Today Stack Overflow released the results of their 2017 survey of more than 64,000 developers.

今天,Stack Overflow发布了他们对64,000多名开发人员的2017年调查结果。

Just like in 2016, I’ve combed through these results and summarized them for you.

就像2016年一样 ,我对这些结果进行了梳理并为您总结了这些结果。

Here’s a lightning-fast snapshot of what the software development profession looks like in 2017.


绝大多数开发人员都将自己视为“ Web开发人员”。 (A vast majority of developers consider themselves “web developers.”)

大多数Web开发人员都认为自己是“全栈开发人员”。 (Most web developers consider themselves “full stack developers.”)

到目前为止,JavaScript是程序员最常用的工具。 (JavaScript is by far the most popular tool programmers use today.)

开发人员在各种各样的行业中工作-其中大多数都在我们传统上称为“技术”的领域之外。 (Developers work in a wide variety of industries — most of them outside of what we traditionally call “tech.”)

他们大多数在员工少于500人的公司工作。 (Most of them work at companies with fewer than 500 employees.)

但是其中只有不到五分之一的人在初创公司工作。 (But less than 1 in 5 of them work at a startup.)

他们大多数是全职员工。 (Most of them work as full-time employees.)

他们中的三分之二是通过他们已经认识的人或由招聘人员找来的人来获得当前工作的。 (Two-thirds of them got their current job through someone they already knew, or were approached by a recruiter.)

不管他们的专业是什么,开发人员都能赚钱。 (Regardless of their specialization, developers make good money.)

如果他们碰巧在美国,他们可以赚更多的钱。 (And if they happen to be in America, they make even more money.)

这就是说,他们中的大多数人都为自己的工作水平感到报酬不足。 (This said, most of them feel underpaid for the caliber of work they do.)

三分之二的开发人员每个月至少在家工作几天。 (Two out of three developers work from home at least a few days a month.)

而且他们更喜欢在工作时听音乐。 (And they prefer to listen to music while they work.)

所有开发人员中有30%的编码时间不到5年。 (30% of all developers have been coding for less than 5 years.)

大多数开发人员都上过大学,但是将近四分之一的在职开发人员从未完成4年制学位。 (Most developers went to college, but nearly a quarter of working developers never finished a 4-year degree.)

80%受过大学教育的开发人员学习了某种与技术相关的专业。 (80% of college-educated developers studied some kind of technology-related major.)

尽管如此,只有不到一半的开发人员认为他们的正规教育对他们的工作“重要”或“非常重要”。 (Despite this, less than half of developers consider their formal education to be “important” or “very important” to their jobs.)

即使软件开发由人主导,但它变得越来越多样化。 就在一年前 ,93%的受访者是男性。 这次只有89%。 (Even though software development is dominated by men, it’s becoming more diverse. Just one year ago, 93% of respondents were male. This time, only 89% were.)

每100位开发人员中就有1位失明,每200位开发人员中有1位失聪。 (1 in 100 developers are blind, and 1 in 200 developers are deaf.)

freeCodeCamp contributor Florian Beijers was born blind. You can read how he’s able to program using a standard-issue laptop.

freeCodeCamp的贡献者Florian Beijers出生于瞎子。 您可以阅读他如何使用标准版笔记本电脑进行编程 。

Thanks for reading. If you have time, you can read through the full survey results and share your insights in the comments section below.

谢谢阅读。 如果有时间,您可以阅读完整的调查结果,并在下面的评论部分中分享您的见解。


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