




public static void swap1(int[]arr,int i,int j){int temp = arr[i];arr[i] = arr[j];arr[j] = temp;
public static void swap2(int[] arr,int i,int j){if(arr[i] == arr[j]){//如果arr[i]和arr[j]指向同一块内存会出错,所以干脆不交换return;}arr[i] = arr[i] ^ arr[j];arr[j] = arr[j] ^ arr[i];arr[i] = arr[i] ^ arr[j];


public static int[] generateRandomArray(int maxSize,int maxValue){int[] arr = new int[(int)((maxSize + 1) * Math.random())];//随机长度for (int i = 0;i < arr.length;i++) {//一个随机正数减去另一个随机正数,生成一个[-maxValue,maxValue]的随机数arr[i] = (int)((maxValue+1)*Math.random()) - (int)((maxValue+1)*Math.random());}return arr;


/*** 每一轮会使较大的值浮上去* 时间复杂度:* 每次比较的次数-1,等差数列,O(N^2)* 有稳定性*/
//        for(每一轮选出一个最大值放后面){//            for(从0位置开始,每轮比较的次数减少1){//                当前数比后面的数大,就交换
//            }
//        }
public static void bubbleSort(int[] arr){if(arr == null || arr.length <2){return;}for(int i = 1; i < arr.length; i++){for(int j = 0; j < arr.length - i; j++){if (arr[j + 1] < arr[j]) {swap(arr,j + 1,j);}}}


/*** 选出最小值排在前面* 时间复杂度:* 每次比较的次数-1,等差数列,O(N^2)* 没有稳定性*/
//        for(每一轮选一个最小值放前面){//            int minIndex记录最小值的下标
//            for(遍历剩下的数找最小值的下标){//                if(当前数小于minIndex对应的数){//                    把当前数的下标记为minIndex
//                }
//            }
//            把minIndex对应的数换到最前面
//        }
public static void selectSort(int[] arr){if(arr == null || arr.length <2){return;}for(int i = 0; i < arr.length - 1; i++){int minIndex = i;for(int j = i + 1; j < arr.length; j++){if(arr[minIndex] > arr[j]){minIndex = j;}}swap(arr,minIndex,i);}


/*** 每次拿出一个数插入前面已经排好序的数字中* 时间复杂度:* 等差数列,O(N^2)* 有稳定性*/
//        for(每次拿出一个数插入前面已经排好序的数字中){//            for(如果这个数比前面的数小,就一直往前找){//                找到合适位置后插入
//            }
//        }
public static void insertSort(int[] arr){if(arr == null || arr.length <2){return;}for(int i = 1;i < arr.length;i++){for(int j = i; j > 0 && arr[j] < arr[j-1];j--){swap(arr,j,j - 1);}}


//        int[] help 用来存放排好序的数;
//        int p1 左半部分的指针;
//        int p2 右半部分的指针;
//        while(两个指针都没越界){//            p1指向的数和p2指向的数作比较,较小的放入help中;
//            放入数字的时候,对应指针向右移动一位;
//            直到有一个指针越界
//        }
//        下面这两个while循环只会中一个
//        while(p1还没越界){//            剩下的肯定都是有序且较大的数;
//            直接放到help数组末尾
//        }
//        while(p2还没越界){//            剩下的肯定都是有序且较大的数;
//            直接放到help数组末尾
//        }
//        把排好序的数复制回原数组
public static void merge(int[] arr,int L,int M,int R){int[] help = new int[R - L + 1];int p1 = L;int p2 = M + 1;int i = 0;while(p1 <= M && p2 <= R){help[i++] = arr[p1] <= arr[p2]? arr[p1++]:arr[p2++];}while(p1 <= M){help[i++] = arr[p1++];}while(p2 <= R){help[i++] = arr[p2++];}for(i = 0;i < help.length;i++){arr[L + i] = help[i];}


public void mergesort(int[] arr,int L,int R){if(L == R){//递归回溯条件return;}int mid = L + ((R - L) >> 1);mergesort(arr,L,mid);//让L~M有序mergesort(arr,mid +1,R);//让M~R有序merge(arr,L,mid,R);//调用上面的merge,让整体变有序


//        mergeSize 每次merge的大小是mergeSize的两倍;
//        每次mergeSize都会翻倍
//        while(mergeSize < 数组长度){//            设置一个从0开始的左指针
//            while(左指针没越界){//                设置中线:左指针+mergeSize 为左半部分;
//                if(中线越界了){//                    break;
//                }
//                设置一个右指针:(中线 + mergesize)如果越界取最右边界;
//                merge(arr, 左指针, 中线, 右指针);
//                左指针设为右指针+1;
//                循环直到中线或左指针越界;
//            }
//            if(mergeSize > 数组长度的一半){//                break;防止翻倍后溢出
//            }
//            mergeSize翻倍;
//        }
public static void mergesort02(int[] arr){if(arr == null || arr.length < 2){return;}int mergeSize = 1;int N = arr.length;while(mergeSize < N){int L = 0;while(L < N){int M = L + mergeSize;if(M >= N){break;}int R =Math.min(M + mergeSize,N - 1);merge(arr,L,M,R);L = R + 1;}if(mergeSize > (N >> 1)){break;}mergeSize <<= 1;}




public static int partition(int[] arr,int L,int R){if(L > R){return -1;}if(L == R){return L;}int less = L - 1;int more = R;int index = L;while(L < R){if(arr[index] == arr[R]){index++;}else if(arr[index] < arr[R]){swap(arr,index++,++less);}else{swap(arr,index,--more);}}swap(arr,more,R);return more;
public static void swap(int[] arr,int i,int j){int tmp = arr[i];arr[i] = arr[j];arr[j] = tmp;



public static int partition(int[] arr,int L,int R){if(L > R){return -1;}if(L == R){return L;}int less = L - 1;int more = R;int index = L;while(L < R){if(arr[index] == arr[R]){index++;}else if(arr[index] < arr[R]){swap(arr,index++,++less);}else{swap(arr,index,--more);}}swap(arr,more,R);return more;
public static void swap(int[] arr, int i, int j) {int tmp = arr[i];arr[i] = arr[j];arr[j] = tmp;



public static void quicksort01(int[] arr,int L,int R){if(L >= R){return;}int M = partition(arr,L,R);quicksort01(arr,L,M);quicksort01(arr,M + 1,R);



public static void quicksort02(int[] arr, int L, int R) {if (L >= R) {return;}int[] equalArea = netherlandsFlag(arr, L, R);quicksort02(arr, L, equalArea[0] - 1);quicksort02(arr, equalArea[1] + 1, R);



public static void quicksort03(int[] arr,int L,int R){if (L <= R){return;}swap(arr,L + (int) (Math.random() * (R - L + 1)),R);int[] equalArea = NetherlandsFlag.netherlandsFlag(arr,L,R);quicksort03(arr,L,equalArea[0] - 1);quicksort03(arr,equalArea[1] + 1,R);
public static void swap(int[]arr,int i,int j){int tmp = arr[i];arr[i] = arr[j];arr[j] = tmp;










/***  O(logN)*/
public static void countSort(int[] arr){if(arr == null || arr.length < 2){return;}int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;//找出最大值for(int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){max = Math.max(max,arr[i]);}//准备一个max + 1 个桶int[] bucket = new int[max + 1];//计数for(int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){bucket[arr[i]]++;}int i = 0;//倒出for(int j = 0; j < bucket.length; j++){while(bucket[j]-- > 0){arr[i++] = j;}}}


/*** O(N*lg(max)) N乘以,以十为底数组中最大值的对数 (N乘以最大值的位数)*/
public class RadixSort {//只能处理非负值public static void radixSort(int[] arr){if(arr == null || arr.length < 2){return;}radixSort(arr,0,arr.length - 1,maxBits(arr));}/*** @param arr 要排序的数组* @return 最大值的位数*/public static int maxBits(int[]arr){int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;for(int i = 0;i < arr.length; i++){max = Math.max(max,arr[i]);}int res = 0;while(max != 0){res++;max /= 10;}return res;}public static void radixSort(int[] arr, int L, int R, int digit){final int radix = 10;//十进制int i = 0, j = 0;int[] help = new int[R - L +1];//等长数组for(int d = 1; d <= digit; d++) {//从个位开始,每一位入桶int[] count = new int[radix];//countfor(i = L;i <= R; i++){j = getDigit(arr[i], d);count[j]++;}//count'for(i = 1; i < radix; i++){count[i] += count[i - 1];}//helpfor(i = R; i >= L; i--){j = getDigit(arr[i], d);help[count[j] - 1] = arr[i];count[j]--;}//倒回去for(i = L,j =0; i <= R; i++,j++){arr[i] = help[j];}}}/*** @param num 数字* @param digit 要取哪一位* @return num的第digit位*/public static int getDigit(int num, int digit){int bits = 0;int cloneOfNum = num;while(cloneOfNum != 0){bits++;cloneOfNum /= 10;}if(digit > bits || digit <= 0){return 0;}return (num / (int)Math.pow(10,digit - 1)) % 10;}


基于比较 时间复杂度 空间复杂度 稳定性
选择排序 O(N^2) O(1)
冒泡排序 O(N^2) O(1)
插入排序 O(N^2) O(1)
归并排序 O(N*logN) O(N)
随即快排 O(N*logN) O(logN)
堆排序 O(N*logN) O(1)
计数排序 O(N) O(M)
基数排序 O(N) O(N)
  • 比时间,选快排

  • 比空间,选堆排

  • 比稳定性,选归并



    /*** 时间复杂度:* 每次查找的范围缩小一半,所以最多查找logN次* O(logN)*/
public static boolean dichotomySearch(int[] arr,int target){if(arr == null || arr.length ==0){return false;}int L = 0;int R = arr.length-1;int mid = 0;while(L < R){mid = L + ((R - L) >> 1);if(arr[mid] == target){return true;}else if(arr[mid] > target){R = mid - 1;}else {L = mid + 1;}}return arr[L] == target;


public static int firstLeft(int[]arr,int target){int L = 0;int R = arr.length -1;int mid = 0;int res = -1;while(L <= R){mid = L + ((R - L) >> 1);if(arr[mid] >= target){res = mid;R = mid -1;}else{L = mid + 1;}}return res;



public static int localMin(int[] arr){if(arr == null || arr.length == 0){return -1;}int L = 0;int R = arr.length - 1;//先看开头和末尾是不是局部最小if(arr.length == 1 || arr[0] < arr[1]){return 0;}if(arr[R] < arr[R - 1]){return R - 1;}//如果开头和末尾没有局部最小,则中间必定存在局部最小//按这种思路二分,总会找到while(L < R){int mid = L + ((R - L) >> 1);if(arr[mid] > arr[mid + 1]){L = mid + 1;}else if(arr[mid] > arr[mid -1]){R = mid - 1;}else{return mid;}}return -1;//这里return什么都可以,因为不可能执行到这一步,上面那个while必找到局部最小//任何相邻不相等的数组必存在局部最小


  1. 0 ^ N == N N ^ N == 0
  2. 异或运算满足交换律和结合律
  3. 用无进位相加来理解异或运算


public static void swap2(int[] arr,int i,int j){if(arr[i] == arr[j]){//如果arr[i]和arr[j]指向同一块内存会出错,所以干脆不交换return;}arr[i] = arr[i] ^ arr[j];arr[j] = arr[j] ^ arr[i];arr[i] = arr[i] ^ arr[j];


public static void onlyOne(int[] arr){if(arr == null){return;}if(arr.length < 2){System.out.println(arr[0]);return;}int ans = arr[0];for(int i = 1;i < arr.length;i++){ans ^= arr[i];}System.out.println(ans);





public static int farRightOne(int num){return num & ((~num)+1);


public static void twoOddTimes(int[] arr){int eor = arr[0];for(int i = 1;i < arr.length;i++){eor ^= arr[i];}//假设答案是a和b,全部相与,得到a^b的值//eor = a ^ b//eor != 0//eor必然有一个位置是1//a和b中必然有一个数某一位是1,但另一个数这一位不是1int farRightOne = eor & ((~eor)+1);//提取最右侧的1int eor1 = 0;//将数组分为某一位是1和0的两组for(int i = 0;i < arr.length;i++){if((arr[i] & farRightOne) != 0){//相与不为0说明这一位上是1eor1 ^= arr[i];}}System.out.println(eor1 + " " + (eor1 ^ eor));


public static int howManyOnes(int num){int count = 0;while(num != 0){int farRightOne = num & ((~num)+1);num ^= farRightOne;//每次消去最右侧的1count ++;}return count;




/*** 给定两个有符号32位整数a和b,返回较大的那个* 不能使用比较运算符*/public static int getMax(int a, int b){//因为不同符号的两个数相减有可能溢出,而同符号的数相减不会溢出//所以同符号时候用相减来判断大小//不同符号的时候用符号来判断大小//判断a和b的符号int sa = ~(a >> 31);//非负为1,负为0int sb = ~(b >> 31);//非负为1,负为0//判断a和b是否同号int ifSame = ~(sa ^ sb);//同号为1,异号为0//如果同号//先判断a是否大于bint greater = ~((a - b) >> 31);//a > b为1, a < b为0//如果a>b返回a,如果a<b返回bint sameReturn = greater * a + (~ greater) * b;//如果异号,返回非负的那个int diffReturn = sa * a + sb * b;//如果同号,返回sameReturn,否则返回diffReturnreturn ifSame * sameReturn + (~ ifSame) * diffReturn;}


public static boolean powerOf2(int num){return (num & (num - 1)) == 0;}
public static boolean powerOf4(int num){//0x55555555 -> 01010101.....010101(32位)return (num & (num - 1)) == 0 && (num & 0x55555555) != 0;


