1983 Bill Gates announced Microsoft Windows on November 10, 1983. 比尔·盖茨于1983年11月10日宣布推出微软Windows。
1985 Microsoft Windows 1.0 was introduced on November 20, 1985, and was initially sold for $100.00. Microsoft Windows 1.0于1985年11月20日推出,最初售价为100.00美元。
1987 Microsoft Windows 2.0 was released on December 9, 1987, and was initially sold for $100.00. Microsoft Windows 2.0于1987年12月9日发布,最初售价为100.00美元。
1987 Microsoft Windows/386 or Windows 386 was introduced on December 9, 1987, and was initially sold for $100.00. Microsoft Windows/386或Windows 386于1987年12月9日推出,最初售价为100.00美元。
1988 Microsoft Windows/286 or Windows 286 was introduced in June 1988, and initially sold for $100.00. Microsoft Windows/286或Windows 286于1988年6月推出,最初售价为100.00美元。
1990 Microsoft Windows 3.0 was released on May, 22 1990. Microsoft Windows 3.0 full version was priced at $149.95 and the upgrade version was priced at $79.95. Microsoft Windows 3.0于1990年5月22日发布。Microsoft Windows 3.0完整版定价为149.95美元,升级版定价为79.95美元。
1991 Following its decision not to develop operating systems cooperatively with IBM, Microsoft changed the name of their version of OS/2, originally named NT OS/2 3.0, to Windows NT. Developed by David Cutler, Windows NT was built on a different architecture than IBM's OS/2 operating system. 在决定不与IBM合作开发操作系统后,Microsoft将其OS/2版本的名称(最初命名为NTOS/2 3.0)更改为WindowsNT。由David Cutler开发的Windows NT构建在与IBM的OS/2操作系统不同的体系结构上。
1991 Microsoft Windows 3.0 or Windows 3.0a with multimedia was released in October 1991. 带有多媒体功能的Microsoft Windows 3.0或Windows 3.0a于1991年10月发布。
1992 Microsoft Windows 3.1 was released in April 1992 and sells more than one million copies in the first two months of its release. Microsoft Windows 3.1于1992年4月发布,在发布的头两个月内销售了100多万份。
1992 Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.1 was released in October 1992. Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.1于1992年10月发布。
1993 Microsoft Windows NT 3.1 was released on July 27, 1993. Microsoft Windows NT 3.1于1993年7月27日发布。
1993 Microsoft Windows 3.11, an update to Windows 3.1 was released on December 31, 1993. Microsoft Windows 3.11,Windows 3.1的更新于1993年12月31日发布。
1993 The number of licensed users of Microsoft Windows totaled more than 25 million in 1993. 1993年,微软Windows的授权用户总数超过2500万。
1994 Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.11 was released in February 1994. Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.11于1994年2月发布。
1994 Microsoft Windows NT 3.5 was released on September 21, 1994. Microsoft Windows NT 3.5于1994年9月21日发布。
1995 Microsoft Windows NT 3.51 was released on May 30, 1995. Microsoft Windows NT 3.51于1995年5月30日发布。
1995 Microsoft Windows 95 was released on August 24, 1995, and sold more than one million copies within four days. Microsoft Windows 95于1995年8月24日发布,四天内售出了100多万份。
1995 Microsoft Windows 95 Service Pack 1 (4.00.950A) was released on February 14, 1996. Microsoft Windows 95 Service Pack 1(4.00.950A)于1996年2月14日发布。
1996 Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 was released on July 29, 1996. Microsoft Windows NT 4.0于1996年7月29日发布。
1996 Microsoft Windows 95 (4.00.950B) aka OSR2 with FAT32 and MMX support was released on August 24, 1996. 1996年8月24日,支持FAT32和MMX的Microsoft Windows 95(4.00.950B)即OSR2发布。
1996 Microsoft Windows CE 1.0 was released in November 1996. Microsoft Windows CE 1.0于1996年11月发布。
1997 Microsoft Windows CE 2.0 was released in November 1997. Microsoft Windows CE 2.0于1997年11月发布。
