C.35: A base class destructor should be either public and virtual, or protected and nonvirtual



To prevent undefined behavior. If the destructor is public, then calling code can attempt to destroy a derived class object through a base class pointer, and the result is undefined if the base class's destructor is non-virtual. If the destructor is protected, then calling code cannot destroy through a base class pointer and the destructor does not need to be virtual; it does need to be protected, not private, so that derived destructors can invoke it. In general, the writer of a base class does not know the appropriate action to be done upon destruction.



See this in the Discussion section:参见讨论章节:


Example, bad(反面示例)

struct Base { // BAD: implicitly has a public nonvirtual destructor
virtual void f();
struct D : Base {
string s {"a resource needing cleanup"};
~D() { /* ... do some cleanup ... */ }
// ...
void use()
unique_ptr p = make_unique();
// ...
} // p's destruction calls ~Base(), not ~D(), which leaks D::s and possibly more


A virtual function defines an interface to derived classes that can be used without looking at the derived classes. If the interface allows destroying, it should be safe to do so.虚函数定义了派生类的接口,它可以在不关注派生类的情况下使用。如果接口允许对象,那么这个销毁过程应该是安全的。


A destructor must be nonprivate or it will prevent using the type:析构函数必须是非私有的,除了它不想被别人用。(这样可以由类自己控制销毁,译者注)

class X {

~X(); // private destructor
// ...
void use()
X a; // error: cannot destroy
auto p = make_unique(); // error: cannot destroy


We can imagine one case where you could want a protected virtual destructor: When an object of a derived type (and only of such a type) should be allowed to destroy another object (not itself) through a pointer to base. We haven't seen such a case in practice, though.我们可以想象一种需要保护的虚函数析构函数的情况:当希望允许派生类的对象(只有这个类型)通过基类指针销毁另外一个对象(不是它自己)时。但是我们还没有在实际的开发中遇到这种情况。


  • A class with any virtual functions should have a destructor that is either public and virtual or else protected and nonvirtual.
  • 拥有虚函数的类的虚函数要么是公开的虚函数,要么是保护的非虚函数。








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