


给定一个由随机分布的绝缘材料和金属材料组成的复合系统:多少材料需要是金属的,以便复合系统是电导体?考虑到地表(或下面的油)有水的多孔景观,在什么条件下水能够通过底部排出(或油喷到表面)?科学家已经定义了一个被称为渗流的抽象过程来模拟这种情况。该模型。我们用一个N×N的网格模型来建立一个渗流系统。每个网站都是开放或封锁。一个完整的网站是一个开放的网站,可以通过一系列相邻的(左,右,上,下)开放网站连接到最上面的一个开放网站。我们说如果底部有一个完整的网站,系统会渗透。换句话说,如果我们填充连接到最上一行的所有打开的站点,并且该过程填满最下一行的一些打开站点,那么系统会渗透。 (对于绝缘/金属材料的例子,开放部位对应于金属材料,使得渗透的体系具有从上到下的金属路径,并且完整的部位导电。对于多孔物质实例,开放部位对应于空的空间水可以通过它流动,使渗透的系统让水充满开放的地点,从上到下流动。)



当N足够大时,存在阈值p’,使得当p < p’时,随机N×N网格几乎不渗滤,并且当p> p’时,随机N×N网格几乎总是渗滤。尚未推导出用于确定渗透阈值p’的数学解决方案。你的任务是编写一个计算机程序来估计p’。

public class Percolation {public Percolation(int N)           // create N-by-N grid, with all sites blockedpublic void open(int i, int j)         // open site (row i, column j) if it is not alreadypublic boolean isOpen(int i, int j)    // is site (row i, column j) open?public boolean isFull(int i, int j)     // is site (row i, column j) full?public boolean percolates()          // does the system percolate?public static void main(String[] args)  // test client, optional

例如,如果按照下面的快照打开网格,那么我们估计的渗滤阈值是204/400 = 0.51,因为当第204个站点打开时,系统渗透。

通过重复该计算实验T次并平均结果,我们获得更准确的逾渗阈值估计。 设x_t为计算实验t中开放点的分数。 样本平均值μ提供了渗透阈值的估计; 样本标准偏差σ测量阈值的清晰度。


程序PercolationStats 的API接口:

public class PercolationStats {public PercolationStats(int N, int T)    // perform T independent computational experiments on an N-by-N gridpublic double mean()                // sample mean of percolation thresholdpublic double stddev()               // sample standard deviation of percolation thresholdpublic double confidenceLo()         // returns lower bound of the 95% confidence intervalpublic double confidenceHi()         // returns upper bound of the 95% confidence intervalpublic static void main(String[] args)    // test client, described below

此外,还包括一个main()方法,该方法使用两个命令行参数N和T(其中N代表网格大小,T代表实验尝试的次数),在N×N网格上执行T个独立的计算实验(上面讨论),打印出平均值,标准偏差,95% 置信阈值的置信区间。 使用标准库中的标准随机数生成随机数; 使用标准统计来计算样本均值和标准差。

% java PercolationStats 200 100
mean    = 0.5929934999999997
stddev   = 0.00876990421552567
95% confidence interval = 0.5912745987737567, 0.5947124012262428% java PercolationStats 200 100
mean    = 0.592877
stddev   = 0.009990523717073799
95% confidence interval = 0.5909188573514536, 0.5948351426485464% java PercolationStats 2 10000
mean    = 0.666925
stddev   = 0.11776536521033558
95% confidence interval = 0.6646167988418774, 0.6692332011581226% java PercolationStats 2 100000
mean    = 0.6669475
stddev   = 0.11775205263262094
95% confidence interval = 0.666217665216461, 0.6676773347835391


public class Percolation {private int matrixLength;private boolean[] matrix;
//  private WeightedQuickUnion wqu;private PathCompressWQU pwqu;private int virtualTop;private int virtualbottom;public Percolation(int N){if (N <= 0) {throw new IllegalArgumentException("length must be positive");}matrixLength = N;virtualTop = matrixLength * matrixLength;virtualbottom = matrixLength * matrixLength + 1;matrix = new boolean[N * N];//      wqu = new WeightedQuickUnion(N * N + 2);pwqu = new PathCompressWQU(N * N + 2);}private void checkValidIndex(int row,int col){if(row <= 0 || row >matrixLength){throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("row index out of bounds");}if(col <= 0 || col >matrixLength){throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("col index out of bounds");}}private int rowCol_to_real(int row,int col){return (row - 1) * matrixLength + col - 1;}public void open(int row,int col){checkValidIndex(row, col);                      //检查边界int real = rowCol_to_real(row, col);            //转换成以为坐标if (matrix[real]) {return;                                     //如果已经是打开的,就直接返回}matrix[real] = true;if (row == 1) {                                 //如果是第一行的情况,那么让他连接top的虚拟点
//            wqu.union(real, virtualTop);pwqu.union(real, virtualTop);//System.out.println("Connected Top");}if (row == matrixLength) {                      //如果是最后一行的情况,那么让他连接bottom的虚拟点
//            wqu.union(real, virtualbottom);pwqu.union(real, virtualbottom);//System.out.println("Connected Bottom");}int neighbor;//判断周围的四个点是否是打开的,如果是的话就连接if (row > 1) {                                  // upneighbor = rowCol_to_real(row - 1, col);if (matrix[neighbor]) {
//                wqu.union(real, neighbor);pwqu.union(real, neighbor);}}if (row < matrixLength) {                       // downneighbor = rowCol_to_real(row + 1, col);if (matrix[neighbor]) {
//                wqu.union(real, neighbor);pwqu.union(real, neighbor);}}if (col > 1) {                                  // leftneighbor = rowCol_to_real(row, col - 1);if (matrix[neighbor]) {
//                wqu.union(real, neighbor);pwqu.union(real, neighbor);}}if (col < matrixLength) {                       // rightneighbor = rowCol_to_real(row, col + 1);if (matrix[neighbor]) {
//                wqu.union(real, neighbor);pwqu.union(real, neighbor);}}}public boolean isOpen(int row,int col){             //判断这个点是不是打开的checkValidIndex(row, col);return matrix[rowCol_to_real(row, col)];}public boolean isFull(int row,int col){             //判断这个点是不是和virtualtop连接,也就是是不是开放的,能不能连接到顶端的点checkValidIndex(row, col);
//      return wqu.isConnect(virtualTop, rowCol_to_real(row, col));return pwqu.isConnect(virtualTop, rowCol_to_real(row, col));}public boolean isPercolated(){                      //判断是否渗透
//      return wqu.isConnect(virtualTop, virtualbottom);return pwqu.isConnect(virtualTop, virtualbottom);}}