/*** 给定两个有符号32位整数a和b* 不能使用算术运算符* 实现加减乘除* 不用考虑溢出*/public static int plus(int a, int b){int sum = a;//假设b等于0,和就为awhile(b != 0){//如果b不为0sum = a ^ b;//无进位相加b = (a & b) << 1;//进位信息a = sum;}//没有进位时return sum;}public static int minus(int a, int b){//取反加一变为相反数b = plus((~b),1);//减去一个数等于加上这个数的相反数return plus(a, b);}public static int multi(int a, int b){int res = 0;while(b != 0){if((b & 1) != 0){res = plus(res, a);}a <<= 1;b >>>= 1;}return res;}



public class Node {public int value;public Node next;public Node(int data){value = data;}//翻转public static Node reverseLinkedList(Node head){Node next = null;Node last = null;while(head != null){next = head.next;head.next = last;last = head;head = next;}return last;}//删除指定元素public static Node removeValue(Node head,int num){while(head != null){if(head.value != num){break;}head = head.next;}Node last = head;Node cur = head;while(cur != null){if(cur.value == num){last.next = cur.next;}else{last = cur;}cur = cur.next;}return head;}


public class DoubleNode <T>{public T value;public DoubleNode<T> next;public DoubleNode<T> last;public DoubleNode(T data){value = data;}//翻转public DoubleNode<T> reverseDoubleList(DoubleNode<T> head){DoubleNode<T> last = null;DoubleNode<T> next = null;while(head != null){head.next = next;head.next = last;head.last = next;last = head;head = next;}return last;}//删除指定元素public DoubleNode<T> removeValue(DoubleNode<T> head, T num){while(head != null){if(head.value != num){break;}head = head.next;}DoubleNode<T> last = head;DoubleNode<T> cur = head;DoubleNode<T> next = head.next;while(cur != null){if(cur.value == num){last.next = next;next.last = last;} else{last = cur;}next = cur.next;cur = cur.next;}return head;}}


public class MyNode <T>{public DoubleNode<T> H;public DoubleNode<T> T;public void pushFromHead(T data){DoubleNode<T> newNode = new DoubleNode<>(data);if(H == null){T = newNode;}else {H.last = newNode;newNode.next = H;}H = newNode;}public void pushFromTail(T data){DoubleNode<T> newNode = new DoubleNode<>(data);if(T == null){H = newNode;}else{T.next = newNode;newNode.last = T;}T = newNode;}public T popFromHead(){if(H == null){return null;}DoubleNode<T> popNode = H;if(H == T){H = null;T = null;}else {H = H.next;H.last = null;popNode.next = null;}return popNode.value;}public T popFromTail(){if(T == null){return null;}DoubleNode<T> popNode = T;if(H == T){H = null;T = null;}else {T = T.last;T.next = null;popNode.last = null;}return popNode.value;}


public class ListQueue <T>{MyNode<T> node;public ListQueue(){node = new MyNode<T>();}public void push(T value){node.pushFromTail(value);}public void pop(){node.popFromHead();}


public class ListStack<T> {MyNode<T> node;public ListStack(){node = new MyNode<T>();}public void push(T value){node.pushFromTail(value);}public void pop(){node.popFromTail();}


import java.util.ArrayList;public class GetMid {//笔试用Arraylist//时间复杂度:O(N)//空间复杂度:O(N)public static Node getMid01(Node head){if(head == null){return null;}ArrayList<Node> help = new ArrayList<>();while(head.next != null){help.add(head);head = head.next;}return help.get((help.size() - 1) / 2);//返回中点或上中点}//面试用双指针//时间复杂度O(N)而且比上面的Arraylist节省一半的时间//空间复杂度O(1)//双指针//中点和上中点public static Node getMid02(Node head){if(head == null){return null;}Node f = head;Node s = head;while(f.next != null && f.next.next != null){f = f.next.next;s = s.next;}return s;}//中点和下中点public static Node getMid03(Node head){if(head == null || head.next == null){return head;}Node f = head;Node s = head.next;while(f.next != null && f.next.next != null){f = f.next.next;s = s.next;}return s;}


public class IsPalindrome {public static boolean isPalindrome(Node head){if(head == null || head.next == null){return true;}Node help = GetMid.getMid02(head);Node l = help.next;Node r = null;//让后半部分的指针反向指while(l != null){r = l.next;l.next = help;help = l;l = r;}r = help;l = head;boolean res = true;//对比前半部分和后半部分while(r != null && l != null){if(r.value != l.value){res = false;break;//不直接return false是因为要把链表还原回去}r = r.next;l = l.next;}r = help.next;help.next = null;//还原while(r != null){l = r.next;r.next = help;help = r;r = l;}return res;}


public static Node listPartition(Node head, int value){Node lh = null;Node lt = null;Node eh = null;Node et = null;Node mh = null;Node mt = null;Node next = null;while(head != null){next = head.next;head.next = null;if(head.value < value){if(lh == null){lh = head;}else{lt.next = head;}lt = head;}else if(head.value == value){if(eh == null){eh = head;}else{et.next = head;}et = head;}else{if(mh == null){mh = head;}else{mt.next = head;}mt = head;}head = next;}if(lt != null){lt.next = eh;et = et == null ? lt : et;}if(et != null){et.next = mh;}return lh != null ? lh : eh != null ? eh : mh;


import java.util.HashMap;public class Node {int value;Node next;Node rand;public Node(int v){value = v;}
}public class Clone {//用hashmappublic static Node clone01(Node head){HashMap<Node,Node> hashMap = new HashMap<>();Node cur = head;while(cur != null){hashMap.put(cur,new Node(cur.value));cur = cur.next;}cur = head;while(cur != null){hashMap.get(cur).next = hashMap.get(cur.next);hashMap.get(cur).rand = hashMap.get(cur.rand);cur = cur.next;}return hashMap.get(head);}//不用hashmappublic static Node clone02(Node head){if(head == null){return null;}Node cur = head;while(cur != null){Node cloneNode = new Node(cur.value);cloneNode.next = cur.next;cur.next = cloneNode;cur = cloneNode.next;}cur = head;while(cur != null){cur.next.rand = cur.rand == null ? null : cur.rand.next;cur = cur.next.next;}Node res = head.next;cur = head;Node help;while(cur != null){help = cur.next;cur.next = cur.next.next == null ? null : cur.next.next;help.next = cur.next == null ? null : cur.next.next;cur = cur.next;}return res;}


/*** @param head 头* @return 有环就返回入环节点,无环就返回null*/
public static Node loopInNode(Node head){//节点数小于3返回nullif(head == null || head.next == null || head.next.next == null){return null;}Node s = head.next;Node f = head.next.next;while(!s.equals(f)){//为null说明无环if(f.next == null || f.next.next == null){return null;}s = s.next;f = f.next.next;}//相遇后f回到head的位置f = head;//再次相遇时便是入环节点的位置while(!s.equals(f)){f = f.next;s = s.next;}return s;




得到,将此时两指针分别放在起始位置和相遇位置,并以相同速度前进,当一个指针走完距离a时,另一个指针恰好走出 绕环n-1圈加上c的距离。



public class IntersectionList {/*** 两个无环链表* @param n1 链表1* @param n2 链表2* @return 第一个相交节点 or null*/public static Node noLoop(Node n1, Node n2){if(n1 == null || n2 == null){return null;}int count = 0;Node p1 = n1;Node p2 = n2;while(p1.next != null){count++;p1 = p1.next;}while(p2.next != null){count--;p2 = p2.next;}if(p1 != p2){return null;}p1 = count > 0 ? n1 : n2;p2 = p1 == n1 ? n2 : n1;count = Math.abs(count);while(count != 0){p1 = p1.next;count--;}while(p1 != p2){p1 = p1.next;p2 = p2.next;}return p1;}/*** 两个有环链表* 假设入环节点是同一个* @param n1 链表1* @param n2 链表2* @return 第一个相交节点*/public static Node haveLoop1(Node n1, Node n2){int count = 0;Node p1 = n1;Node p2 = n2;while(p1.next != LoopInNode.loopInNode(p1)){count++;p1 = p1.next;}while(p2.next != LoopInNode.loopInNode(p2)){count--;p2 = p2.next;}p1 = count > 0 ? n1 : n2;p2 = p1 == n1 ? n2 : n1;count = Math.abs(count);while(count != 0){p1 = p1.next;count--;}while(p1 != p2){p1 = p1.next;p2 = p2.next;}return p1;}/*** 两个有环链表* 假设入环节点不同* @param n1 链表1* @param n2 链表2* @return 任意一个入环节点(即第一个相交节点) or null*/public static Node haveLoop2(Node n1, Node n2){Node loop1 = LoopInNode.loopInNode(n1);Node loop2 = LoopInNode.loopInNode(n2);Node n = loop1.next;while(n != loop1){if(n == loop2){return loop1;}n = n.next;}return null;}/*** 两个有环链表* @param n1 链表1* @param n2 链表2* @return 第一个相交节点 or null*/public static Node haveLoop(Node n1, Node n2){Node loop1 = LoopInNode.loopInNode(n1);Node loop2 = LoopInNode.loopInNode(n2);if(loop1 == loop2){return haveLoop1(n1,n2);}return haveLoop2(n1,n2);}/*** 判断两个链表是否相交* 如果相交,返回第一个相交节点* 否则返回null* @param n1 链表1* @param n2 链表2* @return 第一个相交节点 or null*/public static Node intersection(Node n1, Node n2){Node loop1 = LoopInNode.loopInNode(n1);Node loop2 = LoopInNode.loopInNode(n2);if(loop1 == null && loop2 == null){//都无环return noLoop(n1,n2);}else if (loop1 != null && loop2 != null){//都有环return haveLoop(n1, n2);}else{//一个有环,一个无环return null;}}


/*** 设计LRU缓存结构,该结构在构造时确定大小,假设大小位K,并有如下两个功能* set(key, value) : 将记录(key, value)插入该结构* get(key) :返回key对应的value值* 要求:* 1.set和get时间复杂度O(1)* 2.当某个key的set或get操作一旦发生,认为这个key记录成为了最常使用的* 3.当缓存的大小超过K时,移除最不经常使用的记录*/import java.util.HashMap;
public class LRU <K, V> {public static class Node<K, V> {private K key;private V val;private Node<K, V> last;private Node<K, V> next;public Node(K k,V v){val = v;key = k;}}private final HashMap<K, Node<K, V>> map;private Node<K, V> tail;private Node<K, V> head;private final int sizeLimit;private int size;public LRU(int l) {map = new HashMap<>();sizeLimit = l;size = 0;tail = null;head = null;}public void set(K k, V v){if(map.containsKey(k)){map.get(k).val = v;update(k);return;}Node<K, V> node = new Node<>(k, v);if(map.isEmpty()){head = node;}else {node.last = tail;tail.next = node;}tail = node;map.put(k,node);if(size == sizeLimit){map.remove(head.key);head = head.next;head.last = null;}else{size++;}}public V get(K k){if(!map.containsKey(k)){return null;}update(k);return map.get(k).val;}private void update(K k){if(!map.containsKey(k) || map.get(k) == tail){return;}Node<K, V> cur = map.get(k);if(cur == head){head = head.next;}else{cur.last.next = cur.next;cur.next.last = cur.last;}cur.next = null;cur.last = tail;tail.next = cur;tail = cur;}




public class ArrayQueue {private Object[] arr;private int size;private int H;private int T;private final int limit =7;public ArrayQueue(){arr = new Object[7];size = 0;H = 0;T = 0;}public void push(Object value){if(size == limit){System.out.println("Queue is full");return;}if(++T >= limit){T = 0;}arr[T] = value;size++;}public Object pop(){if(size == 0){System.out.println("Queue is empty");return null;}Object popValue = arr[H];if(H != T){if(++H >=limit){H = 0;}}size--;return popValue;}


public class ArrayStack {Object[] arr;int size;public ArrayStack(){arr = new Object[7];size = 0;}public void push(Object value){if(size == 7){System.out.println("Stack is full");return;}arr[size++] = value;}public Object pop(){if(size == 0){System.out.println("Stack is empty");return null;}return arr[--size];}



public class Zigzag {/*** 举例:* 1  2  3  4* 5  6  7  8    -> 1 2 5 9 6 3 4 7 10 11 8 12* 9  10 11 12*/public static void zigzag(int[][] arr){/*** 相当于若干次45度角从下往上或者从上往下打印斜线上的数* 用a,b两点标记斜线起始坐标和终止坐标一次打印*/int a_row = 0;//a的行号(纵坐标)int a_column = 0;//a的列号(横坐标)int b_row = 0;//b的行号(纵坐标)int b_column = 0;//b的列号(横坐标)boolean formUp = false;//true表示从上往下.false表示从下往上while(a_row != arr.length){zigzagPrint(arr,a_row,a_column,b_row,b_column,formUp);//坐标变化的顺序很重要!//a点向右走到头再向下走a_row += a_column == arr[0].length - 1 ? 1 : 0;a_column += a_column == arr[0].length - 1 ? 0 : 1;//b点向下走到头再向右走b_column += b_row == arr.length - 1 ? 1 : 0;b_row += b_row == arr.length - 1 ? 0 : 1;//每次打印的方向都会改变formUp = !formUp;}}public static void zigzagPrint(int[][] arr, int a_row, int a_column, int b_row, int b_column, boolean f){if(f){while(a_row <= b_row){//从上往下System.out.print(arr[a_row++][a_column--] + " ");}}else{while(b_row >= a_row){//从下往上System.out.print(arr[b_row--][b_column++] + " ");}}}


public class Spiral {public static void spiral (int[][] arr){//用对角线的两个点确认层数int startRow = 0;int startColumn = 0;int endRow = arr.length - 1;int endColumn = arr[0].length - 1;//由外向内一层一层打印while(startRow <= endRow && startColumn <= endColumn){print(arr,startRow++,startColumn++,endRow--,endColumn--);}}public static void print(int[][] arr,int startRow, int startColumn, int endRow, int endColumn){if(startRow == endRow){while(startColumn <= endColumn){System.out.print(arr[startRow][startColumn++] + " ");}}else if(startColumn == endColumn){while(startRow >= endRow){System.out.print(arr[startRow++][startColumn] + " ");}}else{int curRow = startRow;int curColumn = startColumn;while(curColumn < endColumn){System.out.print(arr[curRow][curColumn++] + " ");}while(curRow < endRow){System.out.print(arr[curRow++][curColumn] + " ");}while(curColumn > startColumn){System.out.print(arr[curRow][curColumn--] + " ");}while(curRow > startRow){System.out.print(arr[curRow--][curColumn] + " ");}}}


