
In today’s headlines, we learned that Google is making the web a better place by removing horrible ads (2.3 million last year, in fact), the Edge Insider Addons site for Microsoft’s new Edge-Chrome thing showed up, and more.

在今天的头条新闻中,我们了解到Google通过删除可怕的广告(实际上去年是230万个),使Web变得更美好,微软的Edge-Chrome新产品Edge Insider Addons网站也出现了,等等。

Note: This post is constantly updated throughout the day as we find more interesting news.


Microsoft和Windows新闻 (Microsoft and Windows News)

Things have been fairly quiet in Microsoft news this morning, but then Game Stack happened. Oh, and we’re getting a better idea of how Microsoft’s Chrome makeover in Edge is going to work.

今天早上微软的新闻一直很安静,但是随后发生了Game Stack。 哦,我们对Edge中的Microsoft Chrome改造将如何工作有了更好的了解。

  • The Edge Insider Addons site was discovered. It looks like it may have since been removed, however. [Techdows]

    发现了Edge Insider Addons网站。 但是,看起来好像已经被删除了。 [ Techdows ]

  • Windows 10 Preview Build 18351.8 hit the slow ring. Woo? [Windows Central]

    Windows 10预览版18351.8响了慢声。 oo? [ Windows Central ]

  • Game Stack was announced, which is a huge push for cross-platform Xbox Live tools. Whoa. [XDA Developers]

    宣布了Game Stack,这是对跨平台Xbox Live工具的巨大推动。 哇[ XDA开发人员]

Google和Android新闻 (Google and Android News)

While Android Q was released yesterday (and we have a massive roundup of all those features coming soon!), today has been slightly less exciting for Google and Android news. Still, some interesting things happened.

虽然昨天发布了Android Q(并且我们很快将收集所有这些功能!),但今天对于Google和Android新闻而言,它的兴奋性就略差了。 尽管如此,还是发生了一些有趣的事情。

  • Google is putting an end to crappy ads. It removed 2.3 million just last year! [Thurrott]

    Google结束了糟糕的广告。 就在去年,它删除了230万个! [瑟罗特]

  • Spotlight Stories, the in-house animated film studio at Google, is closing down. RIP. [The Verge]

    Google内部的动画电影制片厂Spotlight Stories正在关闭。 RIP。 [边缘]

  • Samsung is said to be working on a “perfect full-screen display.” No camera cutouts, no notch. Just a big ol’ screen. [The Verge]

    据说三星正在开发“完美的全屏显示器”。 没有相机切口,没有缺口。 只是一个大屏幕。 [边缘]

  • For Pi Day, a Google employee calculated the number to a record 31 trillion digits. So many digits. [Engadget]

    对于Pi Day,一位Google员工计算出的数字达到了创纪录的31万亿个数字。 这么多数字。 [ Engadget ]

  • WhatsApp is beta testing reverse image search directly in messages. [XDA Developers]

    WhatsApp正在Beta版测试中直接在消息中进行反向图像搜索。 [ XDA开发人员]

  • Some details about Motorola’s upcoming foldable Razr phone leaked, including the fact that it’s curiously using a Snapdragon 710 processor. [XDA Developers]

    有关摩托罗拉即将推出的可折叠Razr手机的一些细节泄露了,包括它奇怪地使用了Snapdragon 710处理器这一事实。 [ XDA开发人员]

  • Continued Conversations on Google Assistant speakers now works in the UK. [9to5Google]

    关于Google Assistant发言人的持续对话现在在英国有效。 [ 9to5Google ]

其他新闻 (Other News)

An MIT robot that can grab things, Samsung’s new 12GB DRAM chips, and more.

可以抓东西的MIT机器人,三星的新型12GB DRAM芯片等等。

  • MIT made a “flytrap gripper” robot that can hold 100 times its weight and also grab delicate objects. I want one. [Engadget]

    麻省理工学院制造了一个“捕蝇器”机器人,该机器人可以承受其重量的100倍并且还可以抓取细小的物体。 我要一个。 [ Engadget ]

  • Samsung is now mass producing its 12GB DRAM chips. We live in exciting times…I think. [XDA Developers]

    三星现在正在批量生产其12GB DRAM芯片。 我们生活在令人兴奋的时代……我认为。 [ XDA开发人员]

  • 71 percent of Americans said they don’t trust autonomous cars. That’s a lower percentage than I expected if we’re honest. [Gizmodo]

    71%的美国人说他们不信任自动驾驶汽车。 老实说,这比我预期的要低。 [ Gizmodo ]

  • Facebook was down for a lot of people all day yesterday. Telegram got three million new users as a result. Wild. [The Verge]

    昨天整天Facebook吸引了很多人。 因此,Telegram获得了300新用户。 野生。 [边缘]

  • HTC’s upcoming VR service is launching on April 2nd for $99 a year. [Engadget]

    HTC即将推出的VR服务将于4月2日以每年99美元的价格推出。 [ Engadget ]

  • Ikea delayed its smart blinds till later this year. Boo! [The Verge]

    宜家将智能百叶窗推迟到今年晚些时候。 ! [边缘]

  • Razer announced some new, affordable gaming accessories. Alright! [Engadget]

    雷蛇发布了一些价格合理的新游戏配件。 好的! [ Engadget ]

  • Huawei admitted that it made its own smartphone and PC OSes. Because, you know, reasons. [Thurrott]

    华为承认自己制造了智能手机和PC操作系统。 因为,你知道,原因。 [瑟罗特]

  • WWDC registration is now open. It kicks off on June 3rd! [9to5Mac]

    WWDC注册现已开放。 它将于6月3日开始! [ 9to5Mac ]

  • Dropbox pulled an Evernote and now limits the free tier to three devices. Ugh. [Engadget]

    Dropbox推出了Evernote,现在将免费套餐限制为三台设备。 啊。 [ Engadget ]

  • Valve is going to start letting stream their games from anywhere—not just local networks—using Steam Link. [The Verge]

    Valve将开始使用Steam Link从任何地方(不仅是本地网络)流式传输游戏。 [边缘]

Look, I’m not saying that’s everything that happened to—but it’s the really cool stuff.


If you dig this new format, I want to know about it! Leave a comment down below or drop me a line sharing your thoughts. I’m always into knowing how we can make things better.

如果您使用这种新格式,我想知道! 在下方发表评论,或给我留言分享您的想法。 我一直都很想知道如何使事情变得更好。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/407675/daily-news-roundup-google-killed-2.3m-bad-ads-microsoft-announced-game-stack-for-xbl-and-more/



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