Windows 10’s May 2019 Update features a new, brighter default desktop background. It looks great—with the new light theme. If you use Windows 10’s dark theme, you’ll probably want a darker background.

Windows 10的2019年5月更新具有新的更明亮的默认桌面背景。 看起来很不错-具有新的浅色主题 。 如果您使用Windows 10的深色主题 ,则可能需要深色背景。

Strangely enough, Windows 10’s original desktop background has been removed from the latest version of Windows 10. You’ll have to download it from the web or copy its files from an older Windows 10 PC.

奇怪的是,Windows 10的原始桌面背景已从最新版本的Windows 10中删除。您必须从网上下载它或从较旧的Windows 10 PC复制其文件。

Microsoft isn’t hosting this wallpaper image anywhere we can find, but you can download it from elsewhere. We found a 4K copy of Windows 10’s original desktop wallpaper on Imgur. Different sizes—and more of Windows 10’s other default wallpapers—are also available for download. (Microsoft makes other Windows 10 wallpapers available here, but not the original Windows 10 wallpaper.)

Microsoft不在我们可以找到的任何地方托管此壁纸图像,但是您可以从其他地方下载它。 我们在Imgur上找到了Windows 10原始桌面墙纸的4K副本 。 也可以下载不同大小的文件以及Windows 10其他默认壁纸中的更多文件 。 (Microsoft使其他可用的Windows 10壁纸在这里 ,而不是原来的Windows 10的墙纸。)

Just right-click the image file on Imgur and save it to your computer using your browser—in Chrome, select “Save Image As.”


If you have a computer running an older version of Windows 10, you can also save a copy of the desktop wallpaper. Just head to C:\Windows\Web\4K\Wallpaper\Windows to find the background files in a variety of resolutions. The “img0_3840x2160.jpg” file is the 4K version.

如果您的计算机运行的是Windows 10的旧版本,则还可以保存桌面墙纸的副本。 只需转到C:\ Windows \ Web \ 4K \ Wallpaper \ Windows,即可找到各种分辨率的背景文件。 “ img0_3840x2160.jpg”文件是4K版本。

Save it to OneDrive, Dropbox, Google Drive, a USB drive, a network file share, or email it to yourself—however you’d like to store it. Move it to your new PC.

将其保存到OneDrive,Dropbox,Google驱动器,USB驱动器,网络文件共享,或通过电子邮件发送给自己-无论您想存储它。 将其移至新PC。

WIth the image downloaded to your PC or copied from another computer, you can right-click it and select “Set as Desktop Background” to make it your system’s desktop background.


You can also head to Settings > Personalization > Background and use the “Browse” button to find the wallpaper image on your system.


You can download more free desktop backgrounds by visiting the Windows Themes section in the Microsoft Store. Of course, you can download an image from anywhere on the web and make it your desktop wallpaper, too—just make sure it’s high enough resolution or it’ll look bad when it’s stretched to fill your computer’s desktop.

您可以通过访问Microsoft Store中的Windows主题部分来下载更多免费的桌面背景。 当然,您也可以从网络上的任何位置下载图像,并将其设置为桌面墙纸-只需确保它具有足够高的分辨率,否则当它拉伸到填满计算机的桌面时看起来会很糟糕。


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