计算机专业英语Unit 19 计算机专业英语写作.pptx

Unit 计算机专业英语学习,Writing clear scientific English,Writing clear scientific English,如何写出清晰的科技英语 Put it before then briefly so that they will read it. Clearly so they will appreciate it Picturesquely so they will remember it And, above all, accurately so they will be guided by its light,1、 Make a plan制定写作计划,A plan is essential for any piece of writing. 无论进行何种写作,制定写作计划都是至关重要的。 Before writing, divide the work into sections. 在动笔前,现将内容分成几个部分。 For each section, make a list of the relevant points to be included and order them according to themes. 针对每个部分,列出要涵盖的相关要点并把这些要点按照主题排序。 Each of these themes can then be developed later into a paragraph. 这些主题中的任何一个都可以拓展成段落,For instance,In the introduction to a scientific manuscript, the relevant points might be the overall field in which your interest lies, the specific area that you are working on and the question that you addressed. 在科技文的引言中相关要点可能是你所感兴趣的整个领域、你正在研究的特定领域以及你提出的研究问题。 Each of these points would the basis of one or more paragraphs in the introduction. 每个要点都会成为引言中的某个或多个段落的基础。,2、 Use a clean and legible layout,使用整洁易读的排版格式 A clean and legible layout is vital to the success of written work. 整洁易读的排版格式是成功写作的要素。 A poorly laid out piece of work may discourage the reader and prevent him or her from discovering its contents. 排版格式混乱的文章可能会是读者丧失阅读下去的兴趣,从而妨碍读者对其内容的理解。Use double-spaced text Use justified at Use 12 point text with Arial or Helvetica as your standard font Indent your paragraphs Use sub-headings,使用两倍行距 使用合适的格式 使用Arial 或者 Helvetica 的12号字体作为你的标准字体 缩进段落 使用副标题,3、Use paragraphs 使用段落,A paragraph is a collection of sentences on the same theme or topic. 所谓段落是指关于同一话题、或表达相同主题的句子的集合。 Using paragraphs to collect ideas is the foundation of all writing. 运用段落来整合思想是所有写作的基础。,4、Write simple sentences 运用简单句,Simple sentences are the best way to express complex thoughts. 简单句是表达复杂思想的最佳方式。 Use only one idea per sentence. 每个句子只表达一个意思 Write your sentences as direct or straightforward statements. 写句子的时候,使用直接明了的陈述句。,5、Write positive sentences 使用肯定句,Negative sentences contain words such as “no”, ”not”, ”none ”, ”nor ”, ”nothing ” and “never”. Positive sentences lack these words. 否定句中有no, not, none , nor , nothing 和never等否定词,肯定句中则没有这些否定词。 Generally, positive sentences are easier to understand and more simple to construct than negative ones. 通常说来,肯定句会比否定句更容易理解,也更容易构建。,6、Read and think about your work,阅读和反思自己的文稿 Read your work on a printout as errors, inconsistencies and discrepancies are often very difficult to detect on the computer screen. 一定要读纸质稿,因为错误疏漏之处是很难在电脑屏幕上发现的。 You must also start to think critically about your work. 你还必须对自己的文稿进行批判性思考。,正文主体结构,Title subtitle(论文题目副标题) Authors correspondence address(作者姓名通讯地址) Abstract Keyword(摘要关键词) Introduction(引言) ology(Material and )(材料与方法) Results Discussion(结果与讨论) Conclusion(结论) Acknowledgement(致谢) Reference(参考文献),标题(Title),概括全文;简洁明了;便于检索;醒目 一般不用完整的句子;多用名词词组或动名词 论文标题一般在10个字内,最多不超过15个词 题目中第一个词的首字母大写、所有实词的首字母都大写,一般冠词及五个字母以下的介词、连词的首字母不大写。,署名,在论文中紧接着标题之后是署名。署名时应注意 英语姓名的习惯是将名字写在前面,姓氏写在后面。 中国人的姓名用汉语拼音,可以把姓的字母都大写,声调符号可以省略。例如王建国(WANG Jianguo)、上官晓月(SHANGGUAN Xiaoyue)、陈方玉梅(CHEN-FANG Yumei)等。 也可按照英语姓名的顺序排列,区分汉字的音节,那么就王建国的英语姓名应该写成Jian-Guo Wang。在填表或比较正规场合使用的时候,为了更加清晰,可以写成Wang,Jian-Guo,通讯联系信息,常用格式 单位名 城市名,邮编,国名 电子邮箱 例如 Zhang, San Nanjing Normal university Nanjing,210046,China ,论文摘要(Abstract)的写法,1.摘要的主要内容 (1)研究目的 (2)研究方法 (3)研究结果 (4)所得结论 2.摘要的文体要求 (1)论文中常用we指作者自己(即使作者仅一人),但摘要中习惯上多用第三人称以体现客观性,即用the author指称“I”,用the authors指称“we”。