
 - -SnippetBot




大家可自行看看没有翻译的部分,也正好学习外语嘛!最后引入了About Duelist,快打到世界第一的机器人发展过程的一段文字。


package wind;

import robocode.*;

import java.awt.Color;


* SnippetBot - a robot by Alisdair Owens

* This bot includes all sorts of useful snippets.  It is not

* designed to be a good fighter (although it does well 1v1),

* just to show how certain things are done

* Bits of code lifted from Nicator and Chrisbot

* Conventions in this bot include: Use of radians throughout

* Storing absolute positions of enemy bots rather than relative ones

* Very little code in events

* These are all good programming practices for robocode

* There may also be methods that arent used; these might just be useful for you.


public class SnippetBot extends AdvancedRobot



* run: SnippetBot's default behavior


Enemy target;                   //our current enemy  代表对手,包括了对手的所有有用参数

final double PI = Math.PI;          //just a constant

int direction = 1;              //direction we are heading...1 = forward, -1 = backwards


double firePower;                   //the power of the shot we will be using - set by do firePower() 设置我们的火力

public void run()


target = new Enemy();               //实例化Enemy()类

target.distance = 100000;           //initialise the distance so that we can select a target

setColors(Color.red,Color.blue,Color.green);    //sets the colours of the robot

//the next two lines mean that the turns of the robot, gun and radar are independant




turnRadarRightRadians(2*PI);            //turns the radar right around to get a view of the field 以弧度计算旋转一周



doMovement();               //Move the bot 移动机器人

doFirePower();              //select the fire power to use 选择火力

doScanner();                //Oscillate the scanner over the bot 扫描

doGun();                    //move the gun to predict where the enemy will be 预测敌人,调整炮管


fire(firePower);            //所有动作完成后,开火

execute();              //execute all commands  上面使用的都为AdvancedRobot类中的非阻塞调用






* This simple function calculates the fire power to use (from 0.1 to 3)

* based on the distance from the target.  We will investigate the data structure

* holding the target data later.


void doFirePower()


firePower = 400/target.distance;//selects a bullet power based on our distance away from the target





* This is the movememnt function.  It will cause us

* to circle strafe the enemy (ie move back and forward,

* circling the enemy.  if you don't know what strafing means

* play more quake.

* The direction variable is global to the class.  Passing a

* negative number to setAhead causes the bot to go backwards

* 以目标主中心来回摆动


void doMovement()


if (getTime()%20 == 0)  //?过20的倍数时间就反转方向


//every twenty 'ticks'

direction *= -1;        //reverse direction

setAhead(direction*300);    //move in that direction


setTurnRightRadians(target.bearing + (PI/2)); //every turn move to circle strafe the enemy




* this scanner method allows us to make our scanner track our target.

* it will track to where our target is at the moment, and some further

* in case the target has moved.  This way we always get up to the minute

* information on our target   雷达锁定目标


void doScanner()


double radarOffset;  //雷达偏移量

if (getTime() - target.ctime > 4) //???why来回扫了4个回合都没扫到意味失去了目标,再全扫一遍


//if we haven't seen anybody for a bit....

radarOffset = 360;      //rotate the radar to find a target




//next is the amount we need to rotate the radar by to scan where the target is now


radarOffset = getRadarHeadingRadians() - absbearing(getX(),getY(),target.x,target.y);

//this adds or subtracts small amounts from the bearing for the radar to produce the wobbling

//and make sure we don't lose the target


if (radarOffset < 0)

radarOffset -= PI/8;  //(0.375)


radarOffset += PI/8;


//turn the radar

setTurnRadarLeftRadians(NormaliseBearing(radarOffset)); //左转调整转动角度到PI内



* This simple method moves the gun to the bearing that we predict the

* enemy will be by the time our bullet will get there.

* the 'absbearing' method can be found in the helper functions section

* the nextX and nextY method can be found in the 'Enemy' class description


void doGun()


//works out how long it would take a bullet to travel to where the enemy is *now*

//this is the best estimation we have

//计算子弹到达目标的时间长speed = 20 - 3 * power;有计算公式,距离除速度=时间

long time = getTime() + (int)(target.distance/(20-(3*firePower)));

//offsets the gun by the angle to the next shot based on linear targeting provided by the enemy class



double gunOffset = getGunHeadingRadians() - absbearing(getX(),getY(),target.guessX(time),target.guessY(time));

setTurnGunLeftRadians(NormaliseBearing(gunOffset));  //调整相对角度到2PI内



* This set of helper methods.  You may find several of these very useful

* They include the ability to find the angle to a point.