public class rotate {/*** 1  2  3  4       13 9  5  1* 5  6  7  8    -> 14 10 6  2* 9  10 11 12      15 11 7  3* 13 14 15 16      16 12 8  4* * 由外向内一层一层分组旋转* 第一层* 第一组 1换到4,4换到16,16换到13,13换到1* 第二组 2换到8,8换到15,15换到9,9换到2* ...* 第二层* 以此类推..*/public static void rotate (int[][] arr){int start = 0;int end = arr.length - 1;//由外向内一层一层旋转while(start <= end){process(arr,start++,end--);}}public static void process(int[][] arr,int start, int end){int num = 0;int tmp = 0;while(start + num < end){tmp = arr[start][start + num];arr[start][start + num] = arr[end - num][start];arr[end - num][start] = arr[end][end - num];arr[end][end - num] = arr[start + num][end];arr[start + num][end] = tmp;num ++;}}


public class Island {/*** 一个矩阵中只有0和1两种值,* 每个位置都可以和自己的上下左右四个位置相连,* 如果有一片1连在一起,这个部分叫做一个岛,* 求一个矩阵中有多少个岛** 进阶:* 如何设计一个并行算法解决这个问题*/public static int countIsland(int[][] arr){if(arr == null || arr.length == 0){return 0;}int count = 0;int rows = arr.length;int columns = arr[0].length;for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++){for(int j = 0; j < columns; j++){if(arr[i][j] == 1){inflect(arr, i, j, rows, columns);count++;}}}return count;}public static void inflect(int[][] arr,int i,int j, int r, int c){if(i < 0 || i >= r || j < 0 || j >= c || arr[i][j] != 1){return;}arr[i][j] = 2;inflect(arr, i + 1, j, r, c);inflect(arr, i, j + 1, r, c);inflect(arr, i - 1, j, r, c);inflect(arr, i, j - 1, r, c);}/*** 进阶* 用并查集* 把矩阵分成几份同时计算* 然后再合并* mapreduce*/


public class KMP {//对应力扣第28题/*** 判断一个字符串是不是另一个字符串的子串* 是的话返回子串第一个字符的位置.不是返回-1*/public static int KMP(String s1, String s2) {if (s1 == null || s2 == null || s2.length() < 1 || s1.length() < s2.length()) {return -1;}char[] str1 = s1.toCharArray();char[] str2 = s2.toCharArray();int i1 = 0;//s1指针int i2 = 0;//s2指针int[] next = nextArr(str2);while (i1 < str1.length && i2 < str2.length) {if (str1[i1] == str2[i2]) {i1++;i2++;} else if (next[i2] == -1) {//不能往前跳i1++;} else {//能往前跳i2 = next[i2];}}//上面while循环出来后,i1和i2至少有一个越界了//如果i2越界.说明配出来了//如果i1越界,说明配不出来//如果i2越界,i2 == i2 == str2.lengthreturn i2 == str2.length ? i1 - i2 : -1;//返回i1减去s2的长度或-1}/*** 记录每个位置的字符最大前缀是多少*/public static int[] nextArr(char[] s) {if( s.length == 1){return new int[] {-1};}int[] next = new int[s.length];next[0] = -1;next[1] = 0;int i = 2;//遍历指针int cn = 0;//对照指针//cn既代表上一个字符最长前缀的长度//也代表上一个字符最长前缀的下一个字符的坐标while(i < next.length){//i - 1位置的字符等于i - 1最长前缀的下一个字符/*** 例子* a b c cn .... a b c (i - 1) i*//*** 另一个例子* a b b s t a b b e c a b b s t a b b (i - 1) i* 此时i - 1位置的最大前缀为8* 比对下标为8的元素'e'和i-1位置的元素* 如果相等,则i位置的最大前缀为9* 如果不相等*      比对3位置的元素's'和i-1位置的元素*      这里's'是'e'最大前缀的下一个元素*      如果相等,i位置的最大前缀为4*      如果不相等,则比对's'最大前缀的下一个元素**/if(s[i - 1] == s[cn]){next[i++] = ++cn;} else if(cn > 0){cn = next[cn];} else {next[i++] = 0;}}return next;}


public class Manacher {/*** 最长回文子串的长度*/public static int manacher(String s){int n = s.length() * 2 + 1;//回文半径数组int[] pArr = new int[n];char[] str = new char[n];for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){if(i % 2 == 0){str[i] = '?';//随便选一个字符} else {str[i] = s.charAt(i / 2);}}//最远右回文右边界再右的一个位置int R = -1;//最远回文的中心int C = -1;int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;for(int i = 0; i < n; i ++){pArr[i] = R > i ? Math.min(pArr[2 * C - i], R - i) : 1;while(i + pArr[i] < n && i - pArr[i] >= 0){if(str[i + pArr[i]] == str[i - pArr[i]]){pArr[i]++;}else{break;}}if(i + pArr[i] > R){R = i + pArr[i];C = i;}max = Math.max(max, pArr[i]);}return max - 1;}


import java.util.LinkedList;public class SlidingWindow {//滑动窗口最大值public int[] maxSlidingWindow(int[] arr, int w) {if (arr == null || w < 1 || arr.length < w){return null;}LinkedList<Integer> qmax = new LinkedList<>();int[] res = new int[arr.length - w + 1];int index = 0;for(int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){while(!qmax.isEmpty() && arr[qmax.peekLast()] <= arr[i]){qmax.pollLast();}qmax.addLast(i);if(qmax.peekFirst() == i - w) {qmax.pollFirst();}if(i >= w - 1){res[index++] = arr[qmax.peekFirst()];}}return res;}}


import java.util.HashMap;public class CutArray {/*** 给定一个长度大于3的数组arr.* 以其中3个数变为分割线* 能不能把数组分成累加和相等的四个部分*/public static boolean cut(int[] arr){if(arr == null || arr.length < 7){return false;}HashMap<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();int sum = arr[0];for(int i = 1; i < arr.length; i++){map.put(sum,i);sum += arr[i];}int lsum = arr[0];for(int s1 = 1; s1 < arr.length - 5; s1++){int checkSum = lsum * 2 + arr[s1];if(map.containsKey(checkSum)) {int s2 = map.get(checkSum);checkSum += lsum + arr[s2];if (map.containsKey(checkSum)) {int s3 = map.get(checkSum);if(checkSum + arr[s3] + lsum == sum){return true;}}}lsum += arr[s1];}return false;}


public class MakeUp {/*** 给定一个有序正数数组arr,数组中每个数能用一次* 给定一个目标range* 返回数组最少还缺几个数能够让它凑出1~range上的所有数*/public static int makeUp(int[] arr, int range){int touch = 0;int ans = 0;for(int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){while(arr[i] > touch + 1){touch += touch + 1;ans++;if(touch >= range) {return ans;}}touch += arr[i];if(touch >= range){return ans;}}while(range >= touch + 1){touch += touch + 1;ans++;}return ans;}


public class 最小子数组 {/*** 给定一个无序数组arr,如果只能对一个子数组进行排序* 但是想让数组整体变有序,求需要排序的最短子数组长度*/public static int minSubArr(int[] arr){int last = arr[0];int r = 0;int l = arr.length - 1;for(int i = 1; i <= l; i++){if(arr[i] > last){last = arr[i];}else{r = i;}}last = arr[l];for(int i = l; i >= 0; i--){if(arr[i] < last){last = arr[i];}else{l = i;}}return r - l;}




  1. pop、push、getMin操作的时间复杂度都是O(1)
  2. 设计的栈类型可以用现成的栈结构
public class MinStack {private Stack<Integer> dataStack;private Stack<Integer> minStack;int min;public MinStack(){dataStack = new Stack<>();minStack = new Stack<>();}public void push(int value){minStack.push(minStack.peek() > value? value:minStack.peek());dataStack.push(value);}public int getMin(){return minStack.peek();}public Object pop(){minStack.pop();return dataStack.pop();}


public class StackToQueue<T> {private Stack<T> pushStack;private Stack<T> popStack;public StackToQueue(){pushStack = new Stack<>();popStack = new Stack<>();}public void push(T value){pushStack.push(value);}public T pop(){if(popStack.isEmpty() && pushStack.isEmpty()){System.out.println("Queue is empty");return null;}else if(popStack.isEmpty()){while(!pushStack.isEmpty()){popStack.push(pushStack.pop());}}return popStack.pop();}


public class QueueToStack<T> {LinkedList<T> l1;LinkedList<T> l2;public QueueToStack(){l1 = new LinkedList<>();l2 = new LinkedList<>();}public void push(T value){if(l2.isEmpty()){l1.push(value);}else {l2.push(value);}}public T pop(){if(l1.isEmpty() && l2.isEmpty()){System.out.println("Stack is empty");return null;}if(l2.isEmpty()){for(int i = 0;i < l1.size()-1;i++){l2.push(l1.pop());}return l1.pop();}else {for(int i = 0;i < l2.size()-1;i++){l1.push(l2.pop());}return l2.pop();}}




T(N) = a * T(N/b) + O(N^d)(其中a、b、d都是常数)


如果log(b,a) < d,复杂度为O(N^d)

如果log(b,a) > d,复杂度为O(N^log(b,a))

如果log(b,a) = d,复杂度为O(N^d * logN)


public static int getMax(int[] arr,int L,int R){if(L == R){return arr[L];}int mid = L + ((R - L) >> 1);int leftMax = getMax(arr,L,mid);int rightMax = getMax(arr,mid + 1,R);return Math.max(leftMax,rightMax);



public int smallSum(int[] arr,int L,int R){if(L == R){return 0;}int M = L + ((R - L) >> 1);return smallSum(arr,L,M)+smallSum(arr,M + 1,R)+merge(arr,L,M,R);
public static int merge(int[] arr,int L,int M,int R){int[] help = new int[R - L + 1];int i = 0;int res = 0;int p1 = L;int p2 = M + 1;while(p1 <= M && p2 <= R){res = arr[p1] < arr[p2]? (R - p2 + 1) * arr[p1]:0;help[i++] = arr[p1] <= arr[p2]?arr[p1++]:arr[p2++];}while(p1 <= M){help[i++] = arr[p1++];}while(p2 <= R){help[i++] = arr[p2];}for(i = 0;i < help.length;i++){arr[L + i] = help[i];}return res;



public class ViolentRecursion {public static void hanoi1 (int n) {leftToRight(n);}public static void leftToRight(int n){if(n == 1){System.out.println("num1,left -> right");return;}leftToMid(n -1);System.out.println("num" + n + ",left -> right");midToRight(n - 1);}public static void leftToMid(int n) {if(n == 1) {System.out.println("num1,left -> mid");}leftToRight(n - 1);System.out.println("num" + n + ",left -> mid");rightToMid(n - 1);}public static void midToRight(int n){if(n == 1){System.out.println("num1,mid -> right");return;}midToLeft(n -1);System.out.println("num" + n + ",mid -> right");leftToRight(n - 1);}public static void midToLeft(int n){if(n == 1){System.out.println("num1,mid -> left");return;}midToRight(n -1);System.out.println("num" + n + ",mid -> left");rightToLeft(n - 1);}public static void rightToLeft(int n){if(n == 1){System.out.println("num1,right -> left");return;}rightToMid(n -1);System.out.println("num" + n + ",right -> left");midToLeft(n - 1);}public static void rightToMid(int n){if(n == 1){System.out.println("num1,right -> mid");return;}rightToLeft(n -1);System.out.println("num" + n + ",right -> mid");leftToMid(n - 1);}public static void hanoi2 (int n) {if(n > 0){func(n, "left","right","mid");}}public static void func(int n, String from, String to, String other){if(n == 1){System.out.println("num" + 1 + "," + from + " -> " + to);}else{func(n - 1,from,other,to);System.out.println("num" + n + "," + from + " -> " + to);func(n - 1,other,to,from);}}public static void main(String[] args) {int n = 3;hanoi1(n);System.out.println("================");hanoi2(n);}






import java.util.Stack;public class ReverseStackUsingRecursive {public static void reverse(Stack<Integer> stack) {if(stack.isEmpty()){return;}int i = f(stack);reverse(stack);stack.push(i);}public static int f(Stack<Integer> stack){int result = stack.pop();if(stack.isEmpty()){return result;}else{int last = f(stack);stack.push(result);return last;}}


public class N_Queens {public static int nQueens (int n){if(n < 1){return 0;}int[] record = new int[n];return process(0, record, n);}/***  0~i-1行摆好的情况下,剩下的行有多少种摆法* @param i 当前的行数* @param record 记录已经放了的皇后的位置,下标代表行号,值代表列* @param n n皇后* @return 0~i-1行摆好的情况下,剩下的行有多少种摆法*/public static int process(int i,int[] record,int n){if(i == n){ // i== n说明超出了范围,因为i应该在0~n-1才有意义return 1;//i超出范围说明所有的皇后都放了,返回一种有效摆法}int res =0;for (int j = 0; j < n; j++){//在i行从0列开摆if(isValid(record,i,j)){//能摆的话record[i] = j;//记录res += process(i + 1, record, n);//跳下一行}}return res;}/*** @param record 已经摆好行的记录* @param i 当前行* @param j 当前列* @return 能不能把皇后放在当前行j列,能返回true,不能返回false*/public static boolean isValid(int[] record,int i,int j){for(int k = 0; k < i; k++){//判断当前位置和第k行是否冲突if(j == record[k] //共列||Math.abs(record[k] - j) == Math.abs(i - k)//共斜线,看两个位置连线斜率是否为1){return false;}}return true;}/*** 用位运算优化以后可以大幅提高效率*/public static int nQueensPlus (int n){if(n < 1 || n > 32) {//超过32位溢出了return 0;}//固定范围,右边n位全是1,剩下都是0int limit = n == 32 ? -1 : (1 << n) - 1;//超过32位没法算,溢出了return process2(limit,0,0,0);}/*** @param limit 固定范围,右边n位全是1,剩下都是0* @param colLim 记录那些列已经摆了皇后,摆了的位置为1* @param leftDiaLim 左斜线限制,不能放皇后的位置为1* @param rightDiaLim 右斜线限制,不能放皇后的位置为1* @return 在这些限制的情况下,还剩多少种摆法*/public static int process2(int limit,int colLim,int leftDiaLim,int rightDiaLim){if(colLim == limit){//说明每一列都摆了皇后return 1;}/*** pos的解释:* colLim | leftDiaLim | rightDiaLim 所有限制的全集* 取反(~)为了消除超出范围的限制* 与limit相与(&)把能摆皇后的位置标记为1,其他位置都是0* 所以pos记录哪些地方能摆皇后*/int pos = limit & ( ~(colLim | leftDiaLim | rightDiaLim));int mostRightOne = 0;//最右侧的1int res = 0;while(pos != 0) {//一个数与上自己取反加1的结果就是最右侧的1mostRightOne = pos & (~pos + 1);//表示当前判断哪个位置res += process2(limit,//limit始终不变colLim | mostRightOne,//在各种限制中加上当前位置去判断下一行(leftDiaLim | mostRightOne) << 1,//左移一位(rightDiaLim | mostRightOne) >>> 1);//逻辑右移//当前位置判断完毕,去掉最右侧的1去判断下一个位置//pos = pos - mostRightOne;//也可以改成位运算的异或pos = pos ^ mostRightOne;}return res;}


