

只能把连接阿里云的部分放在app.js中,通过使用 onfire.js 这个东西来实现多个页面实时监听app.js中的数据,

其中小程序联网接阿里云那部分也是参考了那个博主的巧借阿里云物联网平台的免费连接,从微信小程序颜色采集控制 esp8266 输出七彩灯效果
下面贴出 onfire.js 的源码

/**Copyright (c) 2016 hustcc http://www.atool.org/License: MIT https://github.com/hustcc/onfire.js
/* jshint expr: true */
!function (root, factory) {if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports)module.exports = factory();elseroot.onfire = factory();
}(typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : this, function () {var __onfireEvents = {},__cnt = 0, // evnet counterstring_str = 'string',function_str = 'function',hasOwnKey = Function.call.bind(Object.hasOwnProperty),slice = Function.call.bind(Array.prototype.slice);function _bind(eventName, callback, is_one, context) {if (typeof eventName !== string_str || typeof callback !== function_str) {throw new Error('args: '+string_str+', '+function_str+'');}if (! hasOwnKey(__onfireEvents, eventName)) {__onfireEvents[eventName] = {};}__onfireEvents[eventName][++__cnt] = [callback, is_one, context];return [eventName, __cnt];}function _each(obj, callback) {for (var key in obj) {if (hasOwnKey(obj, key)) callback(key, obj[key]);}}/***  onfire.on( event, func, context ) -> Object*  - event (String): The event name to subscribe / bind to*  - func (Function): The function to call when a new event is published / triggered*  Bind / subscribe the event name, and the callback function when event is triggered, will return an event Object**/function on(eventName, callback, context) {return _bind(eventName, callback, 0, context);}/***  onfire.one( event, func, context ) -> Object*  - event (String): The event name to subscribe / bind to*  - func (Function): The function to call when a new event is published / triggered*  Bind / subscribe the event name, and the callback function when event is triggered only once(can be triggered for one time), will return an event Object**/function one(eventName, callback, context) {return _bind(eventName, callback, 1, context);}function _fire_func(eventName, args) {if (hasOwnKey(__onfireEvents, eventName)) {_each(__onfireEvents[eventName], function(key, item) {item[0].apply(item[2], args); // do the functionif (item[1]) delete __onfireEvents[eventName][key]; // when is one, delete it after triggle});}}/***  onfire.fire( event[, data1 [,data2] ... ] )*  - event (String): The event name to publish*  - data...: The data to pass to subscribers / callbacks*  Async Publishes / fires the the event, passing the data to it's subscribers / callbacks**/function fire(eventName) {// fire eventsvar args = slice(arguments, 1);setTimeout(function () {_fire_func(eventName, args);});}/***  onfire.fireSync( event[, data1 [,data2] ... ] )*  - event (String): The event name to publish*  - data...: The data to pass to subscribers / callbacks*  Sync Publishes / fires the the event, passing the data to it's subscribers / callbacks**/function fireSync(eventName) {_fire_func(eventName, slice(arguments, 1));}/*** onfire.un( event ) -> Boolean*  - event (String / Object): The message to publish* When passed a event Object, removes a specific subscription.* When passed event name String, removes all subscriptions for that event name(hierarchy)** Unsubscribe / unbind an event or event object.** Examples**  // Example 1 - unsubscribing with a event object*  var event_object = onfire.on('my_event', myFunc);*  onfire.un(event_object);**  // Example 2 - unsubscribing with a event name string*  onfire.un('my_event');**/function un(event) {var eventName, key, r = false, type = typeof event;if (type === string_str) {// cancel the event name if existif (hasOwnKey(__onfireEvents, event)) {delete __onfireEvents[event];return true;}return false;}else if (type === 'object') {eventName = event[0];key = event[1];if (hasOwnKey(__onfireEvents, eventName) && hasOwnKey(__onfireEvents[eventName], key)) {delete __onfireEvents[eventName][key];return true;}// can not find this event, return falsereturn false;}else if (type === function_str) {_each(__onfireEvents, function(key_1, item_1) {_each(item_1, function(key_2, item_2) {if (item_2[0] === event) {delete __onfireEvents[key_1][key_2];r = true;}});});return r;}return true;}/***  onfire.clear()*  Clears all subscriptions**/function clear() {__onfireEvents = {};}return {on: on,one: one,un: un,fire: fire,fireSync: fireSync,clear: clear};



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