kotlin 字符串去空格

Given a string, we have to remove all whitespaces from it.




string = "Hello world!"

在Kotlin中从字符串中删除所有空格的程序 (Program to remove all whitespaces from the string in Kotlin)

In this program, at first, we are reading a string and them replacing all whitespaces using the replace() function.


package com.includehelp.basic
import java.util.*
//Main Function, entry Point of Program
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// InputStream to get Input
val scanner = Scanner(System.`in`)
//Input String
print("Enter String : ")
var str = scanner.nextLine()
//Replace character with Empty String
val newStr=str.replace("\\s".toRegex(),"")
//Print String after Replacement
println("String after Removed WhiteSpaces : $newStr ")



Run 1:
Enter String : Hello includehelp how are you ?
String after Removed WhiteSpaces : Helloincludehelphowareyou?
Run 2:
Enter String : Covid -19 [pandimic spread all over the world
String after Removed WhiteSpaces : Covid-19[pandimicspreadallovertheworld

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/kotlin/remove-all-whitespaces-from-the-string.aspx

kotlin 字符串去空格

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