



  • @brief Performs an input operation for a memory location by reading

  •       from the specified address and returning the 8 bit Value read from
  •        that address.
  • @param Addr: contains the address to perform the input operation

  • @return The 8 bit Value read from the specified input address.

static INLINE u8 Xil_In8(UINTPTR Addr)
return *(volatile u8 *) Addr;



  • @brief Performs an input operation for a memory location by reading from
  •       the specified address and returning the 16 bit Value read from that
  •       address.
  • @param Addr: contains the address to perform the input operation
  • @return The 16 bit Value read from the specified input address.

static INLINE u16 Xil_In16(UINTPTR Addr)
return *(volatile u16 *) Addr;



  • @brief Performs an input operation for a memory location by
  •       reading from the specified address and returning the 32 bit Value
  •       read  from that address.
  • @param Addr: contains the address to perform the input operation
  • @return The 32 bit Value read from the specified input address.

static INLINE u32 Xil_In32(UINTPTR Addr)
return *(volatile u32 *) Addr;



  • @brief Performs an input operation for a memory location by reading the
  •        64 bit Value read  from that address.
  • @param Addr: contains the address to perform the input operation
  • @return The 64 bit Value read from the specified input address.

static INLINE u64 Xil_In64(UINTPTR Addr)
return *(volatile u64 *) Addr;



  • @brief Performs an output operation for an memory location by
  •       writing the 8 bit Value to the the specified address.
  • @param Addr: contains the address to perform the output operation
  • @param Value: contains the 8 bit Value to be written at the specified
  •       address.
  • @return None.

static INLINE void Xil_Out8(UINTPTR Addr, u8 Value)
volatile u8 *LocalAddr = (volatile u8 *)Addr;
*LocalAddr = Value;



  • @brief Performs an output operation for a memory location by writing the
  •        16 bit Value to the the specified address.
  • @param Addr contains the address to perform the output operation
  • @param Value contains the Value to be written at the specified address.
  • @return None.

static INLINE void Xil_Out16(UINTPTR Addr, u16 Value)
volatile u16 *LocalAddr = (volatile u16 *)Addr;
*LocalAddr = Value;



  • @brief Performs an output operation for a memory location by writing the
  •       32 bit Value to the the specified address.
  • @param Addr contains the address to perform the output operation
  • @param Value contains the 32 bit Value to be written at the specified
  •       address.
  • @return None.

static INLINE void Xil_Out32(UINTPTR Addr, u32 Value)
volatile u32 *LocalAddr = (volatile u32 *)Addr;
*LocalAddr = Value;
XStl_RegUpdate(Addr, Value);



  • @brief Performs an output operation for a memory location by writing the
  •       64 bit Value to the the specified address.
  • @param Addr contains the address to perform the output operation
  • @param Value contains 64 bit Value to be written at the specified address.
  • @return None.

static INLINE void Xil_Out64(UINTPTR Addr, u64 Value)
volatile u64 *LocalAddr = (volatile u64 *)Addr;
*LocalAddr = Value;


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