
/// <summary>
/// write by 52cwalk,if you have some question ,please contract lycwalk@gmail.com
/// </summary>
/// using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;using ZXing;
using ZXing.QrCode;
using ZXing.QrCode.Internal;
using ZXing.Common;public class QRCodeEncodeController : MonoBehaviour {private Texture2D m_EncodedTex;public int e_QRCodeWidth;public int e_QRCodeHeight;public delegate void QREncodeFinished(Texture2D tex);  public event QREncodeFinished e_QREncodeFinished;    //定義事件BitMatrix byteMatrix;void Start (){int targetWidth = Mathf.Min(e_QRCodeWidth,e_QRCodeHeight);targetWidth = Mathf.Clamp (targetWidth, 128, 1024);e_QRCodeWidth = e_QRCodeHeight = targetWidth;m_EncodedTex = new Texture2D(e_QRCodeWidth, e_QRCodeHeight);}void Update (){}/// <summary>/// Encode the specified string ./// </summary>/// <param name="valueStr"> content string.</param>public void Encode(string valueStr){// var writer = new QRCodeWriter();var writer = new MultiFormatWriter();Dictionary<EncodeHintType, object> hints = new Dictionary<EncodeHintType, object>();  //set the code typehints.Add(EncodeHintType.CHARACTER_SET, "UTF-8");  byteMatrix = writer.encode( valueStr, BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE, e_QRCodeWidth, e_QRCodeHeight,hints); //writer1.encode("ddd",BarcodeFormat.for (int i =0; i!= e_QRCodeWidth; i++) {for(int j = 0;j!= e_QRCodeHeight;j++){if(byteMatrix[i,j]){m_EncodedTex.SetPixel(i,j,Color.black);}else{m_EncodedTex.SetPixel(i,j,Color.white);}}}///rotation the image Color32[] pixels = m_EncodedTex.GetPixels32();pixels = RotateMatrixByClockwise(pixels, m_EncodedTex.width);m_EncodedTex.SetPixels32(pixels); m_EncodedTex.Apply ();e_QREncodeFinished (m_EncodedTex);   //編譯完成觸發事件,在其他類中添加觸發事件調用的方法}/// <summary>/// Rotates the matrix.Clockwise/// </summary>/// <returns>The matrix.</returns>/// <param name="matrix">Matrix.</param>/// <param name="n">N.</param>static Color32[] RotateMatrixByClockwise(Color32[] matrix, int n) {Color32[] ret = new Color32[n * n];for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {ret[i*n + j] = matrix[(n - i - 1) * n + j];}}return ret;}/// <summary>/// anticlockwise/// </summary>/// <returns>The matrix.</returns>/// <param name="matrix">Matrix.</param>/// <param name="n">N.</param>static Color32[] RotateMatrixByAnticlockwise(Color32[] matrix, int n) {Color32[] ret = new Color32[n * n];for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {ret[i*n + j] = matrix[(n - j - 1) * n + i];}}return ret;}}
/// <summary>
/// write by 52cwalk,if you have some question ,please contract lycwalk@gmail.com
/// </summary>
/// using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;public class QREncodeTest : MonoBehaviour {public QRCodeEncodeController e_qrController;public RawImage qrCodeImage;public InputField m_inputfield;// Use this for initializationvoid Start () {if (e_qrController != null) {e_qrController.e_QREncodeFinished += qrEncodeFinished;}}void qrEncodeFinished(Texture2D tex)     //觸發事件調用此方法{if (tex != null && tex != null) {qrCodeImage.texture = tex;} else {}}public void Encode()         {if (e_qrController != null) {string valueStr = m_inputfield.text;e_qrController.Encode(valueStr);        //傳入需要編譯成二維碼的string字段}}public void ClearCode(){qrCodeImage.texture = null;m_inputfield.text = "";}}


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