
  • 生活日常问题
  • 未来规划(研究生阶段规划)问题
  • 本科专业相关问题
  • 死亡问题
  • 其他问题








  • 介绍自己的家乡?


I come from Yuncheng, Shanxi Province. It is named after “the city of salt transportation”. Specifically, It has a very beautiful Salt Lake and many historical celebrities, such as Guan Yu, Wang Bo, Liu Zongyuan, Sima Guang, Guan Hanqing, etc. And now it has formed a regional culture with distinctive characteristics, such as Guan Gong culture, GENZU culture, salt culture, virtue and filial piety culture. It is one of the most important birthplaces of Chinese civilization.

  • 你为什么想来我们学校?


  • 在班级里做过什么职务?


As the monitor of the class, I am mainly responsible for the organization of class activities and the establishment of the connection between the class and the college or school. I feel that the most important thing in the whole process of student work is the sense of responsibility and service.

  • 你有什么缺点?你最突出的优点?


I think the main shortcoming is that sometimes I always go to the extreme of a problem. For example, for a problem, I may always wonder why there is such a problem. Maybe I will focus on solving the problem only after I have a clearer understanding of the problem itself. What’s more, I always want to be perfect, but it is often difficult to achieve. Therefore, I still need to learn to weigh and improve work efficiency.


The most outstanding advantages are hard work and concentration. For a thing, if I want to do it, I must do the best within my ability, so that I can know what I lack, and then I can improve it slowly. The main focus is that I have a beginning and an end to everything. Only in this way can I really gain something.

  • 志愿活动主要做了什么?


Volunteer activities are mainly activities organized by the school, such as the college orientation activities, and the activities of the Red Cross Society. I served as assistant general secretary at the meeting, mainly responsible for the typesetting and content proofreading of WeChat official account.

  • 你觉得班长和团支书有什么区别?


The focus of the work of the monitor and the League secretary is different. The monitor is mainly the class life, while the League secretary is mainly the party and League life. But as the class committee, they should serve the class wholeheartedly and improve the cohesion of the class. The main responsibility of different classes may be the monitor or the League branch secretary, but no matter who is in charge, they should pay attention to coordinating other class committees to complete the student work, and keep their classes in mind all the time.


  • 研究生阶段规划?

研究生阶段将在学习掌握基本理论与方法后,开始逐渐深入研究,学会用技术手段解决管理问题,不断将知识积累转化成学术成果。在这个过程中充分发挥学院的学科优势,把**** 与 ****相结合,为之后的学术道路打造基础。

In the graduate stage, After learning and mastering the basic theories and methods, I will begin to learn to make in-depth research, learn to use technical tools to solve management problems, and constantly transform knowledge accumulation into academic achievements. In this process, I hope to give full play to the discipline advantages of School of Information, Renmin University of China, combining **** with ****, penetrating digital economy and information technology, and build the foundation for the future academic road.

  • 你今后的目标是什么,读博做科研,还是工作?


In the future, I plan to continue to study for a doctorate. Because I hope that I can have a deeper understanding for the scientific research through my postgraduate study.

  • 你最感兴趣的研究方向是什么?为什么?


The most interesting research direction is the field of e-commerce, including empirical research, data science and so on, because in the study of professional courses, I slowly realized that the field of information system is a big field. The research topics of core fields include: IT and organization (Management School), IT and individual (behavior school), IT and group (decision school), IT and market (Economics School), IT development (Technology School) School). For these directions, I prefer the research of partial management. And at the same time, I will pay more attention to technical training and improve technical ability, because technology, as a tool, can continue to learn.

  • 你未来的规划是什么?


In the future, I want to be a university teacher after I have finished study. Because I likes the atmosphere of University, and the most important reason is that university teachers can have a lot of time to concentrate on the direction of their interest and learn more and more deeply in one direction.

  • 你研究生期间想收获/学习到什么?(研究生阶段有什么计划?)


In my understanding, the graduate stage is a step higher than the undergraduate stage. Because undergraduate learning is multi-directional, I can’t solve this problem, but I may be very good at other problems. But for graduate students’ learning, there are basically only 0 and 1 choices. If a topic makes a better result, it is success. If the research has not been able to produce results, it may face failure. Therefore, I hope to be able to find the research field that I am really interested in and good at in the graduate stage, and then be able to do it in depth according to my own ideas and understanding. For anything, curiosity is always a great driving force.


