





1.2 基本SQL-SELECT语句练习











































1. 对于日期型数据, 做 *, / 运算不合法2. 包含空值的数学表达式的值都为空值3. 别名使用双引号!4. oracle 中连接字符串使用 "||", 而不是 java 中的 "+"5. 日期和字符只能在单引号中出现. 输出 last_name`s email is emailselect last_name || ' `s email is ' || email EMAIL
from employees6. distinct 关键字, 以下语法错误select last_name, distinct department_id
from employees

1.2 基本SQL-SELECT语句练习

1.  SQL*PLUS命令可以控制数据库吗? 否!
2.  下面的语句是否可以执行成功  可以
select last_name , job_id , salary as sal
from employees;
3.  下面的语句是否可以执行成功  可以
select  *  from employees;
4.  找出下面语句中的错误  标点符号需要是英文格式下的。
select employee_id , last_name,
salary * 12  “ANNUAL  SALARY”
from employees;
5.  显示表departments的结构,并查询其中的全部数据
desc departments;
select * from departments;
6.  显示出表employees中的全部job_id(不能重复)
Select distinct job_id from employees;
7.  显示出表employees的全部列,各个列之间用逗号连接,列头显示成OUT_PUT
a)  select employee_id ||','|| last_name||','||salary "OUT_PUT"
b)  from employees



7. WHERE 子句紧随 FROM 子句8. 查询 last_name 为 'King' 的员工信息错误1: King 没有加上 单引号select first_name, last_name
from employees
where last_name = King错误2: 在单引号中的值区分大小写select first_name, last_name
from employees
where last_name = 'king'正确select first_name, last_name
from employees
where last_name = 'King'9. 查询 1998-4-24 来公司的员工有哪些?注意: 日期必须要放在单引号中, 且必须是指定的格式select last_name, hire_date
from employees
where hire_date = '24-4月-1998'10. 查询工资在 5000 -- 10000 之间的员工信息.1). 使用 ANDselect *from employeeswhere salary >= 5000 and salary <= 100002). 使用 BETWEEN .. AND ..,  注意: 包含边界!!select *from employeeswhere salary between 5000 and 1000011. 查询工资等于 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000 的员工信息1). 使用 ORselect *from employeeswhere salary = 6000 or salary = 7000 or salary = 8000 or salary = 9000 or salary = 100002). 使用 INselect *from employeeswhere salary in (6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000)12. 查询 LAST_NAME 中有 'o' 字符的所有员工信息.select *from employeeswhere last_name like '%o%'13. 查询 LAST_NAME 中第二个字符是 'o' 的所有员工信息.select *from employeeswhere last_name like '_o%'14. 查询 LAST_NAME 中含有 '_' 字符的所有员工信息1). 准备工作:update employeesset last_name = 'Jones_Tom'where employee_id = 1952). 使用 escape 说明转义字符.select *from employeeswhere last_name like '%\_%' escape '\'15. 查询 COMMISSION_PCT 字段为空的所有员工信息select last_name, commission_pctfrom employeeswhere commission_pct is null16. 查询 COMMISSION_PCT 字段不为空的所有员工信息select last_name, commission_pctfrom employeeswhere commission_pct is not null17. ORDER BY:1). 若查询中有表达式运算, 一般使用别名排序2). 按多个列排序: 先按第一列排序, 若第一列中有相同的, 再按第二列排序. 格式:  ORDER BY 一级排序列 ASC/DESC,二级排序列 ASC/DESC;