1997 Microsoft Windows 95 (4.00.950C) aka OSR2.5 was released on November 26, 1997. Microsoft Windows 95(4.00.950C)又名OSR2.5于1997年11月26日发布。
1998 Microsoft Windows 98 was released in June 1998. Microsoft Windows 98于1998年6月发布。
1998 Microsoft Windows CE 2.1 was released in July 1998. Microsoft Windows CE 2.1于1998年7月发布。
1998 In October 1998, Microsoft announced that future releases of Windows NT would no longer have the initials of NT and that the next edition would be Windows 2000. 1998年10月,微软宣布Windows NT的未来版本将不再使用NT的缩写,下一版本将是Windows 2000。
1999 Microsoft Windows 98 SE (Second Edition) was released on May 5, 1999. Microsoft Windows 98 SE(第二版)于1999年5月5日发布。
1999 Microsoft Windows CE 3.0 was released in 1999. Microsoft Windows CE 3.0于1999年发布。
2000 On January 4th, 2000, at CES, Bill Gates announced the new version of Windows CE will be called Pocket PC. 2000年1月4日,在CES上,比尔·盖茨宣布新版Windows CE将被称为Pocket PC。
2000 Microsoft Windows 2000 was released on February 17, 2000. Microsoft Windows 2000于2000年2月17日发布。
2000 Microsoft Windows ME (Millennium) was released on June 19, 2000. Microsoft Windows ME(Millennium)于2000年6月19日发布。
2001 Microsoft Windows XP was released on October 25, 2001. Microsoft Windows XP于2001年10月25日发布。
2001 Microsoft Windows XP 64-bit edition (version 2002) for Itanium systems was released on March 28, 2003. 适用于安腾系统的Microsoft Windows XP 64位版本(2002版)于2003年3月28日发布。
2003 Microsoft Windows Server 2003 was released on March 28, 2003. Microsoft Windows Server 2003于2003年3月28日发布。
2003 Microsoft Windows XP 64-bit edition (version 2003) for Itanium 2 systems was released on March 28, 2003. 适用于安腾2系统的Microsoft Windows XP 64位版本(2003版)于2003年3月28日发布。
2003 Microsoft Windows XP Media Center edition 2003 was released on December 18, 2003. Microsoft Windows XP Media Center 2003版于2003年12月18日发布。
2004 Microsoft Windows XP Media Center edition 2005 was released on October 12, 2004. Microsoft Windows XP Media Center 2005版于2004年10月12日发布。
2005 Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 edition was released on April 24, 2005. Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64版于2005年4月24日发布。
2005 Microsoft announced its next operating system, code-named "Longhorn," would be named Windows Vista on July 23, 2005. 2005年7月23日,微软宣布其下一个代号为“Longhorn”的操作系统将命名为WindowsVista。
2006 Microsoft released Microsoft Windows Vista to corporations on November 30, 2006. 2006年11月30日,微软向企业发布了Microsoft Windows Vista。
2007 Microsoft released Microsoft Windows Vista and Office 2007 to the general public on January 30, 2007. 2007年1月30日,微软向公众发布了Microsoft Windows Vista和Office 2007。
2008 Microsoft released Microsoft Windows Server 2008 to the public on February 27, 2008. 2008年2月27日,微软向公众发布了Microsoft Windows Server 2008。
2009 Microsoft released Windows 7 on October 22, 2009. 微软于2009年10月22日发布了Windows 7。
2012 Microsoft released Windows Server 2012 on September 4, 2012. Microsoft于2012年9月4日发布了Windows Server 2012。
2012 Microsoft released Windows 8 on October 26, 2012. 微软于2012年10月26日发布了Windows 8。
2013 Microsoft released Windows 8.1 on October 17, 2013. Microsoft于2013年10月17日发布了Windows 8.1。
2015 Microsoft released Windows 10 on July 29, 2015. Microsoft于2015年7月29日发布了Windows 10。
2021 Microsoft announced released Windows 11 on October 5, 2021. Microsoft announced released Windows 11 on October 5, 2021.


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