element ui 火狐

Are you looking for way to combine your Reload & Stop Buttons or perhaps you would like to alter the New Tab Button on the Tab Bar? Then you might want to take a look at these two quick and easy UI tweaks for your Firefox Browser.

您是在寻找组合重新加载和停止按钮的方法,还是想更改选项卡栏上的“新建选项卡”按钮? 然后,您可能想看看Firefox浏览器的这两项快速而简单的UI调整。

Combine the Reload & Stop Buttons


Normally the “Reload & Stop Buttons” are separate in Firefox, but what if you could combine the two buttons into one? That is something that is very easy to do with the Combine Stop-Reload Buttons extension. Simply install the extension and get instant satisfaction.

通常,在Firefox中,“重新加载和停止按钮”是分开的,但是如果可以将两个按钮组合为一个怎么办? 使用“组合停止-重新加载按钮”扩展很容易做到这一点。 只需安装扩展程序,即可立即获得满足。

Here you can see the new combined button at rest and while a webpage is loading…only what you need when you need it.


Expand the Width of the New Tab Button on the Tab Bar


Perhaps the particular theme that you are using has made your “New Tab Button” smaller than usual or you feel it would just be easier to use the entire “empty” part of the “Tab Bar” to activate a new tab. Once again, something that is easy to fix.

也许您正在使用的特定主题使您的“新标签页按钮”比平时更小,或者您觉得使用“标签栏”的整个“空”部分来激活新标签会更容易。 再一次,很容易修复的东西。

Simply install the Big New Tab Button extension and you are ready for easy click activation of new tabs.

只需安装Big New Tab Button扩展程序,即可轻松点击激活新选项卡。



While these tweaks may not be for everyone, they can be very nice for people who have a specific UI need or style that they prefer for their Firefox Browser.




Download the Combine Stop-Reload Buttons extension (Mozilla Add-ons)

下载Combine Stop-Reload Buttons扩展(Mozilla附加组件)

Download the Combine Stop-Reload Buttons extension (Extension Homepage)

下载Combine Stop-Reload Buttons扩展(扩展主页)

Download the Big New Tab Button extension (Mozilla Add-ons)

下载Big New Tab Button扩展(Mozilla附加组件)

Download the Big New Tab Button extension (Extension Homepage)

下载Big New Tab Button扩展程序(扩展程序首页)

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/5783/quick-firefox-ui-tweaks/

element ui 火狐

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