测 试
1.  查询工资大于12000的员工姓名和工资
a)  select last_name,salary
b)  from employees
c)  where salary > 12000
2.  查询员工号为176的员工的姓名和部门号
a)  select last_name,department_id
b)  from employees
c)  where employee_id = 176
3.  选择工资不在5000到12000的员工的姓名和工资
a)  select last_name,salary
b)  from employees
c)  --where salary < 5000 or salary > 12000
d)  where salary not between 5000 and 12000
4.  选择雇用时间在1998-02-01到1998-05-01之间的员工姓名,job_id和雇用时间
a)  select last_name,job_id,hire_date
b)  from employees
c)  --where hire_date between '1-2月-1998' and '1-5月-1998'
d)  where to_char(hire_date,'yyyy-mm-dd') between '1998-02-01' and '1998-05-01'
5.  选择在20或50号部门工作的员工姓名和部门号
a)  select last_name,department_id
b)  from employees
c)  where department_id = 20 or department_id = 50
d)  --where department_id in (20,50)
6.  选择在1994年雇用的员工的姓名和雇用时间
a)  select last_name,hire_date
b)  from employees
c)  --where hire_date like '%94'
d)  where to_char(hire_date,'yyyy') = '1994'
7.  选择公司中没有管理者的员工姓名及job_id
a)  select last_name,job_id
b)  from employees
c)  where manager_id is null
8.  选择公司中有奖金的员工姓名,工资和奖金级别
a)  select last_name,salary,commission_pct
b)  from employees
c)  where commission_pct is not null
9.  选择员工姓名的第三个字母是a的员工姓名
a)  select last_name
b)  from employees
c)  where last_name like '__a%'
10. 选择姓名中有字母a和e的员工姓名
a)  select last_name
b)  from employees
c)  where last_name like '%a%e%' or last_name like '%e%a%'



18. 打印出 "2009年10月14日 9:25:40" 格式的当前系统的日期和时间.select to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY"年"MM"月"DD"日" HH:MI:SS')from dual 注意: 使用双引号向日期中添加字符19. 格式化数字: 1234567.89 为 1,234,567.89select to_char(1234567.89, '999,999,999.99')from dual20. 字符串转为数字时1). 若字符串中没有特殊字符, 可以进行隐式转换:select '1234567.89' + 100from dual2). 若字符串中有特殊字符, 例如 '1,234,567.89', 则无法进行隐式转换, 需要使用 to_number() 来完成select to_number('1,234,567.89', '999,999,999.99') + 100from dual21. 对于把日期作为查询条件的查询, 一般都使用 to_date() 把一个字符串转为日期,
这样可以不必关注日期格式select last_name, hire_datefrom employeeswhere hire_date = to_date('1998-5-23', 'yyyy-mm-dd')
--  where to_char(hire_date,'yyyy-mm-dd') = '1998-5-23'22. 转换函数: to_char(), to_number(), to_date()23. 查询每个月倒数第 2 天入职的员工的信息. select last_name, hire_datefrom employeeswhere hire_date = last_day(hire_date) - 124. 计算公司员工的年薪--错误写法: 因为空值计算的结果还是空值select last_name, salary * 12 * (1 + commission_pct) year_salfrom employees--正确写法select last_name, salary * 12 * (1 + nvl(commission_pct, 0)) year_salfrom employees25. 查询部门号为 10, 20, 30 的员工信息, 若部门号为 10, 则打印其工资的 1.1 倍,20 号部门, 则打印其工资的 1.2 倍, 30 号部门打印其工资的 1.3 倍数--使用 case-when-then-else-endselect last_name, department_id, salary, case department_id when 10  then salary * 1.1when 20  then salary * 1.2when 30  then salary * 1.3end new_salfrom employeeswhere department_id in (10, 20, 30)--使用 decodeselect last_name, department_id, salary, decode(department_id, 10, salary * 1.1,20, salary * 1.2,30, salary * 1.3) new_salfrom employeeswhere department_id in (10, 20, 30)


测 试
1.  显示系统时间(注:日期+时间)
a)  select to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss')
b)  from dual
2.  查询员工号,姓名,工资,以及工资提高百分之20%后的结果(new salary)
a)  select employee_id,last_name,salary,salary*1.2 "new salary"
b)  from employees
3.  将员工的姓名按首字母排序,并写出姓名的长度(length)
a)  select last_name,length(last_name)
b)  from employees
c)  order by last_name asc
4.  查询各员工的姓名,并显示出各员工在公司工作的月份数(worked_month)。
a)  select last_name,hire_date,round(months_between(sysdate,hire_date),1) workded_month
b)  from employees
5.  查询员工的姓名,以及在公司工作的月份数(worked_month),并按月份数降序排列
a)  Select last_name,hire_date,round(months_between(sysdate,hire_date),1) workded_month
b)  from employees
c)  order by workded_month desc
6.  做一个查询,产生下面的结果
<last_name> earns <salary> monthly but wants <salary*3>
Dream Salary
King earns $24000 monthly but wants $72000
select last_name || ' earns '|| to_char(salary,'$999999')||' monthly,but wants '||to_char(3*salary,'$999999') "Dream Salary"
from employees
7.  使用decode函数,按照下面的条件:
job                  grade
AD_PRES            A
ST_MAN             B
IT_PROG             C
SA_REP              D
ST_CLERK           E
Last_name   Job_id  Grade
king    AD_PRES A
select last_name "Last_name",job_id "Job_id",
decode(job_id,'AD_PRES','A','ST_MAN','B', 'IT_PROG','C', 'SA_REP','D', 'ST_CLERK','E') "Grade"
from employees
8.  将第7题的查询用case函数再写一遍。
a)  select last_name "Last_name",job_id "Job_id",
case job_id when 'AD_PRES'then 'A'
b)  when 'ST_MAN' then 'B'
c)  when 'IT_PROG' then 'C'
d)  when 'SA_REP' then 'D'
e)  when 'ST_CLERK' then'E' end  "Grade"
f)  from employees



