大学英语(四)X《大学英语(四)》在线平时作业21.[单选题] 71. Lack of education is an ______ to success.
    B.obstacle    C.objection
    D.opposition2.[单选题] 53. Two problems seem to ______ if we take this line of persuasion with school boards and parents.
    C.represent    D.emerge
3.[单选题] 64. The thief ______ the room, took the precious diamond and went away.
    A.broke up
    B.broke into    C.broke off
    D.broke through
4.[单选题] 109. He wrote an article criticizing the Greek poet and won ___ and a scholarship.    qq761 296 021    A.status
    C.faith    D.courage
    答:————5.[单选题] 31. At best, this is only a temporary substitute ______ the other one.
    B.from    C.for
6.[单选题] 99. In recent years much more emphasis has been put __________ developing the students' productive skills.    A.over
7.[单选题] 24. Even if you disagree with her, she is wroth ______.    A.listening
    B.listen to    C.to listen to
    D.listening to
8.[单选题] 81. My father has lived a long life, and done enough to _______ great respect in his town.
    B.achieve    C.use
9.[单选题] 83. This official proposal met with even more _______ than Temple’s original plan.    A.depression
    B.barricade    C.resistance
    答:————10.[单选题] 103. Rod is determined to get a seat for the concert __________ it means standing in a queue all night.
    B.whatever    C.even if
    D.as if
11.[单选题] 27. Several families of birds feed primarily ______ flying insects and have developed long wings and wide-opening mouths.
    A.on    B.to
    D.up    答:————
12.[单选题] 44. I want to go to the dentist, but you ______ with me.
    A.need not to go
    B.do not need go
    C.need not go    D.need to not go
13.[单选题] 47. They are pleased to switch it off when they do not like the programme or change to the other ______.
    答:————14.[单选题] 57. A policeman's first duty is the ______ of the people.
    D.protection    答:————
15.[单选题] 3. With low buildings the variety of possible shapes is much ______ than with taller buildings.
    A.greatest    B.less great
    答:————16.[单选题] 54. A ______ person or government is one that is in favour of democracy.
    B.conservative    C.democratic
17.[单选题] 72. The worker's demands are ______; they're asking for only a small increase in their wages.    A.excessive
    答:————18.[单选题] 32. The southern part of the United States has become familiar ______ people around the world through such movies as "Gone With The Wind".
    B.with    C.by
    答:————19.[单选题] 96. With the development in science and technology man can make various flowers __________ before their time.
    A.be bloomed
    B.blooming    C.bloom
20.[单选题] 49. The teacher wrote his ______ in the margin of the composition.
    C.accounts    D.definition


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