public static int f(int n) {if ( n <= 2){return 1;}return f(n - 1) + f ( n - 2 );




public class Robot {/*** 假设有排成一行的N个位置,记为1~N,N一定大于等于2* 开始时机器人在其中的M位置上* 如果机器人来到1位置,那下一步只能往右来到2位置* 如果机器人来到N位置,那下一步只能往左来到N-1位置* 如果机器人在中间位置,那下一步可以往左或往右* 规定机器人必须走K步,最终来到P位置* 给四个参数N,M,K,P,求一共有多少种走法*/public static int ways1(int N,int M,int K,int P){if(N < 2 || K < 1 || M < 1 || M > N || P < 1 || P > N){return 0;}return walk1(N,M,K,P);}/*** @param n 一共有几个位置* @param cur 当前来到的位置* @param rest 还剩几步* @param p 目标位置* @return 多少种走法*/public static int walk1(int n, int cur, int rest, int p){if(rest == 0){return cur == p ? 1 : 0;}if(cur == 1){return walk1(n,2,rest - 1,p);}if(cur == n){return walk1(n,n - 1,rest - 1,p);}return walk1(n,cur + 1,rest - 1,p)+ walk1(n,cur - 1,rest - 1,p);}//加缓存//动态规划记忆化搜索public static int waysCache(int N, int M, int K, int P){if(N < 2 || K < 1 || M < 1 || M > N || P < 1 || P > N){return 0;}int[][] dp = new int[N + 1][K + 1];for (int[] ints : dp) {for (int anInt : ints) {anInt = -1;}}return walkCache(N,M,K,P,dp);}public static int walkCache(int n, int cur, int rest, int end, int[][] dp){if(dp[cur][rest] != -1){return dp[cur][rest];}if(rest == 0){dp[cur][rest] = cur == end ? 1 : 0;} else if(cur == 1){dp[cur][rest] = walkCache(n,2,rest - 1,end,dp);} else if(cur == n){dp[cur][rest] = walkCache(n,n - 1,rest - 1,end,dp);} else{dp[cur][rest] = walkCache(n,cur + 1,rest - 1,end,dp)+ walkCache(n,cur - 1,rest - 1,end,dp);}return dp[cur][rest];}//改成动态规划public static int ways2(int n,int cur,int rest,int end){if(n < 2 || rest < 1 || cur < 1 || cur > n || end < 1 || end > n){return 0;}int[][] dp = new int[n + 1][rest + 1];dp[0][end] = 1;for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++){for(int j = 1; j <= rest; j++){if(j == 1){dp[i][j] = dp[i - 1][j - 1];}else if(j == rest){dp[i][j] = dp[i - 1][j + 1];}else{dp[i][j] = dp[i - 1][j - 1] + dp[i - 1][j + 1];}}}return dp[cur][rest];}


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;public class Subsequence {/*** 打印一个字符串的全部子序列*/public static List<String> subsequence1 (String s) {char[] str = s.toCharArray();String path = "";//已经处理过的字符List<String> ans = new ArrayList<>();process1(str,0,ans,path);return ans;}/*** 先尝试,缺什么补什么* @param s 字符串* @param index 当前来到哪个字符* @param ans 结果集* @param path 已经有哪些字符决定好了*/public static void process1(char[] s,int index,List<String> ans,String path) {if(index == s.length) {ans.add(path);return;}String no = path;//当前字符不要的情况下process1(s,index + 1, ans, no);String yes = path + s[index];//当前字符要的情况下process1(s,index + 1, ans, yes);}/*** 打印一个字符串的全部子序列* 要求不要出现重复字面值的子序列* 字符串里有重复的字符* 把上面的代码中的list换成set自动去重*/public static List<String> subsequenceNoRepeat(String s) {char[] str = s.toCharArray();String path = "";HashSet<String> set = new HashSet<>();process2(str,0,set,path);List<String> ans = new ArrayList<>();for (String cur : set) {ans.add(cur);}return ans;}public static void process2(char[] s,int index,HashSet<String> set,String path) {if(index == s.length) {set.add(path);return;}String no = path;//当前字符不要的情况下process2(s,index + 1, set, no);String yes = path + s[index];//当前字符要的情况下process2(s,index + 1, set, yes);}/*** 一个字符串中所有不重复子序列的个数*/


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;public class Permutations {/*** 打印一个字符串的全部排列*/public static List<String> permutations (String s){List<String> ans = new ArrayList<>();if(s == null || s.length() == 0){return ans;}char[] str = s.toCharArray();process1(str,ans,0);return ans;}//s从0到n-1已经做好决定了//index及其以后的字符都有机会来到i位置public static void process1(char[] s, List<String> ans, int index){if(index == s.length){ans.add(Arrays.toString(s));}//i表示index后的所有字符for(int i = index; i < s.length; i++){swap(s,index,i);process1(s,ans,index + 1);swap(s,index,i);//还原,回溯}}public static void swap(char[] s,int i, int j){char temp = s[i];s[i] = s[j];s[j] = temp;}/*** 打印一个字符串的全部排列* 要求不出现重复的排列*///比较low的做法就是把上面的list改成hashset自动去重//这是暴力递归加过滤//这里就不写了/*** 用set记录重复的字符* 这是剪枝* 肯定比暴力递归加过滤更快*/public static List<String> permutationsNoRepeat (String s){List<String> ans = new ArrayList<>();if(s == null || s.length() == 0){return ans;}char[] str = s.toCharArray();process2(str,ans,0);return ans;}public static void process2(char[] s, List<String> ans, int index){if(index == s.length){ans.add(Arrays.toString(s));}HashSet<Character> set = new HashSet<>();//i表示index后的所有字符for(int i = index; i < s.length; i++){if(!set.contains(s[i])){set.add(s[i]);//登记swap(s,index,i);process2(s,ans,index + 1);swap(s,index,i);//还原,回溯}}}


public class LeftToRight {/*** 规定1和A对应、2和B对应、3和C对应。。。* 那么一个数字字符串比如"111"就可以转化为:* "AAA","KA"和"AK"* 给定一个数字字符串,返回有多少种转化结果*/public static int number(String str){if(str == null || str.length() == 0){return 0;}return process(str.toCharArray(),0);}public static int process(char[] str, int i){if(i == str.length){return 1;}//当前字符是0if(str[i] == '0'){return 0;//表示没法转换,无效结果}//当前字符是1if(str[i] == '1'){int res = process(str,i + 1);//选'1'的情况if(i + 1 < str.length){//如果后面的字符没越界res += process(str,i + 2);//把'1'和后面字符组合起来的情况}return res;}//当前字符是2if(str[i] == '2'){int res = process(str, i + 1);//选'2'的情况//如果后面的字符没越界且合并起来是20到26的情况if(i + 1 < str.length && (str[i + 1] >= '0' && str[i + 1] <= '6')) {res += process(str, i + 2);}return res;}//当前字符是3到9,就不用考虑和后面字符合并了// str[i] = '3' ~ '9'return process(str, i + 1);}//改成动态规划public static int dp(String s) {if(s == null || s.length() == 0){return 0;}char[] str = s.toCharArray();int n = str.length;int[] dp = new int[n + 1];dp[n] = 1;for(int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--){if(str[i] == '0'){dp[i] = 0;}if(str[i] == '1'){dp[i] = dp[i + 1];if(i + 1 < str.length){dp[i] += dp[i + 2];}}if(str[i] == '2'){dp[i] = dp[i + 1];if(i + 1 < str.length && (str[i + 1] >= '0' && str[i + 1] <= '6')) {dp[i] += dp[i + 2];}}}return dp[0];}


public class Bag {/*** 给定两个长度都为N的数组weight和values* weights[i]和values[i]分别代表i号物品的重量和价值* 给定一个正数bag,表示一个载重bag的背包* 你装的物品不能超过这个重量* 返回你能装下最多的价值是多少*/public static int bag1(int[] w, int[] v,int bag){return process1(w,v,0,0,bag);}/*** @param w 重量* @param v 价值* @param index 当前判断的物品* @param alreadyW 包里已经装了多少重量* @param bag 包* @return 能装下的最多价值*/public static int process1(int[] w, int[] v, int index, int alreadyW, int bag) {if(alreadyW > bag) {return -1;//重量超了,方案无效}if (index == w.length){return 0;//已经全部判断完了,base case}//没要当前的物品int v1 = process1(w,v,index + 1,alreadyW,bag);//要当前的物品//先判断当前物品后面的过程int v2next = process1(w,v,index + 1,alreadyW + w[index],bag);int v2 = -1;if(v2next != -1){//如果后面的过程有效v2 = v[index] + v2next;}//在不要当前物品的情况和要当前物品的情况中选价值最高的return Math.max(v1,v2);}public static int bag2(int[] w, int[] v,int bag){return process2(w,v,0,bag);}/**** @param w 重量* @param v 价值* @param index 当前物品* @param rest 还剩多少重量* @return 能装下的最多价值*/public static int process2(int[] w,int[] v,int index,int rest){if(rest < 0){return -1;}if(index == w.length) {return 0;}//不要当前物品,剩余物品和空间能获得的最大价值int v1 = process2(w,v,index + 1,rest);//要当前的物品,剩余物品和空间能获得的最大价值int v2 = -1;//判断当前物品后面的过程int v2Next = process2(w,v,index + 1,rest - w[index]);if(v2Next != -1){//如果后面的过程有效v2 = v[index] + v2Next;}//在不要当前物品的情况和要当前物品的情况中选价值最高的return Math.max(v1,v2);}//改成动态规划public static int bag3 (int[] w, int[] v, int bag){int n = w.length;//行代表物品编号,列代表剩余载重int[][] dp = new int[n + 1][bag + 1];int v1;//不加入当前物品,剩余的最大价值int v2;//加入当前物品后,剩余的最大价值/*** 因为要靠index+1来判断当前index的价值* 而index = n代表所有物品都已经装入或剩余载重不足以装下任何物品,* 所以index = n时剩余价值都为0* 这样从n-1行(index = n -1)开始,* 就能够依靠下一行(index + 1)的价值来判断当前情况的价值* 所以从下往上遍历*/for(int index = n - 1; index >= 0; index--){//rest表示剩余多少载重for(int rest = 0; rest <= bag; rest++){//                int v1 = process2(w,v,index + 1,rest);
//                int v2 = -1;
//                int v2Next = process2(w,v,index + 1,rest - w[index]);
//                if(v2Next != -1){//                    v2 = v[index] + v2Next;
//                }
//                return Math.max(v1,v2);//改写上面注释的过程v1 = dp[index + 1][rest];//不装的剩余最大价值v2 = -1;//装的剩余价值,默认装不下if(rest - w[index] >= 0){//如果能装下//v[index] == 当前物品的价值//dp[index + 1][rest - w[index]] == 装之后剩下的最大价值v2 = v[index] + dp[index + 1][rest - w[index]];}//在装和不装当前物品剩余最大价值中选最大的dp[index][rest] = Math.max(v1, v2);}}//返回来到第0个物品,剩余载重为bag(即没装任何物品)的最大价值return dp[0][bag];//        //简化写法
//        int[][] dp = new int[w.length + 1][bag + 1];
//        for(int index = w.length - 1; index >= 0; index--){//            for(int rest = 0; rest <= bag; rest++ ){//                dp[index][rest] = rest - w[index] >= 0 ?
//                        Math.max(dp[index + 1][rest],
//                                v[index] + dp[index + 1][rest - w[index]])
//                        : dp[index + 1][rest];
//            }
//        }
//        return dp[0][bag];}


public class Scope {/*** 给定一个整型数组arr,代表数值不同的纸牌排成一条线* 玩家A和玩家B依次拿走每张纸牌* A先拿* 但是每个玩家每次只能拿走最右或最左的纸牌* 假设AB都很聪明,返回最后获胜者的分数*/public static int win1(int[] arr){if(arr == null || arr.length == 0){return 0;}return Math.max(firstHand(arr,0,arr.length-1),//a的分数backHand(arr,0,arr.length -1)//b的分数);}//l到r先手情况的分数public static int firstHand (int[] arr,int l, int r){if(l == r) {return arr[l];}return Math.max(arr[l] + backHand(arr,l + 1,r),arr[r] + backHand(arr,l,r-1) );}//l到r后手情况的分数public static int backHand(int[] arr,int l,int r) {if(l == r){return 0;}return Math.min(firstHand(arr,l + 1, r),firstHand(arr,l,r - 1));}//改成动态规划public static int win2(int[] arr){if(arr == null || arr.length == 0){return 0;}int n = arr.length;int[][] firstHand = new int[n][n];int[][] backHand = new int[n][n];for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){firstHand[i][i] = arr[i];}int l;int r;for(int i = 1; i < n; i++){l = 0;r = i;while(l < n && r < n){firstHand[l][r] = Math.max(arr[l] + backHand[l + 1][r],arr[r] + backHand[l][r - 1] );backHand[l][r] = Math.min(firstHand[l + 1][r],firstHand[l][r - 1]);l++;r++;}}return Math.max(firstHand[0][n - 1],backHand[0][n -1]);}