26. 多表连接查询时, 若两个表有同名的列, 必须使用表的别名对列名进行引用, 否则出错!27. 查询出公司员工的 last_name, department_name, cityselect last_name, department_name, cityfrom departments d, employees e, locations lwhere d.department_id = e.department_id and d.location_id = l.location_id28. 查询出 last_name 为 'Chen' 的 manager 的信息. (员工的 manager_id 是某员工的 employee_id) 0). 例如: 老张的员工号为: "1001", 我的员工号为: "1002", 我的 manager_id 为 "1001" --- 我的 manager 是"老张" 1). 通过两条 sql 查询:select manager_idfrom employeeswhere lower(last_name) = 'chen' --返回的结果为 108select *from employeeswhere employee_id = 1082). 通过一条 sql 查询(自连接):select m.*from employees e, employees mwhere e.manager_id = m.employee_id and e.last_name = 'Chen'     3). 通过一条 sql 查询(子查询):   select *from employeeswhere employee_id = (select manager_id from employeeswhere last_name = 'Chen')    29. 查询每个员工的 last_name 和 GRADE_LEVEL(在 JOB_GRADES 表中). ---- 非等值连接select last_name, salary, grade_level, lowest_sal, highest_salfrom employees e, job_grades jwhere e.salary >= j.lowest_sal and e.salary <= j.highest_sal30. 左外连接和右外连接select last_name, e.department_id, department_namefrom employees e, departments dwhere e.department_id = d.department_id(+)select last_name, d.department_id, department_namefrom employees e, departments dwhere e.department_id(+) = d.department_id理解 "(+)" 的位置: 以左外连接为例, 因为左表需要返回更多的记录,右表就需要 "加上" 更多的记录, 所以在右表的链接条件上加上 "(+)"注意: 1). 两边都加上 "(+)" 符号, 会发生语法错误!2). 这种语法为 Oracle 所独有, 不能在其它数据库中使用.          31. SQL 99 连接 Employees 表和 Departments 表1).select *from employees join departmentsusing(department_id)缺点: 要求两个表中必须有一样的列名.2).select *from employees e join departments don e.department_id = d.department_id3).多表连接select e.last_name, d.department_name, l.cityfrom employees e join departments don e.department_id = d.department_idjoin locations lon d.location_id = l.location_id                32. SQL 99 的左外连接, 右外连接, 满外连接1).select last_name, department_namefrom employees e left outer join departments don e.department_id = d.department_id2).select last_name, department_namefrom employees e right join departments don e.department_id = d.department_id3).select last_name, department_namefrom employees e full join departments don e.department_id = d.department_id


测 试
1.  显示所有员工的姓名,部门号和部门名称。
a)  select last_name,e.department_id,department_name
b)  from employees e,departments d
c)  where e.department_id = d.department_id(+)方法二:
select last_name,e.department_id,department_name
from employees e left outer join departments d
on e.department_id = d.department_id
2.  查询90号部门员工的job_id和90号部门的location_id
a)  select distinct job_id,location_id
b)  from employees e left outer join departments d
c)  on e.department_id = d.department_id
d)  where d.department_id = 90
3.  选择所有有奖金的员工的
last_name , department_name , location_id , city
select last_name,department_name,d.location_id,city
from employees e join departments d
on e.department_id = d.department_id
join locations l
on d.location_id = l.location_id
where e.commission_pct is not null
4.  选择city在Toronto工作的员工的
last_name , job_id , department_id , department_name
select last_name , job_id , e.department_id , department_name
from employees e ,departments d,locations l
where e.department_id = d.department_id and l.city = 'Toronto' and d.location_id = l.location_id
5.  选择指定员工的姓名,员工号,以及他的管理者的姓名和员工号,结果类似于下面的格式
employees   Emp#    manager Mgr#
kochhar 101 king    100
select e1.last_name "employees",e1.employee_id "Emp#",e2.last_name"Manger",e2.employee_id "Mgr#"
from employees e1,employees e2
where e1.manager_id = e2.employee_id(+)



