
Let’s dive into the most interesting results from the O’Reilly 2016 Salary Survey of 5,000 developers (which excluded managers and students).

让我们来看看O'Reilly 2016年薪金调查对5,000名开发人员(其中不包括经理和学生)最有趣的结果。

性别工资差距是真实的 (The gender pay gap is real)

Not only are women grossly under-represented among developers, but they are grossly under-paid.


Women earned on average $13,000 less than their male counterparts.


Even when you control for location, title, and years of experience, women still get $5,000 less per year than men.


雇主确实重视年龄和经验 (Employers actually do value age and experience)

One of the most common misconceptions about programming is that it’s a “young person’s game.”


But the astronomic salaries of recent college graduates at companies like Facebook are not representative of the field as a whole.


There’s a predictable correlation: the more experience you have — and generally, the older you are — the more you get paid. $1,194 more each year, to be exact.

存在可预测的相关性:您拥有的经验越多-通常,您的年龄越大,您获得的报酬就越多。 确切地说,每年还要多付$ 1,194。

避开会议的开发商要付出代价 (Developers who shun meetings pay a price)

Like it or not, developers who spend more time in meetings — and less time coding — tend to make more money.


公司越大,您的薪水就越大 (The bigger the company, the bigger your salary)

Part of this may be explained by smaller companies (startups?) granting equity in lieu of large salaries.


Interestingly, when you control for experience and location, freelancers make about $12,000 more per year than their full-time employee equivalents (though it’s not clear how much of this goes toward paying their own insurance.)


大多数软件工作实际上不在科技行业 (Most software jobs are actually outside of the tech industry)

Pretty much every large organization employs developers. Only about 1/3 of developers work in what we traditionally think of as the “tech” industry.

几乎每个大型组织都雇用开发人员。 在我们通常认为的“技术”行业中,只有大约1/3的开发人员在工作。

但是有些行业的报酬比其他行业更高 (But some industries pay better than others)

The median annual developer salary was $90k.

开发人员的年薪中位数为$ 90k。

But the same job in finance pays $11k more per year.

但是,同样的财务工作每年要多付$ 11k。

Education pays the worst — $11k less than median.


工作越多,您获得的报酬就越多 (The more you work, the more you get paid)

Working smart is no substitute for working hard, at least as far as compensation is concerned.


About half of developers reported working 40 hours or more a week. And since the developers who spend the most time at their desk generally take home the most money, it’s hard to blame them.

大约一半的开发人员报告每周工作40个小时或更长时间。 而且,由于在办公桌上花费最多时间的开发人员通常会带回家最多的钱,因此很难怪他们。

那些刚接触开发的人呢? (What about people who are new to development?)

We surveyed more than 15,000 people who are new to software development. And we’ve released the results as open data.

我们调查了超过15,000名软件开发新手。 我们已将结果作为开放数据发布 。

And here’s the full O’Reilly survey analysis (note: it’s email-walled).

这是O'Reilly的完整调查分析 (请注意:它是电子邮件保护的)。

I only write about programming and technology. If you follow me on Twitter I won’t waste your time. ?

我只写关于编程和技术的文章。 如果您在Twitter上关注我,我不会浪费您的时间。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/5-000-developers-talk-about-their-salaries-d13ddbb17fb8/



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