public class FaceValue {/*** 数组中每个数代表货币的面值* 给一个目标钱数,用数组中的面值凑成这个钱数* 返回有多少种方法* 数组无重复且都为正整数*///暴力递归public static int ways1(int[] arr, int aim){if(arr == null || arr.length == 0 || aim <=0 ){return 0;}return process1(arr,0,aim);}//可以用index及以后的面值//距离aim还剩restpublic static int process1(int[] arr,int index,int rest){//        if(rest < 0){//            return 0;
//        }//for循环里加了限制,这里不用加了if(index == arr.length){return rest == 0 ? 1 : 0;}int ways = 0;for(int i = 0;i * arr[index] <= rest ;i++){ways += process1(arr,index + 1,rest - i * arr[index]);}return ways;}//加傻缓存public static int ways2(int[] arr, int aim){if(arr == null || arr.length == 0 || aim <=0 ){return 0;}int n = arr.length;int[][] dp = new int[n + 1][aim + 1];for(int i = 0; i < dp.length; i++){for(int j = 0; j < dp[0].length; j++){dp[i][j] = -1;}}return process2(arr,0,aim,dp);}public static int process2(int[] arr,int index,int rest,int[][] dp){if(dp[index][rest] != -1){return dp[index][rest];}if(index == arr.length){dp[index][rest] = rest == 0 ? 1 : 0;return dp[index][rest];}int ways = 0;for(int i = 0;i * arr[index] <= rest ;i++){ways += process2(arr,index + 1,rest - i * arr[index],dp);}dp[index][rest] = ways;return ways;}//改动态规划public static int ways3(int[] arr, int aim){if(arr == null || arr.length == 0 || aim <=0 ){return 0;}int n = arr.length;int[][] dp = new int[n + 1][aim + 1];dp[n][0] = 1;for(int index = n - 1; index >= 0; index--){for(int rest = 0; rest < aim; rest++){for(int i = 0;i * arr[index] <= rest ;i++){dp[index][rest] += dp[index + 1][rest - i * arr[index]];}}}return dp[0][aim];}//优化动态规划public static int ways4(int[] arr, int aim){if(arr == null || arr.length == 0 || aim <=0 ){return 0;}int n = arr.length;int[][] dp = new int[n + 1][aim + 1];dp[n][0] = 1;for(int index = n - 1; index >= 0; index--){for(int rest = 0; rest < aim; rest++){dp[index][rest] = dp[index + 1][rest];if(rest - arr[index] >= 0){dp[index][rest] += dp[index][rest - arr[rest]];}}}return dp[0][aim];}


import java.util.HashMap;
public class Paster {/*** @param s 字符串* @param paster 贴纸,可以剪碎成一个个字符* @return 拼成s最少要几张贴纸*/public static int paster(String s, String[] paster){int n = paster.length;int[][] map = new int[n][26];//行代表贴纸编号,列代表每个字母的数量//key = rest value = 至少几张贴纸HashMap<String, Integer> dp = new HashMap<>();//paster存入mapfor(int i = 0; i < n; i++){char[] str = paster[i].toCharArray();for(char c : str){map[i][c - 'a']++;}}//base case 之一dp.put("", 0);return process1(dp, map, s);}public static int process1(HashMap<String, Integer> dp,int[][] map,String rest){if(dp.containsKey(rest)){//如果算过就直接拿return dp.get(rest);}int ans = Integer.MAX_VALUE;//当前rest至少几张贴纸,默认最大值int n = map.length;int[] restMap = new int[26];//rest转为数组的形式char[] target = rest.toCharArray();for(char c : target){restMap[c - 'a']++;}//从还剩n-i种贴纸开始for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){//从rest的第一个字符开始搞定,// 如果map里第i个贴纸没有rest里的第一个字符//直接跳下一种贴纸//也可以理解为rest里至少有一个字符可以被搞定,才去试,不然递归就跑不完了//贴纸的使用顺序无所谓//所以从第一个字符开始可以减少重复解if(map[i][target[0] - 'a'] == 0){continue;}StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();for(int j = 0; j < 26; j ++){//枚举每个字母if(restMap[j] > 0){//如果需要这个字母for(int k = 0; k < Math.max(0,restMap[j] - map[i][j]); k++){//sb用来构造下一个restsb.append((char)('a' + j));}}}String s = sb.toString();int tmp = process1(dp,map,s);if(tmp != -1){ans = Math.min(ans,1 + tmp);//i号贴纸加后序的贴指数}}dp.put(rest,ans == Integer.MAX_VALUE ? -1 : ans);return dp.get(rest);}


public class LCS {public static int lcs(String s1, String s2){int[][] dp = new int[s1.length()][s2.length()];dp[0][0] = s1.charAt(0) == s2.charAt(0) ? 1 : 0;for(int i = 1; i < s1.length(); i++){dp[i][0] = Math.max(dp[i - 1][0], s1.charAt(i) == s2.charAt(0) ? 1 : 0);}for(int j = 1; j < s2.length(); j++){dp[0][j] = Math.max(dp[0][j - 1], s1.charAt(0) == s2.charAt(j) ? 1 : 0);}for(int i = 1; i < dp.length; i ++){for(int j = 1; j < dp[0].length; j ++){dp[i][j] = Math.max(dp[i - 1][j], dp[i][j - 1]);if(s1.charAt(i) == s2.charAt(j)){dp[i][j] = Math.max(dp[i][j], dp[i - 1][j - 1] + 1);}}}return dp[s1.length() - 1][s2.length() - 1];}


public class WashCups {/*** @param drinks 记录每个人喝完咖啡的时间点,升序数组* @param washTime 洗咖啡杯机只能串行地洗,洗一个杯子需要的时间* @param dryTime 不洗杯子让它自然挥发的时间* @return 最早洗完所有杯子的时间* 每个杯子要等喝完才能洗或者挥发* 不能挥发一半拿去洗* 一旦放进洗咖啡机里排队,那杯子就不会挥发了*/public static int wash(int[] drinks, int washTime, int dryTime){if(drinks == null || drinks.length == 0){return 0;}if( washTime > dryTime){return drinks[drinks.length - 1] + dryTime;}return process(drinks,washTime,dryTime,0,0);}/*** @param index 该决定第i个杯子是否要放进洗咖啡杯机排队* @param washLine 洗咖啡杯机何时能洗完里面的杯子* @return index及以后的咖啡杯最早啥时候洗完*/public static int process(int[] drinks, int washTime, int dryTime, int index, int washLine){int wash = Math.max(washLine, drinks[index]) + washTime;//选择洗int dry = drinks[index] + dryTime;//选择挥发if(index == drinks.length - 1){//如果来到最后一个杯子return Math.min(wash,dry);}//选择放进洗咖啡杯机里排队int next1 = process(drinks,washTime,dryTime,index + 1, wash);int p1 = Math.max(wash,next1);//取瓶颈因素//选择自然挥发int next2 = process(drinks,washTime,dryTime,index + 1,washLine);int p2 = Math.max(dry,next2);//取瓶颈因素//取最短时间return Math.min(p1,p2);}//改成动态规划public static int dp(int[] drinks, int washTime, int dryTime){if(drinks == null || drinks.length == 0){return 0;}if( washTime > dryTime){return drinks[drinks.length - 1] + dryTime;}int limit = 0;int n = drinks.length;for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){limit = Math.max(limit, drinks[i]) + washTime;}int[][] dp = new int[n][limit + 1];for(int washLine = 0; washLine < limit; washLine++){dp[n - 1][washLine] = Math.min(Math.max(washLine, drinks[n - 1]) + washTime,drinks[n - 1] + dryTime);}for(int index = n - 2; index >= 0; index--){for(int washLine = 0; washLine < limit; washLine++){int p1 = Integer.MAX_VALUE;int wash = Math.max(washLine, drinks[index]) + washTime;if(wash <= limit){p1 = Math.max(wash,dp[index + 1][wash]);}int dry = drinks[index] + dryTime;int p2 = Math.max(dry,dp[index + 1][washLine]);dp[index][washLine] = Math.min(p1,p2);}}return dp[0][0];}


public class Cheese {/*** 象棋中,马从(0,0)位置跳到(x,y)位置必须跳k步,有多少种方法*/public static int getWays(int x,int y, int k){int[][][] dp = new int[10][9][k + 1];dp[0][0][0] = 1;for(int step = 1; step < k + 1; step++){for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){for(int j = 0; j < 9; j++){dp[i][j][step] += getVal(dp,i + 2, j + 1,step - 1);dp[i][j][step] += getVal(dp,i + 2, j - 1,step - 1);dp[i][j][step] += getVal(dp,i - 2, j + 1,step - 1);dp[i][j][step] += getVal(dp,i - 2, j - 1,step - 1);dp[i][j][step] += getVal(dp,i + 1, j + 2,step - 1);dp[i][j][step] += getVal(dp,i + 1, j - 2,step - 1);dp[i][j][step] += getVal(dp,i - 1, j + 2,step - 1);dp[i][j][step] += getVal(dp,i - 1, j - 2,step - 1);}}}return dp[x][y][k];}public static int getVal(int[][][] dp, int i, int j,int k){if(i < 0 || i >= 10 || j < 0 || j >= 9) {return 0;}return dp[i][j][k];}public static void main(String[] args) {System.out.println(getWays(1,2,1));}


import java.util.Arrays;
public class MinIncomposableSum {/*** 给定一个正数数组arr,其中所有的值都为整数* 以下是最小不可组成和的概念* 把arr每个子集内的所有元素加起来会出现很多值* 其中最小的记为min,最大的记为max* 在区间[min, max]上,如果有数不可以被arr的某个子集相加得到* 那么其中最小的那个数是arr的最小不可组成和* 在区间[min, max]上,如果所有有数都可以被arr的某个子集相加得到* 那么max+1是arr的最小不可组成和*/public static int minIncomposableSum(int[] arr){int n = arr.length;int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;int sum = 0;for (int i : arr) {min = Math.min(min, i);sum += i;}boolean[][] dp = new boolean[n][sum + 1];dp[0][arr[0]] = true;for(int i = 1; i < n; i++){for(int j = 1; j < sum + 1; j++){if(arr[i] == j){dp[i][j] = true;}else if(dp[i - 1][j]){dp[i][j] = true;}else if(j - arr[i] >= 0 && dp[i - 1][j- arr[i]]){dp[i][j] = true;}}}int ans = min;while(ans <= sum){if(dp[n - 1][ans]){return ans;}ans++;}return sum + 1;}/*** 如果arr中必有1,怎么优化*/public static int plus(int[] arr){Arrays.sort(arr);int range = 1;for(int i = 1; i < arr.length; i++){if(arr[i] <= range + 1) {range += arr[i];} else {return range + 1;}}return range + 1;}



public class BigHeap {//heapSize既表示新来的数该放哪,又表示堆大小int heapSize;int[] heap;private final int limit;public BigHeap(int limit){heapSize = 0;heap = new int[limit];this.limit = limit;}public boolean isEmpty(){return heapSize == 0;}public boolean isFull(){return heapSize == limit;}/*** 加入一个树,调整为大根堆* 复杂度:O(logN)* @param value 加入的数*/public void push(int value){if(isFull()){throw new RuntimeException("heap is full");}heap[heapSize] = value;heapInsert(heap,heapSize++);}/*** 从index位置往上浮,直到我不再比父节点大或我没有父节点* O(logN)* @param arr* @param index*/private void heapInsert(int[] arr,int index){while(arr[index] > arr[(index - 1) / 2]){swap(arr,index,(index - 1) / 2);index = (index - 1) / 2;}}private void swap(int[] arr, int i, int j){int temp = arr[i];arr[i] = arr[j];arr[j] = temp;}/*** 用户让你返回最大值,然后去掉最大值,剩下部分依然是大根堆* 复杂度:O(logN)* @return 堆中最大值*/public int pop(){int ans = heap[0];//第一个数和最后一个数交换,swap(heap,0,--heapSize);heapify(heap,0,heapSize);return ans;}/*** 从index位置往下沉,直到我的孩子都不再比我大,或者没孩子了* O(logN)* @param arr 堆* @param index 数* @param heapSize 堆大小*/private void heapify(int[] arr,int index,int heapSize){//左孩子下标int left = index * 2 + 1;//不越界时while(left < heapSize){//获取较大孩子的下标int largest = left + 1 < heapSize && arr[left + 1] > arr[left] ? left + 1 : left;//获取子树中最大值的下标largest = arr[largest] > arr[index] ? largest : index;//如果最大值就是自己,breakif(largest == index){break;}//自己和最大值交换swap(arr,index,largest);//下沉index = largest;//左孩子下标left = index * 2 + 1;}}}



public class HeapSort {/*** 给你一个数组,排成大根堆* 用heapify的方式* O(N)* @param arr*/public void heapSort1(int[] arr){//从后往前heapifyfor(int i = arr.length - 1; i > 0; i--){ //O(N)heapify(arr, i, arr.length);//O(logN)}}/*** 给你一个数组,排成大根堆* 用heapInsert的方式* O(N*logN)* @param arr*/public void heapSort2(int[] arr){for(int i = 0;i < arr.length; i++){ //O(N)heapInsert(arr,i);//O(logN)}}/*** 给你一个大根堆,排成有序* O(N*logN)* @param bigHeap*/public void bigHeapSort(int[] bigHeap){int heapSize = bigHeap.length;while(heapSize > 0){ //O(N)swap(bigHeap,0,--heapSize);//O(1)heapify(bigHeap,0,heapSize);//O(logN)}}/*** 堆排序* O(N*logN)* @param arr*/public void sort(int[] arr){heapSort1(arr);//O(N)bigHeapSort(arr);//O(N*logN)}/*** 从index位置往下沉,直到我的孩子都不再比我大,或者没孩子了* O(logN)* @param arr 堆* @param index 数* @param heapSize 堆大小*/private void heapify(int[] arr,int index,int heapSize) {//左孩子下标int left = index * 2 + 1;//不越界时while (left < heapSize) {//获取较大孩子的下标int largest = left + 1 < heapSize && arr[left + 1] > arr[left] ? left + 1 : left;//获取子树中最大值的下标largest = arr[largest] > arr[index] ? largest : index;//如果最大值就是自己,breakif (largest == index) {break;}//自己和最大值交换swap(arr, index, largest);//下沉index = largest;//左孩子下标left = index * 2 + 1;}}/*** 从index位置往上浮,直到我不再比父节点大或我没有父节点* O(logN)* @param arr* @param index*/private void heapInsert(int[] arr,int index){while(arr[index] > arr[(index - 1) / 2]){swap(arr,index,(index - 1) / 2);index = (index - 1) / 2;}}private void swap(int[] arr, int i, int j){int temp = arr[i];arr[i] = arr[j];arr[j] = temp;}