33. 查询 employees 表中有多少个部门select count(distinct department_id)from employees      34. 查询全公司奖金基数的平均值(没有奖金的人按 0 计算)select avg(nvl(commission_pct, 0))from employees     35. 查询各个部门的平均工资--错误: avg(salary) 返回公司平均工资, 只有一个值; 而 department_id 有多个值, 无法匹配返回select department_id, avg(salary)from employees                **在 SELECT 列表中所有未包含在组函数中的列都应该包含在 GROUP BY 子句中--正确: 按 department_id 进行分组select department_id, avg(salary)from employeesgroup by department_id36. Toronto 这个城市的员工的平均工资SELECT avg(salary)
FROM employees e JOIN departments d
ON e.department_id = d.department_id
JOIN locations l
ON d.location_id = l.location_id
WHERE city = 'Toronto'       37. (有员工的城市)各个城市的平均工资SELECT city, avg(salary)
FROM employees e JOIN departments d
ON e.department_id = d.department_id
JOIN locations l
ON d.location_id = l.location_id
GROUP BY city       38. 查询平均工资高于 8000 的部门 id 和它的平均工资.       SELECT department_id, avg(salary)
FROM employees e
GROUP BY department_id
HAVING avg(salary) > 8000        39. 查询平均工资高于 6000 的 job_title 有哪些SELECT job_title, avg(salary)
FROM employees e join jobs j
ON e.job_id = j.job_id
GROUP BY job_title
HAVING avg(salary) > 6000


测 试
1.  组函数处理多行返回一行吗?
2.  组函数不计算空值吗?
3.  where子句可否使用组函数进行过滤?
4.  查询公司员工工资的最大值,最小值,平均值,总和
a)  select max(salary),min(salary),avg(salary),sum(salary)
b)  from employees
5.  查询各job_id的员工工资的最大值,最小值,平均值,总和
a)  select job_id,max(salary),min(salary),avg(salary),sum(salary)
b)  from employees
c)  group by job_id
6.  选择具有各个job_id的员工人数
a)  select job_id,count(employee_id)
b)  from employees
c)  group by job_id
7.  查询员工最高工资和最低工资的差距(DIFFERENCE)
a)  select max(salary),min(salary),max(salary)-min(salary) "DIFFERENCE"
b)  from employees
8.  查询各个管理者手下员工的最低工资,其中最低工资不能低于6000,没有管理者的员工不计算在内
a)  select manager_id,min(salary)
b)  from employees
c)  where manager_id is not null
d)  group by manager_id
e)  having min(salary) >= 6000
9.  查询所有部门的名字,location_id,员工数量和工资平均值
a)  select department_name,location_id,count(employee_id),avg(salary)
b)  from employees e right outer join departments d
c)  on e.department_id = d.department_id
d)  group by department_name,location_id
10. 查询公司在1995-1998年之间,每年雇用的人数,结果类似下面的格式
total   1995    1996    1997    1998
20  3   4   6   7select count(*) "total",count(decode(to_char(hire_date,'yyyy'),'1995',1,null)) "1995",count(decode(to_char(hire_date,'yyyy'),'1996',1,null)) "1996",count(decode(to_char(hire_date,'yyyy'),'1997',1,null)) "1997",count(decode(to_char(hire_date,'yyyy'),'1998',1,null)) "1998"
from employees
where to_char(hire_date,'yyyy') in ('1995','1996','1997','1998')



