

Twitter blocks some tweets with a “potentially sensitive content” warning. You can disable this warning—even on an iPhone or iPad, where the option isn’t normally available. You can also disable sensitive content warnings on your own tweets.

Twitter使用“潜在敏感内容”警告阻止了某些推文。 您可以禁用此警告,即使在通常不可用该选项的iPhone或iPad上也是如此。 您还可以在自己的推文上禁用敏感内容警告。

什么是“敏感内容”? (What Is “Sensitive Content?”)

Twitter says this warning label is for “potentially sensitive content . . . such as violence or nudity.”

Twitter说,这个警告标签是针对“潜在敏感内容”的。 。 。 例如暴力或裸露。”

To be blunt, Twitter is a more anything-goes social network compared to Facebook. While Twitter’s sensitive media policy does ban “excessively gory” media, “media depicting sexual violence,” and illegal content, almost anything else goes.

直言不讳,与Facebook相比,Twitter是一种无所不包的社交网络。 尽管Twitter敏感的媒体政策确实禁止了“过分血腥”的媒体,“描述性暴力的媒体”和非法内容,但几乎所有其他事情都是如此。

By default, Twitter restricts this media with a warning like, “This media may contain sensitive material,” “This profile may include potentially sensitive content,” or “The following media includes potentially sensitive content.”


If you don’t have a Twitter account, you’ll need to create one and sign in to change this setting.


如何跳过“敏感内容”警告 (How to Skip the “Sensitive Content” Warning)

You disable the Sensitive Content warning from Twitter’s privacy settings. You’ll also find these options in the same place in the Android app, but they’re not available in the Twitter app for iPhone and iPad. If you change the setting on the web, however, the Twitter iPhone and iPad apps will show you sensitive content without any warnings.

您可以从Twitter的隐私设置中禁用“敏感内容”警告。 您还会在Android应用程序中的同一位置找到这些选项,但在iPhone和iPad的Twitter应用程序中找不到这些选项。 但是,如果您在网络上更改设置,则Twitter iPhone和iPad应用程序将向您显示敏感内容,而不会发出任何警告。

To disable the warning, head to the Twitter website and click menu > Settings and Privacy > Privacy and Safety.


Under Safety, enable the “Display Media That May Contain Sensitive Content” option to disable the warning for tweets.


如何在搜索中显示“敏感内容” (How to Show “Sensitive Content” in Searches)

Tweets with sensitive content are normally hidden from searches, but you can enable them if you prefer.


To do so, go to the Twitter website and click menu > Settings and Privacy > Content Preferences > Search Settings. Uncheck “Hide Sensitive Content” here.

为此,请访问Twitter网站,然后单击菜单>设置和隐私>内容首选项>搜索设置。 在此处取消选中“隐藏敏感内容”。

如何从自己的推文中删除警告 (How to Remove the Warning from Your Own Tweets)

To stop Twitter from marking media you upload as sensitive, choose menu > Settings and Privacy > Privacy and Safety. Ensure “Mark Media You Tweet as Containing Material That May Be sensitive” is unchecked.

要阻止Twitter将您上传的媒体标记为敏感媒体,请选择菜单>设置和隐私>隐私和安全。 确保未选中“将您发布的媒体标记为包含可能敏感的材料”。

This option is available on the web and in the Android app but not in the Twitter app for iPhone and iPad.


Note that Twitter reserves the right to permanently enable this option for your account if you abuse this option and upload sensitive media without tagging it as such. If you can’t disable it, that’s why.

请注意,如果您滥用此选项并上传敏感媒体而不对其进行标记,则Twitter保留为您的帐户永久启用此选项的权利。 如果您不能禁用它,那就是为什么。

If you don’t want to see sensitive content, don’t worry—that’s the default setting on Twitter. Just ensure the “Display Media That May Contain Sensitive Content” option is disabled and the “Hide Sensitive Content” option for searches is enabled.

如果您不想看到敏感内容,请不要担心-这是Twitter的默认设置。 只需确保禁用“可能包含敏感内容的显示媒体”选项,并启用用于搜索的“隐藏敏感内容”选项。




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