火狐 url 乱码

Would you like a way to view link URLs wherever you mouse is located in a webpage rather than using the Status Bar? Now you can do so very easily with the URL Tooltip extension for Firefox.

您是否想通过一种方式而不是使用状态栏来查看链接URL,无论您将鼠标放在网页中的任何位置? 现在,您可以使用Firefox的URL工具提示扩展名轻松地做到这一点。



Here is our browser before adding the extension. At the moment the only way to view the “link URL” is through the “Status Bar”…not very convenient if you like keeping the “Status Bar” hidden to conserve screen real-estate.

这是添加扩展名之前的浏览器。 目前,查看“链接URL”的唯一方法是通过“状态栏”……如果您想隐藏“状态栏”以节省屏幕空间,这不是很方便。


Adding the extension makes viewing “link URLs” a lot easier. Now your webpage viewing can flow much smoother without having to shift your view from the article to the “Status Bar” and then back to where you were reading again.

添加扩展名使查看“链接URL”变得更加容易。 现在,您的网页查看可以流畅得多,而不必将您的视图从文章转到“状态栏”,然后再回到您正在阅读的地方。

Note: The “Wrap long URLs” option is enabled in this screenshot.




The options for the URL Tooltip extension are very simple. Choose the font sizes that you would like to use and it is recommended that you enable the “Wrap long URLS” option for best URL viewing.

URL工具提示扩展名的选项非常简单。 选择您要使用的字体大小,建议您启用“ Wrap long URLS”选项,以最佳地查看URL。



If you have been looking for an easier way to view link URLs without using the Status Bar, then this is definitely a must-have extension.




Download the URL Tooltip extension (Mozilla Add-ons)


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/7132/view-urls-as-tooltips-in-firefox/

火狐 url 乱码

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