import java.util.PriorityQueue;
//在k小于数组长度时,时间复杂度O(N * logk)
//在k大于数组长度时,时间复杂度O(N * logN)
public class PriorityQueue_ {public static void AlmostOrderly(int[] arr,int k){PriorityQueue<Integer> pq = new PriorityQueue<>();//小根堆int index = 0;//所有数依次入堆for(int i = 0;i < arr.length;i++){//O(N)pq.add(arr[i]);//O(1)//前k + 1个数入堆后开始弹出if(pq.size() > k + 1 ){//O(logk)arr[index++] = pq.poll();}}//弹出剩下的k个数  每次弹出O(logk)//或者在数组长度不大于k的情况下,全部弹出 每次弹出O(logN)while(!pq.isEmpty()){arr[index++] = pq.poll();}}



public static class MyComp implements Comparator<Integer>{@Overridepublic int compare(Integer o1, Integer o2) {return o2 - o1;}
}public static void main(String[] args) {PriorityQueue<Integer> priorityQueue1 = new PriorityQueue<>(new MyComp());//或者PriorityQueue<Integer> priorityQueue2 = new PriorityQueue<>(new Comparator<Integer>() {@Overridepublic int compare(Integer o1, Integer o2) {return o2 - o1;}});


import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;public class TopK {/*** 一堆数分布在两个有序数组中* 找出最大的K个数*/public static class Node{private int ai;private int bi;private final int sum;public Node(int a, int b, int s){ai = a;bi = b;sum = s;}}public static int[] topK(int[] a, int[] b, int k){PriorityQueue<Node> heap = new PriorityQueue<>(new Comparator<Node>() {@Overridepublic int compare(Node o1, Node o2) {return o2.sum - o1.sum;}});int i = a.length - 1;int j = b.length - 1;k = Math.min(k,(i + 1) * (j + 1));boolean[][] check = new boolean[i + 1][j + 1];int[] res = new int[k];int index = 0;heap.add(new Node(i,j,a[i] + b[j]));check[i][j] = true;while(index < k){Node cur = heap.poll();res[index++] = cur.sum;i = cur.ai;j = cur.bi;if(i - 1 >= 0 && !check[i - 1][j]){check[i - 1][j] = true;heap.add(new Node(i - 1, j, a[i - 1] + b[j]));}if(j - 1 >= 0 && !check[i][j - 1]){check[i][j - 1] = true;heap.add(new Node(i, j - 1, a[i] + b[j - 1]));}}return res;}/*** 一个二维数组,每一行和每一列都是有序的* 但整体是无序的* 返回最小的k个数*/public static int[] topK(int[][] arr, int k){PriorityQueue<Node> heap = new PriorityQueue<>(new Comparator<Node>() {@Overridepublic int compare(Node o1, Node o2) {return o1.sum - o2.sum;}});boolean[][] check = new boolean[arr.length][arr[0].length];int[] res = new int[k];int index = 0;heap.add(new Node(0,0,arr[0][0]));check[0][0] = true;int i = 0;int j = 0;while(index < k){Node cur = heap.poll();res[index++] = cur.sum;i = cur.ai;j = cur.bi;if(i + 1 < arr.length && !check[i + 1][j]){check[i + 1][j] = true;heap.add(new Node(i + 1, j, arr[i + 1][j]));}if(j + 1 < arr.length && !check[i][j + 1]){check[i][j + 1] = true;heap.add(new Node(i, j + 1, arr[i][j + 1]));}}return res;}


import java.util.HashMap;
public class TrieTree {public static class Node{public int pass;//该节点被通过了多少次public int end;//有多少字符串以此节点作为结尾public HashMap<Character,Node> next;//key -> 通往某个字符的路  ,  valve -> 此路指向的节点public Node(){pass = 0;end = 0;next = new HashMap<>();}}public static class Trie{private Node root;public Trie(){root = new Node();}public void insert(String s){if(s == null){return;}Node node = root;node.pass++;for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++){if(!node.next.containsKey(s.charAt(i))){node.next.put(s.charAt(i),new Node());}node = node.next.get(s.charAt(i));node.pass++;}node.end++;}/*** @param s 要查询的字符串* @return 树中加入过多少个word*/public int search(String s){if(s == null){return 0;}Node node = root;for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++){if(!node.next.containsKey(s.charAt(i))){return 0;}node = node.next.get(s.charAt(i));}return node.end;}/*** @param s 要删除的字符串*/public void delete(String s){if(search(s) == 0){return;}Node node = root;node.pass--;for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++){if(--node.next.get(s.charAt(i)).pass == 0){node.next.remove(s.charAt(i));return;}node = node.next.get(s.charAt(i));}node.end--;}/*** @param pre 前缀* @return 以pre为前缀的字符串的个数*/public int prefixNumber(String pre){if(pre == null){return 0;}Node node = root;for(int i = 0; i < pre.length(); i++){if(!node.next.containsKey(pre.charAt(i))){return 0;}node = node.next.get(pre.charAt(i));}return node.pass;}}



import java.util.Stack;
public class BinaryTree {public static class Node{public int value;public Node left;public Node right;public Node(int value){this.value = value;}}/*** 前序打印* 递归* @param head 头节点*/public static void pre1(Node head){if(head == null){return;}System.out.println(head.value);pre1(head.left);pre1(head.right);}/*** 前序打印* 非递归* @param head 头节点*/public static void pre2(Node head){if(head == null){return;}Stack<Node> nodes = new Stack<>();nodes.push(head);/*** 先把head入栈然后弹出打印* 然后* 入栈顺序:右->左->头*/while(!nodes.isEmpty()){head = nodes.pop();System.out.println(head.value);if(head.right != null){nodes.push(head.right);}if(head.left != null){nodes.push(head.left);}}}/*** 中序打印* 递归* @param head 头节点*/public static void in1(Node head){if(head == null){return;}in1(head.left);System.out.println(head.value);in1(head.right);}/*** 中序打印* 非递归* @param head 头节点*/public static void in2(Node head){if(head == null){return;}Stack<Node> nodes = new Stack<>();while(!nodes.isEmpty() || head != null){if(head != null){//左边界入栈nodes.push(head);head = head.left;}else{//左边界全部入栈以后弹出一个,来到右子树继续把左边界全部入栈head = nodes.pop();System.out.println(head.value);head = head.right;}}}/*** 后序打印* 递归* @param head 头节点*/public static void pos1(Node head){if(head == null){return;}pos1(head.left);pos1(head.right);System.out.println(head.value);}/*** 后序打印* 非递归,用俩栈* @param head 头节点*/public static void pos2(Node head){if(head == null){return;}Stack<Node> nodes = new Stack<>();Stack<Node> help = new Stack<>();nodes.push(head);/*** head入nodes栈弹出后入help栈* 入nodes栈的顺序:左 -> 右 -> 头* 出nodes栈的顺序(即入help栈的顺序):头 -> 右 -> 左* 出help栈的顺序:左 -> 右 -> 头*/while(!nodes.isEmpty()){head = nodes.pop();help.push(head);if(head.left != null){nodes.push(head.left);}if(head.right != null){nodes.push(head.right);}}//弹出while(!help.isEmpty()){System.out.println(help.pop().value);}}/*** 后序打印* 非递归,用一个栈* @param head 头节点*/public static void pos3(Node head){if(head == null){return;}Stack<Node> nodes = new Stack<>();Node cur = null;nodes.push(head);/*** 一开始,左边界全部入栈* 弹出最左下角的元素* head用来记录上一个弹出的元素,以head为头的子树代表已经全部处理过了*/while(!nodes.isEmpty()){cur = nodes.peek();if(cur.left != null && cur.left != head && cur.right != head){//左右子树都没处理的话去处理左边nodes.push(cur.left);}else if(cur.right != null && cur.right != head){//左边处理了但右边没处理,去处理右边nodes.push(cur.right);}else{//左右子树都处理了,弹出,返回上一层System.out.println(nodes.pop().value);head = cur;}}}/*** 递归序* 每个节点会到达三次* 第一次到达时打印,就是先序* 第二次到达时打印,就是中序* 第三次到达时打印,就是后序* @param head 头节点*/public static void f(Node head){if(head == null){return;}System.out.println(head.value);f(head.left);System.out.println(head.value);f(head.right);System.out.println(head.value);}


public static void byLayer(Node head){Queue<Node> nodes = new LinkedList<>();nodes.add(head);while(!nodes.isEmpty()){head = nodes.poll();System.out.println(head.value);if(head.left != null){nodes.add(head.left);}if(head.right != null){nodes.add(head.right);}}}


import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Queue;public class MaxWidth {public static class Node{public int value;public Node left;public Node right;public Node(int value){this.value = value;}}/*** 用哈希表* + 先实现一个宽度优先遍历* + 然后加入以下参数* + levelMap* + curLevel* + curLevelNodes* + max* + 比较curLevel和当前节点的层号来判断是否来到了新的一层* + 如果来到了新的一层就结算上一层的节点数* @param head 头节点* @return 最大宽度*/public static int maxWidth1(Node head){if(head == null){return 0;}Queue<Node> nodes = new LinkedList<>();nodes.add(head);HashMap<Node,Integer> levelMap = new HashMap<>();levelMap.put(head,1);int max = 0;int curLevel = 1;int curLevelNodes = 0;while(!nodes.isEmpty()){Node cur = nodes.poll();int curNodeLevel = levelMap.get(cur);if(cur.left != null){levelMap.put(cur.left,curNodeLevel + 1);nodes.add(cur.left);}if(cur.right != null){levelMap.put(cur.right,curNodeLevel + 1);nodes.add(cur.right);}if(curNodeLevel == curLevel){curLevelNodes++;}else{curLevel++;max = Math.max(max,curLevelNodes);curLevelNodes = 1;}}return Math.max(max,curLevelNodes);}/*** 不用哈希表* + 先实现一个宽度优先遍历* + 然后加入以下参数* + curEnd* + nextEnd* + max* + curLevelNodes* + 每次加入队列时更新nextEnd* + 比较当前弹出的节点和curEnd* + 如果是curEnd,更新最大值,curLevelNodes归零,curEnd = nextEnd* @param head 头节点* @return 最大宽度*/public static int maxWidth2(Node head){if(head == null){return 0;}Queue<Node> nodes = new LinkedList<>();nodes.add(head);Node curEnd = head;Node nextEnd = null;int max = 0;int curLevelNodes = 0;while(!nodes.isEmpty()){Node cur = nodes.poll();if(cur.left != null){nodes.add(cur.left);nextEnd = cur.left;}if(cur.right != null){nodes.add(cur.right);nextEnd = cur.right;}curLevelNodes++;if(cur == curEnd){max = Math.max(max,curLevelNodes);curLevelNodes = 0;curEnd = nextEnd;}}return max;}



import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Stack;
public class Serialize {public static class Node{public int value;public Node left;public Node right;public Node(int value){this.value = value;}}/*** 先序中序后序序列化* @param head 头节点* @return 序列化后的字符串*/public static String serialize1(Node head){if(head == null){return "#!";}String res = "";res += head.value + "!";//先序res += serialize1(head.left);//res += head.value + "!";//中序//中序序列化没有意义,因为中序序列化后没办法反序列化res += serialize1(head.right);//res += head.value + "!";//后序return res;}/*** 层序序列化* @param head 头节点* @return 序列化后的字符串*/public static String serialize2(Node head){if(head == null){return "#!";}Queue<Node> nodes = new LinkedList<>();nodes.add(head);String res = head.value + "!";while(!nodes.isEmpty()){head = nodes.poll();if(head.left != null){res += head.left.value + "!";nodes.add(head.left);}else{res += "#!";}if(head.right != null){res += head.right.value + "!";nodes.add(head.right);}else{res += "#!";}}return res;}/*** 先序反序列化* @param tree 序列化的树* @return 头节点*/public static Node preDeserialize(String tree){String[] values = tree.split("!");Queue<String> queue = new LinkedList<>(Arrays.asList(values));return preGetNode(queue);}public static Node preGetNode(Queue<String> queue){String value = queue.poll();if(value.equals("#")){return null;}Node head = new Node(Integer.parseInt(value));head.left = preGetNode(queue);head.right = preGetNode(queue);return head;}/*** 后序反序列化* @param tree 序列化的树* @return 头节点*/public static Node posDeserialize(String tree){String[] values = tree.split("!");Stack<String> stack = new Stack<>();for (String value : values) {stack.push(value);}return posGetNode(stack);}public static Node posGetNode(Stack<String> stack){String value = stack.pop();if(value.equals("#")){return null;}Node head = new Node(Integer.parseInt(value));head.right = posGetNode(stack);head.left = posGetNode(stack);return head;}/*** 层序反序列化* @param tree 序列化的树* @return 头节点*/public static Node deserializeByLevel(String tree){String[] values = tree.split("!");int index = 0;Node head = getNode(values[index++]);Queue<Node> queue = new LinkedList<>();if(head != null){queue.add(head);}Node cur = null;while(!queue.isEmpty()){cur = queue.poll();cur.left = getNode(values[index++]);cur.right = getNode(values[index++]);if(cur.left != null){queue.add(cur.left);}if(cur.right != null){queue.add(cur.right);}}return head;}public static Node getNode(String value){if(value.equals("#")){return null;}return new Node(Integer.parseInt(value));}


public class PrintTree {public static class Node{public int value;public Node left;public Node right;public Node(int v){value = v;}}public static void printTree(Node head){System.out.println("Binary Tree");printInOrder(head,0,"H",17);System.out.println();}/*** @param head 头节点* @param height 当前节点的层数* @param to 标识符: v代表父节点的右孩子  ^代表父节点的左孩子  H代表头节点* @param len 每层的宽度*/public static void printInOrder(Node head, int height, String to, int len){if(head == null){return;}printInOrder(head.right, height + 1, "v", len );String val = to + head.value + to;int lenM = val.length();int lenL = (len - lenM) / 2;int lenR = len - lenM - lenL;val = getSpace(lenL) + val + getSpace(lenR);System.out.println(getSpace(height * len) + val);printInOrder(head.left,height + 1, "^", len);}public static String getSpace(int num) {StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder("");for(int i = 0; i < num; i++){res.append(" ");}return res.toString();}


public class SuccessorNode {public static class Node{public int value;public Node left;public Node right;public Node parent;public Node(int v){value = v;}}/*** @param node 任意节点* @return 后继结点(中序遍历后当前节点的下一个节点)*/public static Node getSuccessorNode(Node node){if(node == null){return null;}if(node.right != null){return getLeftMost(node.right);}else{Node parent = node.parent;while(parent != null && parent.right == node){node = parent;parent = node.parent;}return parent;}}public static Node getLeftMost(Node node){if(node == null){return null;}while(node.left != null){node = node.left;}return node;}