40. 谁的工资比 Abel 高?1). 写两条 SQL 语句.SELECT salaryFROM employeesWHERE last_name = 'Abel'--返回值为 11000SELECT last_name, salaryFROM employeesWHERE salary > 110002). 使用子查询 -- 一条 SQL 语句SELECT last_name, salaryFROM employeesWHERE salary > (SELECT salaryFROM employeesWHERE last_name = 'Abel')子查询注意: 1). 子查询要包含在括号内2). 将子查询放在比较条件的右侧  41. 查询工资最低的员工信息: last_name, salary  42. 查询平均工资最低的部门信息43*. 查询平均工资最低的部门信息和该部门的平均工资44. 查询平均工资最高的 job 信息45. 查询平均工资高于公司平均工资的部门有哪些?46. 查询出公司中所有 manager 的详细信息.47. 各个部门中 最高工资中最低的那个部门的 最低工资是多少48. 查询平均工资最高的部门的 manager 的详细信息: last_name, department_id, email, salary49. 查询 1999 年来公司的人所有员工的最高工资的那个员工的信息./*************************************************************************************************/41. 查询工资最低的员工信息: last_name, salary SELECT last_name, salaryFROM employeesWHERE salary = (SELECT min(salary)FROM employees)42. 查询平均工资最低的部门信息SELECT *FROM departmentsWHERE department_id = (SELECT department_idFROM employeesGROUP BY department_id HAVING avg(salary) = (SELECT min(avg(salary))FROM employeesGROUP BY department_id) )43. 查询平均工资最低的部门信息和该部门的平均工资select d.*, (select avg(salary) from employees where department_id = d.department_id)
from departments d
where d.department_id = (SELECT department_idFROM employeesGROUP BY department_id HAVING avg(salary) = (SELECT min(avg(salary))FROM employeesGROUP BY department_id) )44. 查询平均工资最高的 job 信息1). 按 job_id 分组, 查询最高的平均工资  SELECT max(avg(salary))FROM employeesGROUP BY job_id2). 查询出平均工资等于 1) 的 job_idSELECT job_idFROM employeesGROUP BY job_idHAVING avg(salary) = (SELECT max(avg(salary))FROM employeesGROUP BY job_id)3). 查询出 2) 对应的 job 信息SELECT *FROM jobsWHERE job_id = (SELECT job_idFROM employeesGROUP BY job_idHAVING avg(salary) = (SELECT max(avg(salary))FROM employeesGROUP BY job_id))45. 查询平均工资高于公司平均工资的部门有哪些?1). 查询出公司的平均工资SELECT avg(salary)FROM employees2). 查询平均工资高于 1) 的部门 IDSELECT department_idFROM employeesGROUP BY department_idHAVING avg(salary) > (SELECT avg(salary)FROM employees)46. 查询出公司中所有 manager 的详细信息.1). 查询出所有的 manager_idSELECT distinct manager_idFROM employeess2). 查询出 employee_id 为 1) 查询结果的那些员工的信息SELECT employee_id, last_nameFROM employeesWHERE employee_id in (SELECT distinct manager_idFROM employees)47. 各个部门中 最高工资中最低的那个部门的 最低工资是多少1). 查询出各个部门的最高工资SELECT max(salary)FROM employeesGROUP BY department_id2). 查询出 1) 对应的查询结果的最低值: 各个部门中最低的最高工资(无法查询对应的 department_id)SELECT min(max(salary))FROM employeesGROUP BY department_id3). 查询出 2) 所对应的部门 id 是多少: 各个部门中最高工资等于 2) 的那个部门的 idSELECT department_idFROM employeesGROUP BY department_id HAVING max(salary) = (SELECT min(max(salary))FROM employeesGROUP BY department_id)4). 查询出 3) 所在部门的最低工资SELECT min(salary)FROM employeesWHERE department_id = (SELECT department_idFROM employeesGROUP BY department_id HAVING max(salary) = (SELECT min(max(salary))FROM employeesGROUP BY department_id)   )48. 查询平均工资最高的部门的 manager 的详细信息: last_name, department_id, email, salary1). 各个部门中, 查询平均工资最高的平均工资是多少SELECT max(avg(salary))FROM employeesGROUP BY department_id2). 各个部门中, 平均工资等于 1) 的那个部门的部门号是多少SELECT department_idFROM employeesGROUP BY department_idHAVING avg(salary) = (SELECT max(avg(salary))FROM employeesGROUP BY department_id)3). 查询出 2) 对应的部门的 manager_idSELECT manager_idFROM departmentsWHERE department_id = (SELECT department_idFROM employeesGROUP BY department_idHAVING avg(salary) = (SELECT max(avg(salary))FROM employeesGROUP BY department_id)  )4). 查询出 employee_id 为 3) 查询的 manager_id 的员工的 last_name, department_id, email, salarySELECT last_name, department_id, email, salaryFROM employeesWHERE employee_id = (SELECT manager_idFROM departmentsWHERE department_id = (SELECT department_idFROM employeesGROUP BY department_idHAVING avg(salary) = (SELECT max(avg(salary))FROM employeesGROUP BY department_id) )   )49. 查询 1999 年来公司的人所有员工的最高工资的那个员工的信息.1). 查询出 1999 年来公司的所有的员工的 salarySELECT salaryFROM employeesWHERE to_char(hire_date, 'yyyy') = '1999'2). 查询出 1) 对应的结果的最大值SELECT max(salary)FROM employeesWHERE to_char(hire_date, 'yyyy') = '1999'3). 查询工资等于 2) 对应的结果且 1999 年入职的员工信息       SELECT *FROM employeesWHERE to_char(hire_date, 'yyyy') = '1999' AND salary = (SELECT max(salary)FROM employeesWHERE to_char(hire_date, 'yyyy') = '1999')50. 多行子查询的 any 和 allselect department_idfrom employeesgroup by department_idhaving avg(salary) >= any(--所有部门的平均工资select avg(salary)from employeesgroup by department_id)any 和任意一个值比较, 所以其条件最为宽松, 所以实际上只需和平均工资最低的比较, 返回所有值
而 all 是和全部的值比较, 条件最为苛刻, 所以实际上返回的只需和平均工资最高的比较, 所以返回
平均工资最高的 department_id       