 matrixLength = N;if (matrixLength == 1) {mean = 1;stddev = Double.NaN;confidenceLow = Double.NaN;confidenceHigh = Double.NaN;}


import java.util.Scanner;public class PercolationStats {private int matrixLength;private double[] threshold;private double mean;                //平均值private double stddev;              //标准偏差private double confidenceLow;   // 最低置信度private double confidenceHigh;    // 高置信度public PercolationStats(int N, int T) {if (N <= 0) {throw new IllegalArgumentException("length must be positive");}if (T <= 0) {throw new IllegalArgumentException("trials must be positive");}matrixLength = N;if (matrixLength == 1) {mean = 1;stddev = Double.NaN;confidenceLow = Double.NaN;confidenceHigh = Double.NaN;}else {threshold = new double[T];for(int i = 0;i < T;++i){Percolation percolation = new Percolation(N);int count = 0;do {int row = (int)(Math.random()*(matrixLength)) + 1;int col = (int)(Math.random()*(matrixLength)) + 1;//System.out.println("row= " + row+" , " + " col= " + col);//System.out.println("count= " + count);if(percolation.isOpen(row, col)){continue;}else{percolation.open(row, col);++count;}} while (!percolation.isPercolated());threshold[i] = (double)count / (matrixLength * matrixLength);}mean = Computemean(threshold,T);stddev = Computestddev(threshold,T);double diff = (1.96 * stddev) / Math.sqrt(T);confidenceLow = mean - diff;confidenceHigh = mean + diff;}}private double Computemean(double[] threshold,int T) {double sum = 0;for(int i =0 ;i < threshold.length;++i){sum += threshold[i];}return sum / T;}private double Computestddev(double[] threshold,int T) {double sum = 0;for(int i =0 ;i < threshold.length;++i){sum += Math.pow(threshold[i]-mean, 2);}return Math.sqrt(sum/ (T - 1));}public double Getmean() {return mean;}// public double Getstddev() {return stddev;}// public double GetconfidenceLow() {return confidenceLow;}// public double GetconfidenceHigh() {return confidenceHigh;}public static void main(String[] args) {System.out.println("Please enter N and T : ");  //Length  and TimesScanner in = new Scanner(System.in);int N = in.nextInt();int T = in.nextInt();PercolationStats percolationStats = new PercolationStats(N,T);System.out.println("The mean of percolationStats is " + percolationStats.Getmean());System.out.println("The stddev of percolationStats is " + percolationStats.Getstddev());System.out.println("The condidence  intervals of percolationStats is " + "[" + percolationStats.GetconfidenceLow() + " , " +  percolationStats.GetconfidenceHigh() + "]");in.close();}}


//import java.util.Scanner;public class PathCompressWQU {private int[] id;private int[] sz;private int count;public PathCompressWQU(int N){count=N;id=new int[N];sz=new int[N];for(int i=0;i<N;++i){id[i]=i;sz[i]=1;}}public int getcount(){return count;}public boolean isConnect(int p,int q){return find(p)==find(q);}public int find(int p) {//复杂度为两倍的树的高度h 即2hint temp = p;while(p!=id[p]){p=id[p];}while(temp != id[p]){int tempId = id[temp];id[temp] = id[p];temp = tempId;}return id[p];}public void union(int p,int q){//不计算find的情况下 union的算法复杂度为1int pRoot=find(p);int qRoot=find(q);if(pRoot==qRoot){return;}if(sz[pRoot]<sz[qRoot]){id[pRoot]=qRoot;sz[qRoot]+=sz[pRoot];}else{id[qRoot]=pRoot;sz[pRoot]+=sz[qRoot];}count--;}
/*public static void main(String[] args) {// TODO Auto-generated method stubScanner in=new Scanner(System.in);int N=in.nextInt();PathCompressWQU  pcwqu=new PathCompressWQU(N);while(in.hasNext()){int p=in.nextInt();int q=in.nextInt();if(pcwqu.isConnect(p, q)){System.out.println("p and q had benn in a componment!");continue;}pcwqu.union(p, q);System.out.println(pcwqu.getcount()+" componments" );}in.close();}
*/  }


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