
If you have a lot of content heavy webpages open in Firefox, it soon adds up on memory usage. The BarTab extension puts unused tabs on hold and keeps them unloaded until you are ready to access them.

如果您在Firefox中打开了大量内容繁重的网页,那么很快就会增加内存使用量。 BarTab扩展将未使用的选项卡置于保留状态,并使其卸载,直到您准备好访问它们为止。



When you have a few tabs open things are not so bad. But if you have something like 30+ tabs open then Firefox is definitely going to have a much larger memory footprint. For the moment all six tabs are active in our example…

当您打开几个选项卡时,情况还算不错。 但是,如果打开了30多个选项卡,则Firefox肯定会拥有更大的内存。 目前,在我们的示例中,所有六个选项卡都处于活动状态…


Once the extension is installed you can see quite a difference in the tab bar. Five of the six websites are literally on hold and display as about:blank.

安装扩展程序后,您会在选项卡栏中看到很大的不同。 六个网站中的五个实际上处于保留状态,并且显示为about:blank。

In the screenshot above all six tabs were restored from a previous session, but to put new tabs on hold the preferences will have to be modified.


Notice that you can have active tabs placed on hold if you do not access them within a set time (“x” seconds, minutes, hours, or days). You may also add your favorite websites as exclusions.

请注意,如果您未在设定的时间(“ x”秒,分钟,小时或天)内访问活动标签,则可以将它们置于保留状态。 您也可以将自己喜欢的网站添加为排除对象。

Newly opened tabs can now be placed on hold until you are ready for them.


Need to place a currently accessed tab on hold? Use the tab context menu to unload the page.

是否需要保留当前访问的标签? 使用标签的上下文菜单卸载页面。

Once you use the tab context menu to place a tab on hold your browser will shift over to the closest active tab.


You will notice the difference in memory usage when you put a lot of intensive pages on hold.




If you keep a high number of content heavy webpages open in Firefox then the BarTab extension will help reduce memory usage while browsing.




Download the BarTab extension (Mozilla Add-ons)


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/17713/put-unused-tabs-on-hold-in-firefox/



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