/*** 请把一段纸条竖着放在桌子上,然后从纸条的下边向上方对折一次,压出折痕后展开。* 此时折痕是凹下去的,即折痕突起的方向指向纸条的背面。* 如果从纸条的下边 向上方连续对折2次,压出折痕后展开,* 此时有3条折痕,从上到下依次是下折痕、下折痕、上折痕。* 给定一个输入参数N,代表纸条都从下边向上方连续对折N次,* 请从上到下打印所有折痕的方向。*        例如:N=1时,打印*      down*       N=2时,打印:*        down*       down*       up* 思路:*      给折痕标号,如:1 down 代表第1次对折,折出的折痕是下折痕*      多折几次会发现新的折痕总会出现在上一次对折时折痕的两侧*      且上侧为下折痕,下侧为上折痕*      这样就相当于一个二叉树,头节点是down,每个节点的左孩子都是down,右孩子都是up*      中序遍历这个二叉树的结果就是从上到下打印了所有折痕*/
public class PaperFolding {/*** @param N 对折次数*/public static void printAllFolds(int N){printProcess(1,N,true);}/*** 打印* @param i 当前层数* @param N 对折次数(总层数)* @param down true代表下折痕 false代表上折痕*/private static void printProcess(int i, int N, boolean down) {if(i == N){return;}printProcess(i + 1, N, true);System.out.println(down ? "down" : "up");printProcess(i + 1, N, false);}



public class Morris {static class Node {public int val;public Node left;public Node right;public Node(int v){val = v;}}/*** 1.先看有没有左树* 2.有左树的话,找到左树上最右节点* 3.如果左树最右节点指向空,让左树最右节点的右指针指向自己,然后当前指针向左移动* 4.如果左树最右节点指右指针向自己,改成指向null,然后当前指针向右树移动* 5.如果没有左树,直接向右树移动* 这种遍历方式,每个有左树的节点会经过两次,没有左树的节点会经过一次*/public static void morris(Node head){if(head == null){return;}Node cur = head;Node mostRight = null;while(cur != null){mostRight = cur.left;if(mostRight != null){while(mostRight.right != null && mostRight.right != cur)mostRight = mostRight.right;if(mostRight.right == null){mostRight.right = cur;cur = cur.left;continue;}else{mostRight.right = null;}}cur = cur.right;}}//先序public static void morrisPre(Node head){if(head == null){return;}Node cur = head;Node mostRight = null;while(cur != null){mostRight = cur.left;if(mostRight != null){while(mostRight.right != null && mostRight.right != cur)mostRight = mostRight.right;if(mostRight.right == null){System.out.println(cur.val);mostRight.right = cur;cur = cur.left;continue;}else{mostRight.right = null;}} else{System.out.println(cur.val);}cur = cur.right;}}public static void morrisIn(Node head){if(head == null){return;}Node cur = head;Node mostRight = null;while(cur != null){mostRight = cur.left;if(mostRight != null){while(mostRight.right != null && mostRight.right != cur)mostRight = mostRight.right;if(mostRight.right == null){mostRight.right = cur;cur = cur.left;continue;}else{mostRight.right = null;}}System.out.println(cur.val);cur = cur.right;}}public static void morrisPos(Node head){if(head == null){return;}Node cur = head;Node mostRight = null;while(cur != null){mostRight = cur.left;if(mostRight != null){while(mostRight.right != null && mostRight.right != cur)mostRight = mostRight.right;if(mostRight.right == null){mostRight.right = cur;cur = cur.left;continue;}else{mostRight.right = null;printRight(cur.left);}}cur = cur.right;}printRight(head);}//逆序打印以head为头的树的右边界public static void printRight(Node head){Node last = reverse(head);Node cur = last;while (cur != null){System.out.println(cur.val);cur = cur.right;}reverse(last);}/*** 翻转以head为头的链表* @return 翻转后最后一个节点*/public static Node reverse(Node head){Node next = null;Node pre = null;while(head != null){next = head.right;head.right = pre;pre = head;head = next;}return pre;}


public static boolean isBST(Node head){if(head == null){return true;}Node cur = head;Node mostRight = null;int preVal = Integer.MIN_VALUE;while(cur != null){mostRight = cur.left;if(mostRight != null){while(mostRight.right != null && mostRight.right != cur)mostRight = mostRight.right;if(mostRight.right == null){mostRight.right = cur;cur = cur.left;continue;}else{mostRight.right = null;}}if(cur.val <= preVal){return false;}preVal = cur.val;cur = cur.right;}return true;}




  1. 假设以X节点为头,假设可以向X左树和X右树要任何信息
  2. 在上一步的假设下,讨论以X为头节点的树,得到答案的可能性
  3. 列出所有可能性后,确定到底需要向左树和右树要什么样的信息
  4. 把左树信息和右树信息求全集,就是任何一棵子树都需要返回的信息S
  5. 递归函数都返回S,每一棵子树都这么要求
  6. 写代码,在代码中考虑如何吧左树的信息和右树的信息整合出整棵树的信息




  • 左树是平衡树
  • 右树是平衡树
  • 左树和右树高度差不超过1
public class IsBalanced {public static class Info{public boolean isBalanced;public int height;public Info(boolean b,int h){isBalanced = b;height = h;}}public static class Node{public int value;public Node left;public Node right;public Node(int v){value = v;}}public static boolean balance(Node head){return process(head).isBalanced;}public static Info process(Node X){if(X == null){return new Info(true,0);}Info leftInfo = process(X.left);Info rightInfo = process(X.right);int height = 1 + Math.max(leftInfo.height, rightInfo.height);//左树右树都平衡且高度差不超过1boolean balance = leftInfo.isBalanced&& rightInfo.isBalanced&& Math.abs(leftInfo.height - rightInfo.height) <= 1;return new Info(balance,height);}


public class MaxDistance {public static class Info{public int max;public int height;public  Info(int m,int h){max = m;height = h;}}public static class Node{public int value;public Node left;public Node right;public Node(int v){value = v;}}public static int maxDistance(Node head){return process(head).max;}public static Info process(Node X){if(X == null){return new Info(0,0);}Info leftInfo = process(X.left);Info rightInfo = process(X.right);int max = Math.max(Math.max(leftInfo.max, rightInfo.max),leftInfo.height + rightInfo.height + 1);int height = Math.max(leftInfo.height, rightInfo.height) + 1;return new Info(max,height);}



public class MaxSubBST {public static class Node{public int value;public Node left;public Node right;public Node(int v){value = v;}}public static class Info{public boolean isBST;public int maxSubBSTSize;public int max;public int min;public Info(boolean is,int size, int mi,int ma){isBST = is;maxSubBSTSize = size;min = mi;max = ma;}}public static Info process(Node X){if(X == null){return null;}Info leftInfo = process(X.left);Info rightInfo = process(X.right);int max = X.value;int min = X.value;if(leftInfo != null){min = Math.min(min, leftInfo.min);max = Math.max(max, leftInfo.max);}if(rightInfo != null){min = Math.min(min, rightInfo.min);max = Math.max(max, rightInfo.max);}int maxSubBSTSize = 0;if(leftInfo != null){maxSubBSTSize = leftInfo.maxSubBSTSize;}if(rightInfo != null){maxSubBSTSize = Math.max(rightInfo.maxSubBSTSize,maxSubBSTSize);}boolean isBST = false;if((leftInfo == null ? true : leftInfo.isBST)&& (rightInfo == null ? true : rightInfo.isBST)&& (leftInfo == null ? true : leftInfo.max < X.value)&& (rightInfo == null ? true : rightInfo.min > X.value)){maxSubBSTSize =(leftInfo == null ? 0 : leftInfo.maxSubBSTSize)+ (rightInfo == null ? 0 : rightInfo.maxSubBSTSize)+ 1;isBST = true;}return new Info(isBST,maxSubBSTSize,min,max);}





import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;public class MaxHappy {public static class Employee {public int happy;public List<Employee> nexts;public Employee(int h){happy = h;nexts = new ArrayList<>();}}public static class Info{public int yes;public int no;public Info(int y, int n){yes = y;no = n;}}public static int maxHappy(Employee boss){Info res = process(boss);return Math.max(res.yes,res.no);}public static Info process(Employee X){if(X.nexts.isEmpty()){return new Info(X.happy,0);}int yes = X.happy;int no = 0;for(Employee next : X.nexts) {Info nextInfo = process(next);yes += nextInfo.no;no += Math.max(nextInfo.yes,nextInfo.no);}return new Info(yes,no);}







import java.util.ArrayList;public class Node {public int value;public int in;public int out;public ArrayList<Node> nexts;public ArrayList<Edge> edges;public Node(int v) {value = v;in = 0;out = 0;nexts = new ArrayList<>();edges = new ArrayList<>();}


public class Edge {public int weight;public Node from;public Node to;public Edge(int weight, Node from, Node to) {this.weight = weight;this.from = from;this.to = to;}


import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;public class Graph {public HashMap<Integer, Node> nodes;public HashSet<Edge> edges;public Graph() {nodes = new HashMap<>();edges = new HashSet<>();}


public class CreateGraph {/*** 给一个三列的矩阵* 每一行代表一条边edge* 第一列代表权重* 第二列代表from* 第三列代表to* 建成Graph*/public void createGraph(int[][] arr){Graph graph = new Graph();for(int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){int weight = arr[i][0];Integer from = arr[i][1];Integer to = arr[i][2];if(!graph.nodes.containsKey(from)){graph.nodes.put(from,new Node(from));}if(!graph.nodes.containsKey(to)){graph.nodes.put(to,new Node(to));}Node fromNode = graph.nodes.get(from);Node toNode = graph.nodes.get(to);Edge newEdge = new Edge(weight,fromNode,toNode);fromNode.nexts.add(toNode);fromNode.out++;toNode.in++;fromNode.edges.add(newEdge);graph.edges.add(newEdge);}}


import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Queue;public class BFS {//宽度优先遍历public static void bfs (Node node){if(node == null){return;}Queue<Node> queue = new LinkedList<>();HashSet<Node> set = new HashSet<>();//记录已经被遍历到的节点queue.add(node);set.add(node);while(!queue.isEmpty()){Node cur = queue.poll();//弹出就打印System.out.println(cur.value);//可以进行一系列操作,打印只是举个例子for(Node next : node.nexts){if(!set.contains(next)){set.add(next);queue.add(next);}}}}


import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Stack;public class DFS {//深度优先遍历public static void dfs(Node node) {if(node == null){return;}Stack<Node> stack = new Stack<>();HashSet<Node> set = new HashSet<>();stack.add(node);set.add(node);//加入就打印System.out.println(node.value);while(!stack.isEmpty()){Node cur = stack.pop();for(Node next : node.nexts){if(!set.contains(next)){stack.push(cur);stack.push(next);set.add(next);System.out.println(next.value);break;}}}}



import java.util.*;public class TopologySort {//拓扑排序public static List<Node> topologySort(Graph graph) {//key:某一个node//value:剩余的入度HashMap<Node,Integer> inMap = new HashMap<>();//剩余入度为0的node才能进入这个队列Queue<Node> zeroInQueue = new LinkedList<>();for(Node node : graph.nodes.values()){inMap.put(node,node.in);if(node.in == 0){zeroInQueue.add(node);}}List<Node> result = new ArrayList<>();while(!zeroInQueue.isEmpty()){Node cur = zeroInQueue.poll();result.add(cur);for(Node next : cur.nexts){inMap.put(next,inMap.get(next) - 1);if(inMap.get(next) == 0){zeroInQueue.add(next);}}}return result;}



import java.util.*;public class Kruskal {//最小生成树MST//并查集public static class UnionFind {public HashMap<Node,Node> fatherMap;public HashMap<Node,Integer> sizeMap;public UnionFind() {fatherMap = new HashMap<>();sizeMap = new HashMap<>();}public void makeSets(Collection<Node> nodes) {fatherMap.clear();sizeMap.clear();for(Node node : nodes){fatherMap.put(node,node);sizeMap.put(node, 1);}}private Node findFather(Node n){Stack<Node> path = new Stack<>();while(n != fatherMap.get(n)){path.add(n);n = fatherMap.get(n);}while (!path.isEmpty()){fatherMap.put(path.pop(),n);}return n;}public boolean isSameSet(Node x, Node y){return findFather(x) == findFather(y);}public void union(Node x, Node y){if(x == null || y == null){return;}Node xHead = findFather(x);Node yHead = findFather(y);if(xHead != yHead){int xSetSize = sizeMap.get(xHead);int ySetSize = sizeMap.get(yHead);if(xSetSize >= ySetSize){fatherMap.put(yHead,xHead);sizeMap.put(xHead, xSetSize + ySetSize);sizeMap.remove(yHead);}else {fatherMap.put(xHead, yHead);sizeMap.put(yHead, xSetSize + ySetSize);sizeMap.remove(xHead);}}}}//比较器public static class EdgeComparator implements Comparator<Edge> {@Overridepublic int compare(Edge o1, Edge o2) {return o1.weight - o2.weight;}}public static Set<Edge> kruskalMST(Graph graph) {UnionFind unionFind = new UnionFind();unionFind.makeSets(graph.nodes.values());PriorityQueue<Edge> priorityQueue = new PriorityQueue<>(new EdgeComparator());priorityQueue.addAll(graph.edges);Set<Edge> result = new HashSet<>();while(!priorityQueue.isEmpty()){Edge edge = priorityQueue.poll();if(!unionFind.isSameSet(edge.from, edge.to)){result.add(edge);unionFind.union(edge.from, edge.to);}}return result;}


