
Mobile users still constitute a minority of visitors to most websites: 15% of all visitors to this site currently use an iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Android or Blackberry. The most important aspect, however, is the rate of change: mobile web growth is 2000% over desktop internet over the last two years; in 2011, sales of mobile devices exceeded that of desktops. Worldwide, there are 6.8 billion mobile subscriptions. (That’s 97% of the world population!). Increasingly, our audience is going to see and interact with the content on a website primarily through a mobile device.

移动用户仍然是大多数网站的少数访问者:当前,该网站所有访问者中有15%使用的是iPhone,iPad,iPod Touch,Android或Blackberry。 但是,最重要的方面是变化率:在过去两年中,移动网络的增长速度超过了桌面互联网的2000%; 2011年,移动设备的销量超过了台式机。 全球有68亿移动订户 。 (这是世界人口的97%!)。 越来越多的观众将主要通过移动设备来查看网站上的内容并与之交互。

For web designers, this epochal change presents a series of challenges: historically, designers have been spoiled with huge screens, quad and octo-core processors, high speed internet connections and browsers that are continually updated. As a result, they see and interact with the web in a different way from their users. The smartphone revolution is the first in which we are using the same tool as everyone else.

对于网页设计师而言,这一划时代的变化带来了一系列挑战:从历史上看,设计师一直被大屏幕,四核和八核处理器,高速互联网连接以及不断更新的浏览器所宠坏。 结果,他们以与用户不同的方式查看网络并与之交互。 智能手机革命是我们与其他所有人使用相同工具的第一次

移动网络体验有何不同? (What’s different about the mobile web experience?)

Smartphone screens are smaller; mobile sites need to be tightly focused as a result. 智能手机的屏幕较小; 因此,移动网站需要紧密关注。
It may seem obvious, but this is probably the hardest transition for traditional web developers to make. There is no room for dozens of buttons or grandiose designs in the mobile version of a web site; using rigorous discipline, the interface must be reduced to nine or fewer clear tasks. 看起来似乎很明显,但这可能是传统Web开发人员最难以完成的过渡。 网站的移动版本没有空间容纳数十个按钮或宏伟的设计。 使用严格的纪律,界面必须减少到九个或​​更少的明确任务。
High-speed broadband is continuing to improve; mobile sites must be light and quick. 高速宽带正在不断改善; 移动网站必须轻巧快捷。
must load quickly and respond nimbly to requests; users have even less patience for slow websites on smartphones than they do on the desktop. 必须快速加载并灵活地响应请求; 与台式机相比,用户对智能手机上缓慢的网站的耐心甚至更少。 25% of mobile users will give up and go elsewhere if a page takes longer than four seconds to load. 如果页面加载时间超过四秒,则25%的移动用户会放弃并转到其他地方
Smartphone users are task-oriented; mobile sites must get right to the point. 智能手机用户以任务为导向; 移动网站必须正确处理。
50% of mobile users stay less than 10 seconds on a page. 50%的移动用户在页面上停留的时间少于10秒
Smartphone users expect sites to be intelligent, and to work with their devices. 智能手机用户希望网站能够智能化并与他们的设备一起使用。
know where I am. 知道我在哪里。
Increasingly, mobile users will expect a seamless transition between desktop and mobile interaction. 移动用户越来越期望桌面和移动交互之间的无缝过渡。
Shifting between a mobile and desktop experience of a site, I should be treated as the same person. My needs may be different, but the interface should be similar, and my information – including patterns of use and interests – should be carried seamlessly between both realms.
在网站的移动和桌面体验之间切换时,我应该被视为同一个人。 我的需求可能有所不同,但界面应该相似,并且我的信息(包括使用模式和兴趣)应在两个领域之间无缝地传送。

If we acknowledge these changes and design for mobile users first, we will create a cleaner, lighter, faster, more focused and intelligent site. Both desktop and mobile users benefit as a result.

如果我们首先承认这些变化并为移动用户设计,我们将创建一个更清洁,更轻便,更快,更专注和更智能的网站。 桌面移动用户都将从中受益。

更多资源 (Further Resources)

Luke Wroblewski is one of the lead evangelists of the Mobile First movement: video from a recent presentation that he made at the Mobilism conference; you can also read a summary of his central points in PDF format.

卢克· 罗布洛夫斯基( Luke Wroblewski)是“移动第一”运动的主要布道者之一:他在美孚主义会议上最近发表的演讲中的视频 ; 您还可以阅读PDF格式的主要要点摘要。

翻译自: https://thenewcode.com/334/Turn-Web-Development-On-Its-Head-Design-For-Mobile-First



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