测 试
1.  查询和Zlotkey相同部门的员工姓名和雇用日期
a)  select last_name,hire_date
b)  from employees
c)  where department_id = (
d)                        select department_id
e)                        from employees
f)                        where last_name = 'Zlotkey'
g)                        )
h)  and last_name <> 'Zlotkey'
2.  查询工资比公司平均工资高的员工的员工号,姓名和工资。
a)  select last_name,employee_id,salary
b)  from employees
c)  where salary > (select avg(salary)
d)                 from employees)
3.  查询各部门中工资比本部门平均工资高的员工的员工号, 姓名和工资
a)  select employee_id,last_name,salary
b)  from employees e1
c)  where salary > (
d)                 select avg(salary)
e)                 from employees e2
f)                 where e1.department_id = e2.department_id
g)                 group by department_id
h)                 )
4.  查询和姓名中包含字母u的员工在相同部门的员工的员工号和姓名
a)  select employee_id,last_name
b)  from employees
c)  where department_id in (
d)                         select department_id
e)                         from employees
f)                         where last_name like '%u%'
g)                          )
h)  and last_name not like '%u%'
5. 查询在部门的location_id为1700的部门工作的员工的员工号
select employee_id
from employees
where department_id in (select department_idfrom departmentswhere location_id = 1700)
select last_name,salary
from employees
where manager_id in (select employee_idfrom employeeswhere last_name = 'King')



51. 利用子查询创建表 myemp,
该表中包含 employees 表的 employee_id(id), last_name(name), salary(sal), email 字段1). 创建表的同时复制 employees 对应的记录create table myemp asselect employee_id id, last_name name, salary sal, email from employees  2). 创建表的同时不包含 employees 中的记录, 即创建一个空表create table myemp asselect employee_id id, last_name name, salary sal, email from employees where 1 = 252. 对现有的表进行修改操作1). 添加一个新列ALTER TABLE myemp ADD(age number(3))2). 修改现有列的类型ALTER TABLE myemp MODIFY(name varchar2(30));3). 修改现有列的名字ALTER TABLE myemp RENAME COLUMN sal TO salary;4). 删除现有的列ALTER TABLE myemp DROP COLUMN age;53. 清空表(截断: truncate), 不能回滚!!   54. 1). 创建一个表, 该表和 employees 有相同的表结构, 但为空表:  create table emp2 as select * from employees where 1 = 2;2). 把 employees 表中 80 号部门的所有数据复制到 emp2 表中: insert into emp2 select * from employees where department_id = 80;