  • 你对你本科所学专业有什么看法?


The major of my undergraduate is information management and information system, which cultivates a kind of compound talents. The perspective of looking at problems is how to use technical tools to solve management problems. But it can not be denied that if the students of information management major do not really realize the importance of the training scheme, it is difficult to improve their core competitiveness, resulting in poor technology and poor management. Therefore, I often study other contents by myself, such as “econometrics” to let me understand the usual methods in empirical research; I also improve my data processing and analysis modeling ability through the data competition on kaggle and Tianchi, and improve my comprehensive ability through these practices.

  • 本科学过哪些课程?哪门课学的最好?


My major is information management and information system, our courses are mainly divided into two categories: management and technology. For example, management includes management, marketing, western economics, economic law and finance, while technology includes data structure, database principle, data warehouse and data mining. In addition to these courses, there are also professional main courses, which focus on system development and design, including information system analysis and design, information system project management, information system strategy and management, information resource management, ERP, decision support system, information system project simulation, etc

  • 你本科期间最感兴趣的学科是什么?


The course I am most interested is e-commerce, because I didn’t have a lot of understanding at the beginning of learning this course. However, as I participated in the innovation and entrepreneurship competition, this process enabled me to have a deeper understanding of business model and platform operation, and also learned to write business plans.
At the same time, e-commerce is also closely combined with real life. At present, the development of many Internet and e-commerce companies has also greatly attracted their own interest, which will be very interesting to study. (e.g. Unicorn)

  • 除了某某课程,你还想学什么专业?

  • 有没有实习经历?


Internship experience 实习经历 Course practice, mainly the development of information systems and data analysis experiments. I have exercised technology development ability, and also improved my information literacy and data analysis ability.

  • 项目中主要做了什么?最大的收获是什么?


The biggest harvest is to have a deeper understanding of the complete scientific research process, from finding and proposing problems, analyzing problems, solving problems, and finally writing my own ideas and solutions into papers under the guidance of teachers, which further improves my scientific research ability.

And what I feel most is my understanding to scientific research, because at the beginning, when the teacher gave advice, I still couldn’t get to that point, so I might spend a lot of time to understand. But in the later stage of the project, I can understand the teacher’s ideas better, and the project is advancing faster and faster.

  • 本科学习中,你觉得哪门课比较吃力?


I think the most difficult course is information system strategy and management, because in fact, as long as we study hard, we can always learn some technical courses like Java and data structure. But the course of information system strategy and management is mainly from the perspective of management. For undergraduates, the level of thinking is too high, and the practicality is not strong. Most of our students have no relevant practical experience, so it will be very difficult to understand this course.


  • 如果没有录用你会怎么办?


It doesn’t matter, because it shows that I need to continue to work hard in some aspects. Only by constantly improving myself can I make real progress. But I think I will be sad and regretful.

  • 你最近还有参加其它学校的夏令营吗?


  • 有对哪位老师的研究方向感兴趣吗?



  • 毕业后期望的月薪是多少?
  • 你手机里装了什么软件呢?
  • 假如你研究生毕业遇到困难,会有什么打算?
  • 课余时间你都用来做什么?
  • 关于你自己,你能告诉我些什么?
  • 你希望我们学校会有什么变化?
  • 该专业在国内外的研究进展,你是否有所了解?你是否涉猎相关期刊与著作?
  • 你读过哪些专业方面的书籍或文献,请举例说明作者的观点以及你的想法?
  • 谈谈你已经发表的论文,或者本科毕业论文的选题及思路?(背景+研究现状/重点+研究思路+研究结论)(时间——>课题内容——>负责部分——>用到的研究工具、研究方法、研究思路——>成果——>收获及感悟)
  • 为什么选择我们学校读研?
  • 为什么要选择这个专业?
  • 介绍自己的家乡?
  • 大学里最难忘的一件事?
  • 大学里最成功的一件事?
  • 介绍一下本科所在的学校?
  • 你最近读了什么书?
  • 你的爱好是什么?
  • 你本科的导师是谁?
  • 平时怎么练习英语?
  • 你最喜欢的一部英文电影?
  • 你的偶像是谁?
  • 你的职业规划?
  • 对于你至今所取得的进步,你怎么看待?


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