《Improving the Robustness of Question Answering Systems to Question Paraphrasing》





训练一个模型 Paraphrase-Guided Paraphrasing Network
(source question + paraphrase suggestion(手动构造的) -> target question(输出))


1、WikiAnswers paraphrase corpus:22 million question pairs , select 350,000 question pairs
2、Quora Question Pairs dataset :280,000 training examples


1. all n-grams (up to 6-grams) from the source question and remove unigrams that are stopwords.
2. search the paraphrase database PPDB for paraphrases of the remaining n-grams with equivalence score above 0.25
3. A set of paraphrase suggestions for the model to generate paraphrased questions.
4. use the pretrained model by Wieting and Gimpel (2018) to obtain paraphrase similarity score

A total of 1,062 paraphrased questions are produced.

78.1% of the generated paraphrases are judged to be semantically equivalent and 78.6% are judged to be fluent



by using words in the context near a wrong answer candidate of the same type to
generate a natural adversarial example

We perform such paraphrasing manually by going through question and context pairs from the
SQuAD development set and re-writing the question

We create a total of 56 paraphrased questions


1、Non-Adversarial Paraphrased Test Set
similarity score above 0.9,to create more diverse paraphrased questions as training data
We randomly sample 25,000 paraphrased questions to be used as additional training data.

2、Adversarial Paraphrased Test Set
• We use Flair6 (Akbik et al., 2018) trained on the Ontonotes dataset[8] which contains 12 named entity classes to label which named entity class
• Extract sentences from the context containing named entities of the same type
• 语法分析得到的名词、动词短语,使其形成 paraphrase suggestions并且每一个suggestio 都至少包含两个词,且不和答案重置
• using the paraphrasing model to paraphrase questions
• paraphrase similarity score above 0.83;we want to allow context words that could be very
different from the question words to appear in the generated paraphrase
additional 25,000 paraphrased training examples.

通过使用这篇论文数据处理的方法。得到了鲁棒性训练集,并且将这部分的数据通过数据增强的方式对模型重新训练。可以看到Table 3, 4, 5, 6都有了比较大的提升,尤其对于干扰性样本来说。

Adversarial Examples for Question Answering
Jia and Liang[1] :
appending a distracting sentence to the end of a passage.
the adversarial examples created are unnatural and not
expected to be present in naturally occurring passages.

Some previous work used question paraphrasing to create more natural adversarial examples.
use of back translation to obtain paraphrasing rules.
replaced the most important question word with a synonym from WordNet and ELMo embeddings

Neural Paraphrasing Networks

Besides single paraphrase generation, the value of generating multiple paraphrases.
Gupta[5] a variational autoencoder (VAE)

Xu[6] assumed that different paraphrasing styles used different rewriting patterns, which were represented as latent embeddings. These embeddings were used to augment the decoder’s hidden state to generate different paraphrases.

A more guided approach to generate diverse paraphrases,
Given k suggestions, our model is thus able to generate up to k paraphrased questions.

Paraphrasing as an Intermediate Task to Question Answering
The probability distribution of the answer was then generated for each paraphrased question, which was subsequently weighted by the score of each paraphrased question to compute the overall conditional probability
这篇文章 we consider question paraphrasing as a separate task


[1]Adversarial examples for evaluating reading comprehension systems.EMNLP,2017
[2] Semantically equivalent adversarial rules for debugging NLP models. ACL,2018
[3] Are you tough enough? Framework for robustness validation of machine comprehension
[4] Learning to paraphrase for question answering. EMNLP,2017
[5]A deep generative framework for paraphrase generation. AAAI,2018
[6]D-PAGE: Diverse paraphrase generation 2018
[7] Learning to paraphrase for question answering. EMNLP,2017
[8] https://catalog.ldc.upenn.edu/docs/LDC2013T19/OntoNotes-Release-5.0.pdf

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