行。

Now imagine how tragic your party would be if you left out the jetpackers. So, you decide to register the jetpack air lanes to your house. Consequently, jetpackers can now drop by your party.

现在想象一下,如果您放弃喷气背包,您的聚会将会有多悲惨。 因此,您决定将Jetpack空气通道注册到您的房屋。 因此,喷气打包机现在可以按您的队伍降落。

How great is that? Your party gets more fun and jetpackers get to enjoy the party as well. Everyone wins.

那有多好? 您的聚会变得更加有趣,喷气背包客也可以享受聚会。 每个人都赢。

If your app does not support certain ways of using it, then people may find it difficult to navigate your app. They will decide to not use your app altogether. We can mitigate that and bring the jetpackers onboard.

如果您的应用程序不支持某些使用方式,那么人们可能会发现导航您的应用程序很困难。 他们将决定完全不使用您的应用程序。 我们可以减轻这种负担,并将喷气式打包机带到飞机上。

好处3:构建可访问的应用程序很困难 (Benefit 3: building an accessible app is hard)

Common complaints about developing accessibility features:


  • Slow development speed开发速度慢
  • Insufficient resources资源不足
  • The “I have no idea where to begin” thought“我不知道从哪里开始”的想法

These are valid points.


It takes effort to convince the people around you to give you time and space to implement accessibility features in your app.


It takes courage to risk your name and equity to convince the CEO that accessibility features are worthwhile.


Even if you convince everyone to pay attention to accessibility, you may still be left with a page of questions on what to do next. Given the fact that accessibility is so little talked about, your research may not be helpful as you hoped it would be.

即使您说服每个人都注意可访问性,您仍然可能会遇到一系列有关下一步的问题。 鉴于可访问性很少被讨论,您的研究可能没有您希望的那样有用。

And the truth is:




It is hard.


But, hard is good.


Here’s the thing. Adding accessibility features to your app is the right thing to do. Beyond being the right thing to do, adding accessibility features can help your app and company take leaps forward and differentiate themselves.

这是东西 向您的应用程序添加辅助功能是正确的事情。 除了要做正确的事之外,添加可访问性功能还可以帮助您的应用程序和公司取得飞跃并使其与众不同。

Name five companies off of the top of your head that care about building accessible apps.


I’ll wait…


That’s right. Probably less than five.

那就对了。 大概少于五个。

If building accessible apps were easy, then everyone would do it because it reaches a larger audience.


But because building accessible apps is hard, you can differentiate yourself. You do something that most people would rather not do. Yet, the impact you can have can be life-changing for some users.

但是,由于构建可访问的应用程序很困难,因此您可以与众不同。 您做了大多数人不愿意做的事情。 但是,对于某些用户来说,可能带来的影响可能会改变他们的生活。

好处4:发现您应用的设计缺陷 (Benefit 4: discover your app’s design flaws)

Every iOS device has a built-in VoiceOver feature. VoiceOver is iOS’s screen reader. Screen readers empower people with the ability to listen to words on a screen. For people who find it difficult to read with their eyes, they can also absorb information with their ears.

每个iOS设备都有内置的VoiceOver功能。 VoiceOver是iOS的屏幕阅读器。 屏幕阅读器使人们能够听屏幕上的单词。 对于那些难以用眼睛阅读的人,他们也可以用耳朵吸收信息。

VoiceOver helps you discover app design flaws. Later in the article, you will learn how to use VoiceOver.

VoiceOver可帮助您发现应用程序设计的缺陷。 在本文的后面,您将学习如何使用VoiceOver。

To discover app design flaws, you simply need to navigate an app with VoiceOver on. The VoiceOver feature turned on usually means that a user can hardly see what’s on the screen. This means you should be able to navigate without visual dependency.

要发现应用程序设计上的缺陷,您只需要在启用VoiceOver的情况下导航应用程序即可。 启用VoiceOver功能通常意味着用户几乎看不到屏幕上的内容。 这意味着您应该能够在没有视觉依赖的情况下进行导航。

Then, answer the following questions:


  • Does the app sound right?该应用听起来是否正确?
  • Does the app take too much time getting from point A to point B?从A点到B点,该应用是否花费太多时间?
  • Does the app present UI and layouts in chronological order based on sound alone?该应用程序是否仅根据声音按时间顺序显示UI和布局?

These issues can be explicitly exposed by VoiceOver and can give you new design perspectives. You can use VoiceOver to help improve your app’s navigation, simplicity, and organization.

这些问题可以由VoiceOver明确暴露,并可以为您提供新的设计观点。 您可以使用VoiceOver来帮助改善应用程序的导航,简单性和组织性。

好处5:通过口碑传播您的应用 (Benefit 5: spread your app with word of mouth)

Word of mouth is one of the greatest message-spreading mechanisms. Ever wanted to get the attention of someone? One of the best possible ways to do so is to have an introduction. This is because word of mouth can hold a lot of trust.

口口相传是最大的消息传播机制之一。 是否曾经想引起某人的注意? 这样做的最好方法之一就是进行介绍。 这是因为口耳相传可以赢得很多信任。

Imagine a man named Jon Mack. He happens to have poor eyesight. He’s using Not Accessible App A, Not Accessible App B, and Not Accessible App C. All the apps happen to be poorly designed for people with visual impairment.

想象一个叫乔恩·麦克的人。 他恰好视力不好。 他使用的是“不可访问的应用程序A”,“不可访问的应用程序B”和“不可访问的应用程序C”。所有这些应用程序碰巧都是为视力障碍者设计的。

Jon is a capable person. Jon has friends. Jon and his friends are moving towards the elderly age.

