
create table t1(id int primary key auto_increment,username char(12) not null,sex enum('male','female') default 'male',hobby set('study','sing','eat','drink')
);create table t2(id int,name char(12));

insert into 表(字段,.......) values(值,........);insert into t1 values(1,'mike','male','sing,drink'),
(4,'Gsir','male','drink');insert into t1(username,hobby) values('zhangsan','study');insert into t2(id,name) select id,username from t1;

mysql> delete from t2;  (如果有自增id  不会清除自增字段的offset值)

# show create table t1;               查看t1目前偏移量

mysql> delete from t1 where id = 3;

mysql> truncate table t1;

# 会清空表和自增字段的偏移量

update 表 set 字段=值 where 条件;

update 表 set 字段=值,字段=值 where 条件;

mysql> update t1 set id = 5,hobby = 'sing' where id  = 4;


select * from 表;

select 字段... form 表;

# 重命名

select 字段 as 新名字,... form 表;

select 字段 新名字,... form 表;

# 避免重复

select distinct post from  employee;

# 四则运算

mysql> select emp_name,salary*12 as annual_salary from employee;

# concat  拼接函数

mysql> select concat('a','b','c');

# 单表查询
create table employee(
id int not null unique auto_increment,
emp_name varchar(20) not null,
sex enum('male','female') not null default 'male', #大部分是男的
age int(3) unsigned not null default 28,
hire_date date not null,
post varchar(50),
post_comment varchar(100),
salary double(15,2),
office int, #一个部门一个屋子
depart_id int
);insert into employee(emp_name,sex,age,hire_date,post,salary,office,depart_id) values
('egon','male',18,'20170301','老男孩驻沙河办事处外交大使',7300.33,401,1), #以下是教学部
('格格','female',28,'20170127','sale',4000.33,402,2),('张野','male',28,'20160311','operation',10000.13,403,3), #以下是运营部门

mysql> select id,emp_name from employee;

mysql> select id,emp_name as name from employee;

mysql> select id,emp_name as name from employee;

# 避免重复

mysql> select distinct post from employee;

# 四则运算

mysql> select emp_name,salary*12 as annual_salary from employee;

# concat

mysql> select concat(emp_name,':',salary)from employee;

mysql> select concat_ws('|',emp_name,salary*12) as annual_salary from employee;


mysql> select * from employee where post != 'sale';

mysql> select * from employee where id < 10;


mysql> select * from employee where salary between 10000 and 14000;


mysql> select * from employee where salary in (10000,18000,200000);



# % 通配符 任意长度的任意内容

mysql> select * from employee where emp_name like 'j%';

mysql> select * from employee where emp_name like '%j%';

mysql> select * from employee where emp_name like '%j';

# _ 通配符  一个长度的一个内容

mysql> select * from employee where emp_name like '%e_';


mysql> select * from employee where emp_name regexp '^j';

mysql> select * from employee where salary regexp '\d{4,5}';

not in     and   or

select * from employee where salary not in (10000,20000) and age = 18;

mysql> select * from employee where sex = 'male' and post = 'sale' or id < 5;

mysql表的增删改select 和 where相关推荐

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    MYSQL表的增删改查进阶 4. 查询 4.1 聚合查询 4.1.1 聚合函数 4.1.2 group by字句 4.1.3 having 4.2 联合查询 4.2.1 内连接 4.2.2 外连接 4 ...

  2. 2.MySQL表的增删改查(进阶)

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  3. MySQL表的增删改查(基础)

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  4. MySQL表的增删改查

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  5. 数据库概论之MySQL表的增删改查1

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  6. 【MySQL系列】 MySQL表的增删改查(进阶)

    目录 ??前言 ??一.数据库约束 ???1.1 约束类型 ???1.2 null约束 ???1.3 unique约束 ???1.4 default约束 ???1.5 primary key 约束 ? ...

  7. php mysql表的增删改查,PHP 之Mysql增删改查操作案例

    1:user表: CREATE TABLE `user` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(32) NOT NULL, PR ...

  8. 【MySQL】(万字解析)MySQL表的增删改查(进阶-上)

    快速跳转✅ 1.数据库的约束 1.1 约束类型 1.2 NULL约束 1.3 UNIQUE:唯一约束 1.4 DEFAULT:默认值约束 1.5 PRIMARY KEY:主键约束 1.6 FOREIG ...

  9. MySQL表的增删改查--你都知道吗?

    文章目录 CRUD 查询 修改 删除 数据库约束 数据库的设计 插入查询的数据 聚合查询 分组查询 联合查询/多表查询(重点) 内连接与外连接 子查询 合并查询 注释:在SQL中使用 --(空格) + ...


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