import java.util.*;
public class Prim {//比较器public static class EdgeComparator implements Comparator<Edge> {@Overridepublic int compare(Edge o1, Edge o2) {return o1.weight - o2.weight;}}public static Set<Edge> primMST(Graph graph) {PriorityQueue<Edge> priorityQueue = new PriorityQueue<>(new EdgeComparator());HashSet<Node> nodeSet = new HashSet<>();HashSet<Edge> edgeSet = new HashSet<>();Set<Edge> result = new HashSet<>();for(Node node : graph.nodes.values()){//随便选一个点.防森林if (!nodeSet.contains(node)) {nodeSet.add(node);for (Edge edge : node.edges) {//加入每条边if(!edgeSet.contains(edge)) {edgeSet.add(edge);priorityQueue.add(edge);}}while(!priorityQueue.isEmpty()){Edge edge = priorityQueue.poll();Node toNode = edge.to;if(!nodeSet.contains(toNode)){nodeSet.add(toNode);result.add(edge);for (Edge nextEdge : toNode.edges) {if(!edgeSet.contains(nextEdge)){edgeSet.add(nextEdge);priorityQueue.add(nextEdge);}}}}}}return result;}



import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;public class Dijkstra {public static HashMap<Node,Integer> dijkstra1(Node from) {HashMap<Node,Integer> distanceMap = new HashMap<>();distanceMap.put(from,0);HashSet<Node> selectedNodes = new HashSet<>();Node minNode = getMinDistanceAndUnselectedNode(distanceMap,selectedNodes);while(minNode != null) {int distance = distanceMap.get(minNode);for(Edge edge : minNode.edges){Node toNode = edge.to;if(!distanceMap.containsKey(toNode)){distanceMap.put(toNode,distance + edge.weight);}else{distanceMap.put(edge.to,Math.min(distanceMap.get(toNode),distance));}}selectedNodes.add(minNode);minNode = getMinDistanceAndUnselectedNode(distanceMap,selectedNodes);}return distanceMap;}private static Node getMinDistanceAndUnselectedNode(HashMap<Node, Integer> distanceMap, HashSet<Node> selectedNodes) {Node minNode = null;int minDistance = Integer.MAX_VALUE;for(Map.Entry<Node,Integer> entry : distanceMap.entrySet()){Node node = entry.getKey();int distance = entry.getValue();if(!selectedNodes.contains(node) && distance < minDistance) {minNode = node;minDistance = distance;}}return minNode;}


import java.util.HashMap;public class DijkstraPlus {public static class NodeRecord {public Node node;public int distance;public NodeRecord(Node node ,int distance){this.node = node;this.distance = distance;}}public static class NodeHeap {private Node[] nodes;private HashMap<Node,Integer> heapIndexMap;private HashMap<Node,Integer> distanceMap;private int size;public NodeHeap(int size) {nodes = new Node[size];heapIndexMap = new HashMap<>();distanceMap = new HashMap<>();size = 0;}public boolean isEmpty() {return size == 0;}private boolean isEntered(Node node) {return heapIndexMap.containsKey(node);}private boolean inHeap(Node node){return isEntered(node) && heapIndexMap.get(node) != -1;}private void swap(int index1,int index2){heapIndexMap.put(nodes[index1],index2);heapIndexMap.put(nodes[index2],index1);Node tmp = nodes[index1];nodes[index1] = nodes[index2];nodes[index2] = tmp;}private void insertHeapify(Node node, int index) {while(distanceMap.get(nodes[index]) < distanceMap.get(nodes[(index - 1) / 2])){swap(index,(index-1)/2);index = (index - 1)/2;}}private void heapify(int index, int size){int left = index * 2 + 1;while(left < size) {int smallest = left + 1 < size && distanceMap.get(nodes[left + 1]) < distanceMap.get(nodes[left])? left + 1: left;smallest = distanceMap.get(nodes[smallest])< distanceMap.get(nodes[index]) ? smallest : index;if(smallest == index) {break;}swap(smallest,index);index = smallest;left = index * 2 + 1;}}public void addOrUpdateOrIgnore(Node node,int distance) {if(inHeap(node)){distanceMap.put(node, Math.min(distanceMap.get(node),distance));insertHeapify(node, heapIndexMap.get(node));}if(!isEntered(node)){nodes[size] = node;heapIndexMap.put(node,size);distanceMap.put(node,distance);insertHeapify(node,size++);}}public NodeRecord pop() {NodeRecord nodeRecord = new NodeRecord(nodes[0],distanceMap.get(nodes[0]));swap(0,size -1);heapIndexMap.put(nodes[size - 1], -1);distanceMap.remove(nodes[size - 1]);nodes[size - 1] = null;heapify(0, --size);return nodeRecord;}}public static HashMap<Node,Integer> dijkstra2(Node head,int size){NodeHeap nodeHeap = new NodeHeap(size);nodeHeap.addOrUpdateOrIgnore(head,0);HashMap<Node,Integer> result = new HashMap<>();while(!nodeHeap.isEmpty()){NodeRecord record = nodeHeap.pop();Node cur = record.node;int distance = record.distance;for(Edge edge : cur.edges) {nodeHeap.addOrUpdateOrIgnore(edge.to, edge.weight + distance);}result.put(cur,distance);}return result;}




public class MinBags {/*** 小虎去买苹果,商店只提供两种类型的塑料袋,每种类型都有任意数量。* 1)能装下6个苹果的袋子* 2)能装下8个苹果的袋子* 小虎可以自由使用两种袋子来装苹果,但是小虎有强迫症,* 他要求自己使用的袋子数量必须最少,且使用的每个袋子必须装满,否则就不买了** 给定一个正整数N,返回至少使用多少袋子。* 如果N无法让每个袋子装满,返回-1*///暴力方法public static int minBags(int N){int times = N / 8;while(times >= 0){if((N - times * 8) % 6 == 0){return times + (N - times * 8) / 6;}times--;}return -1;}//根据暴力方法打表找规律发现的O(1)的方法public static int minBagsAwesome(int N){if((N & 1) != 0){//奇数返回-1return -1;}if(N < 18){//打表发现小于18时,0返回0;6,8返回1;12,14,16返回2;其他都是-1;return N == 0 ? 0 :(   N == 6|| N == 8)? 1 :(   N == 12|| N == 14|| N == 16) ? 2 : -1;}//大于等于18时的规律return (N - 18) / 8 + 3;}public static void main(String[] args) {//打印0到100的结果找规律for( int i = 0; i <= 100; i++){System.out.println( i + " : " + minBags(i) );}}


public class Graze {/*** 给定一个正整数N,表示N分青草统一放在仓库里* 有一只牛和一只羊,牛先吃,羊后吃,回合制吃草* 每次吃草的量必须是4的某次方* 谁先把草吃完,谁获胜* 假设牛羊都绝顶聪明,都想赢* 根据唯一的参数N,返回谁会赢*//*** 暴力方法* 用递归模拟所有可能性* @param N 草的数量* @return 本回合的动物会输还是会赢*/public static boolean winner1(int N){if(N <=5){//小于等于5的所有情况return N != 2 && N != 5;}int base = 1;//吃草的份数while(base <= N){if(!winner1(N - base)){//if(羊输了)return true;}if(base > N/4){//防止溢出break;}base *= 4;}//上面递归全部完成后,羊一次都没输return false;}/*** 根据打表找到规律* @param N 草的数量* @return true代表牛赢,false代表牛输了*/public static boolean winner2(int N){return N % 5 != 2 && N % 5 != 0;}public static void main(String[] args) {for(int i = 1; i <= 50; i ++){System.out.println(i + " : " + winner2(i));}}


public class ContinuousPositiveSum {/*** 定义一种数:可以表示成若干(数量>1)连续正数和的数* 给定一个参数N,返回是不是可以表示成若干连续正数和的数*/public static boolean ifContinuousPositiveSum1(int n){for(int i = 1; i < n; i++){//从1开始累加int sum = 0;for(int j = i;sum < n; j ++){sum += j;if(sum == n){return true;}}}return false;}//打表找规律发现只要n不是2的某次幂就可以public static boolean ifContinuousPositiveSum2(int n){return n != 1 && n % 2 != 0;//装逼写法//(n & (n - 1)) == 0 就代表n是2的某次方//return (n & (n - 1)) != 0;}public static void main(String[] args) {for(int i = 1; i <= 50; i ++){System.out.println(i + " : " + ifContinuousPositiveSum1(i));}}


import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Stack;public class DisjointSet {/*** 1. 有若干个样本a、b、c、d……类型假设是V* 2. 在并查集中一开始认为每个样本都在单独的集合里* 3. 用户可以在任何时候调用如下两个方法:*      boolean isSameSet(V x, V y):查询样本x和y是否属于一个集合*      void union(V x, V y):把x和y各自所在集合的所有样本合并成一个集合* 4. isSameSet和union方法的代价越低越好*/public static class Node<V> {V value;public  Node(V v){value = v;}}public static class UnionSet<V> {public HashMap<V, Node<V>> nodes;//存放所有样本及其值public HashMap<Node<V>, Node<V>> parents;//存放每个样本及其父(每个集合的代表节点)public HashMap<Node<V>, Integer> sizeMap;//存放每个集合的代表节点和样本数public UnionSet(List<V> values){for(V value : values){Node<V> node = new Node<>(value);nodes.put(value, node);parents.put(node, node);sizeMap.put(node, 1);}}public Node<V> findFather(Node<V> cur) {Stack<Node<V>> path = new Stack<>();while(cur != parents.get(cur)) {path.push(cur);cur = parents.get(cur);}while(!path.isEmpty()){parents.put(path.pop(),cur);}return cur;}public boolean isSameSet(V x, V y) {if(!nodes.containsKey(x) || !nodes.containsKey(y)){return false;}return findFather(nodes.get(x)) == findFather(nodes.get(y));}public void union(V x, V y) {if(!nodes.containsKey(x) || !nodes.containsKey(y)){return;}Node<V> xHead = findFather(nodes.get(x));Node<V> yHead = findFather(nodes.get(y));if(xHead != yHead){int xSetSize = sizeMap.get(xHead);int ySetSize = sizeMap.get(yHead);if(xSetSize >= ySetSize){parents.put(yHead,xHead);sizeMap.put(xHead, xSetSize + ySetSize);sizeMap.remove(yHead);}else{parents.put(xHead,yHead);sizeMap.put(yHead, xSetSize + ySetSize);sizeMap.remove(xHead);}}}}


public class Adjust {/*** 用Math.random()实现在[0, 1)区间* 出现[0,0.6]的概率为0.6的k次方*/public static double random(int k){double max = 0;while(k > 0){double a = Math.random();if(max < a) {max = a;}k--;}return max;}public static void main(String[] args){int testTime = 1000000;double x = 0.6;int count = 0;int k = 2;for(int i = 0; i < testTime; i++){if(random(k) < x){count++;}}System.out.println((double)count / (double) testTime);}


public class UglyNumber {/*** 丑数 I* 丑数 就是只包含质因数 2、3 和 5 的正整数。* 给你一个整数 n ,请你判断 n 是否为 丑数 。* 习惯上将1视作第一个丑数。* 力扣263*/public boolean isUgly(int n) {if(n <= 0){return false;}while(n != 1){if(n / 5 * 5 == n){n /= 5;} else if(n / 3 * 3 == n){n /= 3;} else if(n / 2 * 2 == n){n >>= 1;} else {break;}}return n == 1;}/*** 丑数II* 给你一个整数 n ,请你找出并返回第 n 个 丑数 。* 丑数 就是只包含质因数 2、3 和/或 5 的正整数。* 1 通常被视为丑数。* 力扣264*/public int nthUglyNumber(int n) {int[] ans = new int[n];ans[0] = 1;int i2 = 0;int i3 = 0;int i5 = 0;for(int i = 1; i < n; i++){ans[i] = Math.min(ans[i2] * 2, Math.min(ans[i3] * 3, ans[i5] * 5));if(ans[i] % 2 == 0){i2++;}if(ans[i] % 3 == 0){i3++;}if(ans[i] % 5 == 0){i5++;}}return ans[n - 1];}/*** 丑数III* 给你四个整数:n 、a 、b 、c ,请你设计一个算法来找出第 n 个丑数。* 丑数是可以被 a 或 b 或 c 整除的 正整数 。* 力扣1201*/public int nthUglyNumber(int n, int a, int b, int c) {long ans = 0;long l = 0, r = (long) Math.min(a, Math.min(b, c)) * n;long ab = this.lcm(a, b);long ac = this.lcm(a, c);long bc = this.lcm(b, c);long abc = this.lcm(b, ac);while (l <= r) {long m = l + ((r - l) >> 1);//中间数//中间数包含N个丑数//(1)m/a表示m中有几个a的倍数//(2)m/ab表示m中有几个a和b的公倍数//(3)m/abc表示m中有几个a,b和c的公倍数//先把所有(1)加起来,因为有公倍数,所以会重复//再减去所有的(2)//减多了,再加上(3)long N = m / a + m / b + m / c - m / ab - m / ac - m / bc + m / abc;if (N < n) {l = m + 1;ans = l;} else {r = m - 1;}}return (int) ans;}//最大公约数private long gcd(long a, long b) {return b == 0 ? a : gcd(b, a % b);}//最小公倍数private long lcm(long a, long b) {return a * b / gcd(a, b);}/*** 超级丑数* 超级丑数 是一个正整数,并满足其所有质因数都出现在质数数组 primes 中。* 给你一个整数 n 和一个整数数组 primes ,返回第 n 个 超级丑数 。* 题目数据保证第 n 个 超级丑数 在 32-bit 带符号整数范围内。* 1是第一个超级丑数* 力扣313*/public int nthSuperUglyNumber(int n, int[] primes) {int[] p = new int[primes.length];   // 对应primes[i]的指针位置int[] ans = new int[n];ans[0] = 1;int curr = 1;   // 当前计算第curr+1个丑数while (curr < n){//================求第cur个丑数======================int next = Integer.MAX_VALUE;int nextIdx = 0;for (int i=0; i<primes.length; ++i){int tmp = primes[i]*ans[p[i]];if (tmp > ans[curr-1] && tmp < next){next = tmp;nextIdx = i;}}//==================================================ans[curr] = next;++curr;for (int i=0; i<primes.length; ++i){    // 如果满足条件,对应指针+1if (next == primes[i]*ans[p[i]]) ++p[i];}}return ans[n-1];}


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