//if a bearing is not within the -pi to pi range, alters it to provide the shortest angle

double NormaliseBearing(double ang)


if (ang > PI)

ang -= 2*PI;

if (ang < -PI)

ang += 2*PI;

return ang;


//if a heading is not within the 0 to 2pi range, alters it to provide the shortest angle

double NormaliseHeading(double ang)


if (ang > 2*PI)

ang -= 2*PI;

if (ang < 0)

ang += 2*PI;

return ang;


//returns the distance between two x,y coordinates '**'


public double getrange( double x1,double y1, double x2,double y2 )


double xo = x2-x1;

double yo = y2-y1;

double h = Math.sqrt( xo*xo + yo*yo );

return h;


//gets the absolute bearing between to x,y coordinates


public double absbearing( double x1,double y1, double x2,double y2 )


double xo = x2-x1;

double yo = y2-y1;

double h = getrange( x1,y1, x2,y2 );

if( xo > 0 && yo > 0 )





return Math.asin( xo / h );


if( xo > 0 && yo < 0 )


return Math.PI - Math.asin( xo / h ); //x为正,y为负第二象限角


if( xo < 0 && yo < 0 )


return Math.PI + Math.asin( -xo / h ); //第三象限内180+角度


if( xo < 0 && yo > 0 )


return 2.0*Math.PI - Math.asin( -xo / h ); //四象限360-角度


return 0;



* onScannedRobot: What to do when you see another robot

* 扫描事件,也是初始化目标数据的过程


public void onScannedRobot(ScannedRobotEvent e)


//if we have found a closer robot....

if ((e.getDistance() < target.distance)||(target.name == e.getName()))


//the next line gets the absolute bearing to the point where the bot is


double absbearing_rad = (getHeadingRadians()+e.getBearingRadians())%(2*PI);

//this section sets all the information about our target

target.name = e.getName();


target.x = getX()+Math.sin(absbearing_rad)*e.getDistance(); //works out the x coordinate of where the target is

target.y = getY()+Math.cos(absbearing_rad)*e.getDistance(); //works out the y coordinate of where the target is

target.bearing = e.getBearingRadians();

target.head = e.getHeadingRadians();

target.ctime = getTime();               //game time at which this scan was produced 扫描到机器人的游戏时间

target.speed = e.getVelocity();         //得到敌人速度

target.distance = e.getDistance();



public void onRobotDeath(RobotDeathEvent e)


if (e.getName() == target.name)

target.distance = 10000; //this will effectively make it search for a new target




* This class holds scan data so that we can remember where enemies were

* and what they were doing when we last scanned then.

* You could make a hashtable (with the name of the enemy bot as key)

* or a vector of these so that you can remember where all of your enemies are

* in relation to you.

* This class also holds the guessX and guessY methods. These return where our targeting

* system thinks they will be if they travel in a straight line at the same speed

* as they are travelling now.  You just need to pass the time at which you want to know

* where they will be.

* 保存我们扫描到的目标的所有有用数据,也可用hashtable,vector方法处理所有和我们有关的目标数据(用于群战)

* 中间的guessX,guessY方法是针对做直线均速运动机器人一个策略


class Enemy



* ok, we should really be using accessors and mutators here,

* (i.e getName() and setName()) but life's too short.


String name;

public double bearing;

public double head;

public long ctime; //game time that the scan was produced

public double speed;

public double x,y;

public double distance;

public double guessX(long when)


//以扫描时和子弹到达的时间差 * 最大速度=距离, 再用对手的坐标加上移动坐标得到敌人移动后的坐标

long diff = when - ctime;

return x+Math.sin(head)*speed*diff; //目标移动后的坐标


public double guessY(long when)


long diff = when - ctime;

return y+Math.cos(head)*speed*diff;




Robocode 中华联盟(http://www.robochina.org)


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