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using namespace std;//判回文数
bool check(vector<int>& a){for( int i =0, j =a.size()-1; i<j ;i++ ,j--)if(a[i]!= a[j]) return false;return true;
}int main(){int n ,k;cin>>n>>k;vector<int> a;//读入的不是0if(n){while(n){ //求出k进制下的每一位,从低到高int r = n% k;a.push_back(r);n/=k;}if(check(a)) cout<<"Yes"<<endl;else cout<<"No"<<endl;int res = a.size()-1;for(int i=res; i>0;i--) cout<<a[i]<<" ";cout<<a[0];}else{ //读入的是0cout<<"Yes"<<endl;cout<<0;}


PAT甲级1019 General Palindromic Number

PAT甲级1019 General Palindromic Number:[C++题解]进制位、回文数、vector来做相关推荐

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