
using namespace std;
class ClxBase{
public:ClxBase() {};~ClxBase() { cout << "Output from the destructor of class ClxBase!" << endl; };void DoSomething() { cout << "Do something in class ClxBase!" << endl; };
};class ClxDerived : public ClxBase{
public:ClxDerived() {};~ClxDerived() { cout << "Output from the destructor of class ClxDerived!" << endl; };void DoSomething() { cout << "Do something in class ClxDerived!" << endl; };
int   main(){ClxDerived *p = new ClxDerived;p->DoSomething();delete p;return 0;



Do something in class ClxDerived!

Output from the destructor of class ClxDerived!

Output from the destructor of class ClxBase!



using namespace std;
class ClxBase{
public:ClxBase() {};~ClxBase() { cout << "Output from the destructor of class ClxBase!" << endl; };void DoSomething() { cout << "Do something in class ClxBase!" << endl; };
};class ClxDerived : public ClxBase{
public:ClxDerived() {};~ClxDerived() { cout << "Output from the destructor of class ClxDerived!" << endl; };void DoSomething() { cout << "Do something in class ClxDerived!" << endl; }
int   main(){ClxBase *p = new ClxDerived;p->DoSomething();delete p;return 0;



Do something in class ClxBase!
Output from the destructor of class ClxBase!






using namespace std;
class ClxBase{
public:ClxBase() {};virtual ~ClxBase() { cout << "Output from the destructor of class ClxBase!" << endl; };virtual void DoSomething() { cout << "Do something in class ClxBase!" << endl; };
};class ClxDerived : public ClxBase{
public:ClxDerived() {};~ClxDerived() { cout << "Output from the destructor of class ClxDerived!" << endl; };void DoSomething() { cout << "Do something in class ClxDerived!" << endl; };
};int   main(){ClxBase *p = new ClxDerived;p->DoSomething();delete p;return 0;



Do something in class ClxDerived!
Output from the destructor of class ClxDerived!
Output from the destructor of class ClxBase!





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