测 试
1.  创建表dept1
name    Null?   type
id      Number(7)
name        Varchar2(25)create table dept1(
id number(7),
name varchar2(25))
2.  将表departments中的数据插入新表dept2中
a)  create table dept2
b)  as
c)  select * from departments
3.  创建表emp5
name    Null?   type
id      Number(7)
First_name      Varchar2(25)
Last_name       Varchar2(25)
Dept_id     Number(7)
create table emp5(
id number(7),
first_name varchar2(25),
last_name varchar2(25),
dept_id number(7)
)4. 将列Last_name的长度增加到50
a)  alter table emp5
b)  modify (last_name varchar2(50))
5.  根据表employees创建employees2
a)  create table employees2
b)  as
c)  select * from employees
6.  删除表emp5
drop table emp5;
7.  将表employees2重命名为emp5
rename employees2 to emp5
8.  在表dept和emp5中添加新列test_column,并检查所作的操作
alter table dept
add(test_column number(10));desc dept;
9.  在表dept和emp5中将列test_column设置成不可用,之后删除
a)  alter table emp5
b)  set unused column test_columnalter table emp5
drop unused columns
10. 直接删除表emp5中的列 dept_id
Alter table emp5
drop column dept_id



55. 更改 108 员工的信息: 使其工资变为所在部门中的最高工资, job 变为公司中平均工资最低的 job1). 搭建骨架update employees set salary = (), job_id = () where employee_id = 108;2). 所在部门中的最高工资  select max(salary)from employeeswhere department_id = (select department_idfrom employeeswhere employee_id = 108)3). 公司中平均工资最低的 jobselect job_idfrom employeesgroup by job_idhaving avg(salary) =  (select min(avg(salary))from employeesgroup by job_id)4). 填充update employees e set salary = (select max(salary)from employeeswhere department_id = e.department_id), job_id = (select job_idfrom employeesgroup by job_idhaving avg(salary) =  (select min(avg(salary))from employeesgroup by job_id)) where employee_id = 108;56. 删除 108 号员工所在部门中工资最低的那个员工.1). 查询 108 员工所在的部门 idselect department_idfrom employees where employee_id = 108;2). 查询 1) 部门中的最低工资:select min(salary)from employeeswhere department_id = (select department_idfrom employees where employee_id = 108)3). 删除 1) 部门中工资为 2) 的员工信息:delete from employees ewhere department_id = (select department_idfrom employees ewhere employee_id = 108) and salary = (select min(salary)from employeeswhere department_id = e.department_id)    


测 试
1.  运行以下脚本创建表my_employees
Create table my_employee (  id         number(3),
first_name varchar2(10),Last_name  varchar2(10),User_id    varchar2(10),Salary     number(5));2.    显示表my_employees的结构
DESC my_employees;
3.  向表中插入下列数据
1   patel   Ralph   Rpatel  895
2   Dancs   Betty   Bdancs  860
3   Biri    Ben Bbiri   1100
4   Newman  Chad    Cnewman 750
5   Ropeburn    Audrey  Aropebur    1550INSERT INTO my_employeeVALUES(1,’patel’,’Palph’,’Rpatel’895);
4.  提交
5.  将3号员工的last_name修改为“drelxer”
UPDATE my_employees
SET last_name = ‘drelxer’
WHERE id = 3;
6.  将所有工资少于900的员工的工资修改为1000
UPDATE my_employees
SET salary = 1000
WHERE salary< 900
7.  检查所作的修正
SELECT * FROM my_employees
WHERE salary < 900
8.  提交
9.  删除所有数据
DELETE FROM my_employees;
10. 检查所作的修正
SELECT * FROM my_employees;
11. 回滚
12. 清空表my_employees
TRUNCATE TABLE my_employees



57. 定义非空约束1). 非空约束只能定义在列级.2). 不指定约束名create table emp2 (name varchar2(30) not null, age number(3));3). 指定约束名  create table emp3(name varchar2(30) constraint name_not_null not null, age number(3));58. 唯一约束1). 列级定义①. 不指定约束名create table emp2 (name varchar2(30) unique, age number(3));②. 指定约束名create table emp3 (name varchar2(30) constraint name_uq unique, age number(3));2). 表级定义: 必须指定约束名①. 指定约束名create table emp3 (name varchar2(30), age number(3), constraint name_uq unique(name));58.1 主键约束:唯一确定一行记录。表明此属性:非空,唯一 59. 外键约束1). 列级定义①. 不指定约束名create table emp2(emp_id number(6), name varchar2(25), dept_id number(4) references dept2(dept_id))②. 指定约束名create table emp3(emp_id number(6), name varchar2(25), dept_id number(4) constraint dept_fk3 references dept2(dept_id))2). 表级定义: 必须指定约束名①. 指定约束名create table emp4(emp_id number(6), name varchar2(25), dept_id number(4),constraint dept_fk2 foreign key(dept_id) references dept2(dept_id))60. 约束需要注意的地方1). ** 非空约束(not null)只能定义在列级2). ** 唯一约束(unique)的列值可以为空3). ** 外键(foreign key)引用的列起码要有一个唯一约束        61. 建立外键约束时的级联删除问题:1). 级联删除:create table emp2(id number(3) primary key, name varchar2(25) unique, dept_id number(3) references dept2(dept_id) on delete cascade)2). 级联置空create table emp3(id number(3) primary key, name varchar2(25) unique, dept_id number(3) references dept2(dept_id) on delete set null)