乔恩是一个有能力的人。 乔恩有朋友。 乔恩和他的朋友们正在走向老年人。

One evening, Accessible App comes along. The app is designed with a wide audience in mind. Jon uses Accessible App. He loves it.

一个晚上,Accessible App出现了。 该应用程序的设计考虑了广泛的受众。 乔恩使用Accessible App。 他喜欢。

Jon shares Accessible App with friends, family members, and colleagues.

Jon与朋友,家人和同事共享Accessible App。

Jon speaks into the megaphone. Accessible App spreads and does so with word of mouth. Accessible App wins. Jon and his people also win. This is a win-win situation.

乔恩向扩音器讲话。 可访问的应用程序通过口碑传播。 可访问的应用程序获胜。 乔恩和他的人民也赢了。 这是双赢的局面。

When your app is exceptional, people want to share your app. People share your app because it says something about them.

当您的应用程序非常出色时,人们会想要共享您的应用程序。 人们会分享您的应用程序,因为它说明了他们的一些话。

Your users are important, so let’s make them feel important.


Time to take action.


从哪里开始 (Where to begin)

Let’s understand how one of your VoiceOver users may use your app.


We are going set up VoiceOver on iOS.


在iOS上设置VoiceOver (Setting up VoiceOver on iOS)

Unlock your iOS device.


Open the Settings app.


Tap General.


Tap Accessibility.


Tap Accessibility Shortcut.


You should see a list of built-in accessibility features.


Tap on VoiceOver.




Now, swipe up from the Settings app to enter the home layout.

现在,从“ 设置”应用程序向上滑动以进入首页布局。

使用VoiceOver导航iOS (Navigating iOS with VoiceOver)

Time to give VoiceOver a go. Here are useful four gestures for using VoiceOver:

是时候试用VoiceOver了。 以下是使用VoiceOver的四个有用手势:

1. Swipe left or right — navigate the UI


2. Double-tap — select


3. Swipe up or down — choose from available options if any


4. Swipe up from the bottom with a single vibration — exit to home


Let’s put the action hat on. Let’s begin using VoiceOver.

让我们戴上行动帽。 让我们开始使用VoiceOver。

Triple-click the power button.


VoiceOver is turned on.


Now, swipe right until the Settings app is in selection.


Double tap to open the Settings app.

双击以打开“ 设置”应用。



Now, swipe right until General is selected.

现在,向右滑动,直到选择“ 常规”

Double tap to select General.


Swipe right until Accessibility is selected.

向右轻扫,直到选择了“ 辅助功能”

Double tap to select Accessibility.


Swipe right until VoiceOver is selected.


Double tap to select VoiceOver.


Swipe right until the Speaking Rate’s slider is selected.

向右轻扫,直到选中“ 讲话速度 ”滑块。

Swipe up or down with one finger quickly to adjust the speaking rate.


Once you have your desired speaking rate, swipe up from the bottom with a single vibration to exit to home.


So, turns out that VoiceOver is quite practical. You can turn almost anything on iOS into an audiobook.

因此,事实证明VoiceOver非常实用。 您可以将iOS上的几乎所有内容都转换为有声读物。

I’ve definitely found myself using VoiceOver as often as every day to read text on iOS. This reduces the cognitive load. At the same time, it can increase comprehension due to the reading and listening combination.

我绝对发现自己每天都经常使用VoiceOver在iOS上阅读文本。 这减轻了认知负担。 同时,由于阅读和听力的结合,它可以提高理解力。

You are amazing. You’ve just taken the hardest step. The step that fewer people have taken. The first step. Congratulations, you’ve increased your ability to empathize and put yourself in the shoes of many more people. You are on track to build even more exceptional apps.

你真厉害 您刚刚迈出了最艰难的一步。 较少人采取的步骤。 第一步。 恭喜,您已经提高了同理心,并使自己融入更多人的能力。 您正在按计划构建更多出色的应用程序。

挑战:蒙住眼睛使用您的应用 (CHALLENGE: Use your app blindfolded)

Here’s a method to benchmark your app’s accessibility.


Turn on VoiceOver.


Three-finger triple tap.


This turns curtain mode on and your screen becomes pitch black.


Now, navigate your app with VoiceOver with curtain mode on.


When your app’s navigation is effortless with curtain mode, you’re onto an exceptionally accessible app.


结束语 (Final remarks)

I believe making apps accessible pushes humanity in the right direction. Building an exceptional app experience for all users is a win for the app makers and the users.

我相信使应用程序可访问性将人类推向正确的方向。 为所有用户打造卓越的应用程序体验是应用程序制造商和用户的双赢。

I hope to see more of our favorite apps fully support accessibility features.


Please share this article if you have found this article helpful.


特别感谢 (Special thanks)

This article is possible thanks to Daud A., Kane C., Esther H., Todd K., Tim C., Tim I., Lilit B., Cliff W., and Shawn.

感谢Daud A.,Kane C.,Esther H.,Todd K.,Tim C.,Tim I.,Lilit B.,Cliff W.和Shawn。

企业解决方案 (Enterprise solutions)

For interested enterprises, I recommend you to reach out to 2359 Media for enterprise solutions.

对于有兴趣的企业,我建议您与2359 Media联系以获取企业解决方案 。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/building-products-for-everyone-voiceover-on-ios-accessibility-tutorial-2f5282e943ef/

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