不 只{`pyr

PYR:根据您的要求 (PYR: Per Your Request)

PYR is an abbreviation of "Per Your Request".


It is an expression, which is commonly used in the Gmail platform. It is written in the body of the email which indicates that the sender replies to the recipient informing him/her that the email is about the given task by the sender and as per his / her request. If it is written in the email PYR, it means that the email is about the same task that the sender has sent previously to be completed.

这是一个表达式,通常在Gmail平台中使用。 它写在电子邮件的正文中,表明发件人回复收件人,通知他/她该电子邮件与发件人根据他/她的请求执行的给定任务有关。 如果将其写在电子邮件PYR中 ,则意味着该电子邮件与发件人之前发送的要完成的任务大致相同。

Let us take an example to make it easy to understand.


In an email, if it is written:


As PYR, PFA doc file FYR.


This shows that the email contains an attachment that is about the work allotted by the sender.


Now, these days, the demands of acronyms are very high on social media online chatting or messaging, so the users usually use PYR as a replacement for Per Your Request.

现在,这些天来,对社交媒体在线聊天或消息传递的首字母缩写词要求很高,因此用户通常使用PYR代替Per Your Request

So, in this way, the abbreviation PYR is used mostly on the social media platform.


While this slang is very common in social media platforms, mainly email messaging, still many are unaware of this slang.


So, basically in emails if you want to inform the other person that this email is about the work given or allotted by them, you can simply write PYR instead of writing Per Your Request which is quite lengthy and takes time. Writing PYR saves time, performs strong communication and with fewer efforts.

因此,基本上,在电子邮件中,如果您想通知其他人此电子邮件与他们所给予或分配的工作有关,则可以简单地编写PYR而不是写“ Per Your Request”(这很长且很费时间)。 编写PYR可以节省时间,进行有效的沟通并减少工作量。

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/pyr-full-form.aspx

不 只{`pyr

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