(2)使用正确的时态 涉及背景信息的句子一般现在时 对方法和结果的叙述过去时 结论一般现在时 (3)摘要的位置 通常放在正文的前面,但是应该在论文完成之后写,常见表达,This paper discusses This paper explains the reason why The article focuses on the fact that The research proposes that . The chief aim of this project is to discuss The primary purpose of this study is to investigate The main objective of the research is examine The author attempts to calculate that.,描述从某种角度出发,from the angle of in the light of the context that to view something at a different angle/from various angles from the point of view of from the perspective of ,阐述结果的表达方法,The results show /indicate that The results are as follows The analysis of the samples indicates that Data suggested that It is shown that Based on/upon the findings/results of the research, The results/findings/observations have shown that,论文关键词(Keywords)写法,关键词也称主题词,它是为了检索的需要,从论文中选出的最能代表论文中心内容特征的词或词组。 大多从标题和摘要中产生 每个关键词与下一个关键词之间用分号分开,最后一个关键词没有标点符号,每个词或词组都需首字母大写,引言(introduction),引入主题内容,说明论文的目的。一般包含 Research Situation 科研现状 What are the key problems now目前的关键问题 How we tackled the problems如何解决问题 Assess the effectiveness of the research评估研究成果,论文正文的写作主要事项,1、文献综述Literature review 文献综述就是对本专业领域内所获得的文献资料进行综合性评述和总结,描述这些文献之间的相互关系和对当前研究的影响,通过文献综述来说明当前课题的研究历史和现状。文献综述是许多论文或报告的重要组成部分。写作时应注意 可概述本专业、本课题或本技术的简史,顺便介绍相关的文献,如 Historically, In the past years, extensive studies were carried out on Over the past decades,肯定前人的成就后,指出现有研究的局限性或不足之处,及需要进一步研究和完善的方面。如 a. The question arises as to whether b. Nevertheless, the cause of still remain unexplained. c. Unfortunately, he failed to brush away the ambiguity of d.The data available in literature failed to prove that应该将现有文献资料同自己研究的内容联系起来。指出还需要解决的问题,自然地引入自己的切入点,证明自己研究的必要性和正确性,说明自己的研究将会带来的新贡献。 On the basis of existing literature data, we intend to study /investigate /clarify On the basis of the previous studies, the author intend to prove /elaborate/expound/set forth,正文写作,2、研究目的介绍 每篇论文都必须阐明论文研究的目的。可使用列举的方法,如 The objectives of this study were 1. To establish the 2. To determine the 3、 研究的方法或步骤介绍 在技术论文、实验报告中,还应简要介绍研究的方法或步骤。表达方法可如 In this work, a new thatis applied to In this paper, we described a that In this study, we demonstrate using 4、论文结构介绍 如果论文篇幅较大,则在做完文献综述、介绍完研究背景和研究目的之后,可以介绍一下文章的框架结构。例如 The rest of the paper is organized as follows Section2 gives an example that illustrates . In Section 3, we present . Section 4 discusses various case studies . Section 5 is devoted to .,论文正文的写作主要事项,正确使用人称尽量避免使用第一、第二人称代词,多使用被动语态;主动语态最好用We而不用I 正确使用时态 1、表示研究目的的动词一般使用过去时 The aim of this study was to solve. 2、表示研究过程中动作或状态的动词一般要使用过去时3、说明图表的动词一般使用过去时(或现在时) 4、表示结论的动词一般使用现在时(或现在完成时)。例如We conclude that 在科技论文中,适当地插入图表能够很好地传递信息,有效地补充文字说明。表格的标题应位于表格上方,仅大写第一个词的首字母;图的标题应位于图下方,仅大写第一个词的首字母。尽可能使图表同文字有机地结合,使图表中的数据成为文字的补充和有力支撑。说明图表的常用句型有 The sequence presented in Fig.2 shows As is shown in Fig.1/Table1 The percentage in this graph indicates that ,Reference,参考文献的格式是统一的,规范化的,Acknowledgments,Technical Assistance 技术支持 Financial Assistance 资金支持 Helpful discussions 有益的讨论 Critical reading of manuscript 建设性的意见,表示致谢,对本文完成过程中作出贡献,但未列入作者名单中的人或单位表示感谢。 The author wishes to express his/her most sincere thanks to The author is very grateful to for We would like to thank for The author wishes to acknowledge for 一般使用动词过去时态来表示被致谢者在论文写作中或课题研究中所给予的帮助和支持,感谢各类基金或经费项目支持,“本文得到国家自然科学基金资助,项目号XXXXX” This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaGrant No.XXXXX “本文得到国家杰出青年基金的资助” This work was supported by the National Outstanding Young Scientist Research Fund,

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