
继承中的主要冲突 (Overriding Conflicts in Inheritance)

  • It may appear, we inherit more than one implementation of the same method.


  • Need to implement all the methods which we have inherited from multiple interfaces.


解决Kotlin中继承中的主要冲突 (Resolving Overriding Conflicts in Inheritance in Kotlin)

package com.includehelp
// declare interface
interface One{
// abstract function
fun myName()
// function with implementation
fun sayHello(){
println("Hello, 'From Interface One' ")
interface Two{
// function with implementation
fun sayHello(){
println("Hello, 'From Interface Two' ")
// function with implementation
fun myName(){
println("My Name is  Interface 'Two'")
// class implementing interface
class Three:One{
// override interface abstract method
override fun myName() {
println("My Name is Class Three")
// class implementing more then one interfaces
class Four:One,Two{
// need to implement all the methods
// which we have inherited from multiple interfaces
override fun sayHello() {
// Both interface have sayHello implementation in interfaces,
// so explicitly define Interface name in super to call,
// specific implementation from class
println("Hello, From Class 'Four' ")
// need to implement all the methods
// which we have inherited from multiple interfaces
override fun myName() {
// called super type implementation of method,
// only interface two have implementation of this method,
// so need to explicitly define interface name
println("My Name is Class Four")
// Main function, Entry point of program
fun main(){
// create class instance
val four = Four()
// call methods
// call methods



My Name is  Interface 'Two'
My Name is Class Four
Hello, 'From Interface One'
Hello, 'From Interface Two'
Hello, From Class 'Four'

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/kotlin/example-of-resolving-overriding-conflicts-in-inheritance.aspx


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