
If you need to perform a simple task like resizing an image on your Windows 10 PC, you don’t need to use software with a steep learning curve like Photoshop. You can do it using Microsoft Paint 3D. Here’s how it’s done.

如果您需要执行简单的任务(例如在Windows 10 PC上调整图像大小),则无需使用学习曲线陡峭的软件,例如Photoshop。 您可以使用Microsoft Paint 3D来完成 。 这是完成的过程。

Open Paint 3D on your computer by typing “Paint 3D” in the Windows Search bar and selecting “Paint 3D” from the search results.

在Windows搜索栏中输入“ Paint 3D”,然后从搜索结果中选择“ Paint 3D”,以在计算机上打开Paint 3D。

Once open, select “Menu,” found in the top-left corner of the window.


Next, click “Insert.”


Once selected, File Explorer will open. Navigate to the location of the image you would like to crop and then click “Open.”

选择后,文件资源管理器将打开。 导航到要裁剪的图像的位置,然后单击“打开”。

The image will now appear on the Paint 3D canvas.

图像现在将出现在Paint 3D画布上。

If you want to save yourself a few steps, before you even open Paint 3D, navigate to the location of the image you’d like to insert, right-click it, then select “Edit with Paint 3D” from the menu.

如果您想节省一些步骤,甚至在打开Paint 3D之前,导航到要插入的图像的位置,右键单击它,然后从菜单中选择“使用Paint 3D编辑”。

Paint 3D will open with the image inserted. Now it’s time to resize the image. Find and click the “Canvas” option in the header menu.

Paint 3D将打开,并插入图像。 现在是时候调整图像大小了 。 在标题菜单中找到并单击“画布”选项。

The Canvas options will appear in the right-hand pane. Under the “Resize Canvas” section, you’ll find the width and height of the current canvas. Before changing the dimensions, check or uncheck these two options:

画布选项将出现在右侧窗格中。 在“调整画布大小”部分下,您将找到当前画布的宽度和高度。 更改尺寸之前,请选中或取消选中以下两个选项:

  • Lock aspect ratio: Logically resizes the image if you edit one dimension (width or height) of the canvas. This keeps the image from becoming distorted and stretched.

    锁定宽高比:如果您编辑画布的一个尺寸(宽度或高度),则从逻辑上调整图像的大小。 这样可以防止图像变形和拉伸。

  • Resize image with canvas: With this option enabled, the image will also be resized when you change the size of the canvas. In most cases, the canvas is the image, unless you insert an image without a background. In this situation, Paint 3D will give the image a plain white background.

    使用画布调整图像大小:启用此选项后,更改画布大小时还将调整图像大小。 在大多数情况下,画布图像,除非您插入没有背景的图像。 在这种情况下,Paint 3D将为图像提供纯白色背景。

To properly resize an image, we recommend checking both options.


You can also choose to resize the image in pixels or a percentage. Choose which option you prefer by selecting the arrow in the box to show the drop-down menu, then selecting your preferred option.

您还可以选择以像素或百分比来调整图像大小。 通过选择框中的箭头以显示下拉菜单来选择您喜欢的选项,然后选择您喜欢的选项。

Next, enter the figure you would like to resize the image to in the width and/or height box. If you checked the “Lock Aspect Ration” option, the width of the image will automatically resize when you change the height, and vice versa.

接下来,在宽度和/或高度框中输入您要调整图像大小的图形。 如果选中了“锁定宽高比”选项,则更改高度时图像的宽度将自动调整大小,反之亦然。

The image will now be resized. Save the image by selecting Menu > Save or using the Ctrl+S shortcut key.

现在将调整图像大小。 通过选择菜单>保存或使用Ctrl + S快捷键来保存图像。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/687932/how-to-resize-images-using-paint-3d-on-windows-10/


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