本文是一篇Essay范文,这篇论文讨论了计算机技术的作用。计算机技术的有利影响涵盖了国家、社会和个人生活的方方面面。新时代,计算机继续发挥着它的重要影响力,对经济发展的影响十分深远。以大家最熟悉的网络购物来说 ,购物软件能够使购物消费变得更加方便快捷,这是依靠计算机技术的应用而实现的。我们通过计算机来进行线上交流,扩大人际交往圈子,通过计算机技术处理工作,实现远程办公,通过计算机技术丰富休闲娱乐生活,足不出户可尽知天下事,使精神世界得到极大的满足。www.highmarktutor.com


  Social development is inseparable from the progress of science and technology, computer technology is an important representative of the field of science and technology. In general, the development of computer technology is bound to do more good than harm. To see the problem in two can provide an important basis for our objective understanding of things, so this paper will dialectically look at the development of computer technology. On the positive side, computer technology has experienced long-term exploration and is becoming increasingly mature. It plays an indispensable and important role in our life and work. It improves our work efficiency and promotes the rapid development of economy and society at the same time. From the perspective of adverse effects, computer technology has brought a very large network security risks, easy to cause information leakage, but also dilute the relationship between people, and even affect people's physical and mental health. Therefore, it is very important to treat the influence of computer technology on society dialectically.


  The beneficial influence of computer technology covers all aspects of national, social and personal life, and it plays an important role in the construction of a five-in-one harmonious society in China.


  In the new era, the computer continues to exert its important influence. At large international conferences, simultaneous interpretation relies on computer technology for information exchange. The national network security barrier strengthens day by day, plays the important role which protects the national security, depends on also the computer technology; Network public opinion supervision is a large part of the supervision of state workers, which also depends on computer technology. The list goes on and on, so computers are of vital importance to us.


  The impact of computer technology on economic development is equally profound. Computer technology is everywhere, from business talks and trade disputes to payments and price adjustments. For shopping, the most familiar network, taobao, Tmall, jingdong, pinduoduo and other shopping software can make shopping consumption more convenient and fast, which is realized by the application of computer technology. The combination of network technology and economy -- e-commerce greatly expands market demand and drives economic growth.


  The prosperity and development of socialist culture and the revival of the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation are also inseparable from computer technology. Cultural exchanges between countries are conducted through computers, and people are keen to explore contemporary culture from the Internet. Online reading software such as e-books has greatly enriched people's cultural life. People's spiritual world has been greatly satisfied, and the cultural level has been improved accordingly.

  We can't live without computers any more. We through the computer to online communication, expanding interpersonal circles, through computer processing technology, to realize the remote office, through computer technology rich entertainment life, never leave home can know what's going on in the world, satisfy the spiritual world is a vast, it can be said that the computer play an important role in our life.

  Of course, computer technology will inevitably have some adverse effects, we can only avoid these negative aspects, but now can not eradicate these adverse factors.

  In contemporary society, the human relationship is increasingly weak, and people lack effective communication and communication. They go out for parties or family dinners, hold a mobile phone in each hand, and live in the circle of friends, which to some extent reduces the opportunities for face-to-face direct communication and the lack of personal emotional experience.

  Computer technology is the product of high technology, which has the advantages that human brain does not have, especially artificial intelligence. There are too many trivial and repetitive or difficult jobs in life, which require a lot of time and energy. People subconsciously choose computers to finish them. If this happens in the long run, it will naturally breed human laziness and form lazy thinking.

  Regardless of the computer technology involving state secrets, or the computer technology in our daily life, hackers and viruses emerge in an endless stream.

  It is undeniable that computer technology does promote the development of network technology, but there are also more and more criminals using technology to carry out network crimes. In addition, China's laws and regulations on network crimes are not perfect, leading to these criminals more unbridled, the law of Confucius.

  The advantages and disadvantages of computer technology coexist, which means that it has both positive and negative effects on the development of society, so it is very important to view computer technology dialectically. We should recognize not only the beneficial impact of computer development on society, but also the negative impact of computer technology on society. The most important thing is that we should stick to the emphasis theory, computer technology in general represents the progress of human society, but also represents the future development direction. In a word, the development of computer technology has more advantages than disadvantages, and its development cannot be completely denied because of its disadvantages.

  To sum up, computer technology plays an important role in promoting social development. Computer technology has gone through the test of The Times, gradually mature, it is the product of the development of science and technology and the progress of The Times, is also the development direction of the future society, its development prospects are very broad.


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