测 试1.    向表emp2的id列中添加PRIMARY KEY约束(my_emp_id_pk)
ALTER table emp2
ADD constraint my_emp_id_pk primary key(id);2.  向表dept2的id列中添加PRIMARY KEY约束(my_dept_id_pk)
ALTER table dept2
ADD constraint my_dept_id_pk primary key(id)3.  向表emp2中添加列dept_id,并在其中定义FOREIGN KEY约束,与之相关联的列是dept2表中的id列。
ALTER table emp2
ADD (dept_id number(10) constraint emp2_dept_id_fk references dept2(id));准备工作:create table emp2 as select employee_id id, last_name name, salary from employeescreate table dept2 as select department_id id, department_name dept_name from departments



测 试
1.  使用表employees创建视图employee_vu,其中包括姓名(LAST_NAME),员工号(EMPLOYEE_ID),部门号(DEPARTMENT_ID).
a)  create or replace view employee_vu
b)  as
c)  select last_name,employee_id,department_id
d)  from employees2.    显示视图的结构
desc employee_vu;3. 查询视图中的全部内容
SELECT * FROM employee_vu;4.    将视图中的数据限定在部门号是80的范围内
a)  create or replace view employee_vu
b)  as
c)  select last_name,employee_id,department_id
d)  from employees
e)  where department_id = 805. 将视图改变成只读视图create or replace view employee_vu
select last_name,employee_id,department_id
from employees
where department_id = 80
with read only


测 试
1.  创建序列dept_id_seq,开始值为200,每次增长10,最大值为10000
a)  create sequence dept_id_seq
b)  start with 200
c)  increment by 10
d)  maxvalue 10000
2.  使用序列向表dept中插入数据
a)  insert into dept01
b)  values(dept_id_seq.nextval,'Account')
create table dept as
select department_id id,department_name name
from departments
where 1=2



65. 创建序列: 1). create sequence hs increment by 10 start with 102). NEXTVAL 应在 CURRVAL 之前指定 ,二者应同时有效65. 序列通常用来生成主键:INSERT INTO emp2 VALUES (emp2_seq.nextval, 'xx', ...) 总结:  what -- why -- how


测 试
1.  查询和Zlotkey相同部门的员工姓名和雇用日期
a)  select last_name,hire_date
b)  from employees
c)  where department_id = (
d)                        select department_id
e)                        from employees
f)                        where last_name = 'Zlotkey'
g)                        )
h)  and last_name <> 'Zlotkey'
2.  查询工资比公司平均工资高的员工的员工号,姓名和工资。
a)  select last_name,employee_id,salary
b)  from employees
c)  where salary > (select avg(salary)
d)                 from employees)
3.  查询各部门中工资比本部门平均工资高的员工的员工号, 姓名和工资
a)  select employee_id,last_name,salary
b)  from employees e1
c)  where salary > (
d)                 select avg(salary)
e)                 from employees e2
f)                 where e1.department_id = e2.department_id
g)                 group by department_id
h)                 )
4.  查询和姓名中包含字母u的员工在相同部门的员工的员工号和姓名
a)  select employee_id,last_name
b)  from employees
c)  where department_id in (
d)                         select department_id
e)                         from employees
f)                         where last_name like '%u%'
g)                          )
h)  and last_name not like '%u%'
5. 查询在部门的location_id为1700的部门工作的员工的员工号
select employee_id
from employees
where department_id in (select department_idfrom departmentswhere location_id = 1700)
select last_name,salary
from employees
where manager_id in (select employee_idfrom employeeswhere last_name = 'King')




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