In China ,there is a saying:three cobblers equal Zhuge Liang,who was a very clever man during the Three Kindoms period in ancient China.It is the same with “two heads are better than one”

We often ask our best friend for advice.We always ask but just ask.That is not right.We don’t think the advice from around is right according to our living experience,so that we won’t take it for an action.

Sometimes we will feel distressed by the feedback from the people around us.They don’t give you direct feedback.They will hint you indirectly in other ways.And distress is slowly accumulated,In the end, It makes you miserable.

I think that If you are distressed, you should ask for feedback.It can help us to find out what the problem is.So that it won’t be overwhelmed.if your boss give you a lot of work to do,you should filter these work and prioritize.

I know that you are always hesitant to ask for advice.You think that it is matter of no face.And you think that it makes you seem less competent.Of course not.You should still get advice from your colleagues,even after the onboarding process.
When we take the initiative to ask around for advice,we can get a lot of useful information to help us to deal with the problems we face.

Let’s ask for advice from people around.

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