
Google has a tool designed to securely analyze your passwords against a database of ones that are known to be compromised and breached. Password Checkup is available as an extension or a web service. Here’s how to use it.

Google提供了一种工具,可以根据已知被盗用和泄露的密码数据库安全地分析您的密码。 密码检查可用作扩展程序或Web服务。 这是使用方法。

使用扩展名检查密码 (Check Your Passwords with the Extension)

If you don’t use a third-party password manager or don’t use strong and secure passwords, the Password Checkup extension by Google helps you know if a password you use for non-Google websites has been exposed.

如果您不使用第三方密码管理器或不使用安全性强的密码,则Google的Password Checkup扩展程序可帮助您了解用于非Google网站的密码是否已公开。

Whenever you sign-in to an account, the extension checks the password against a database of known breaches—hashing both and comparing the results. If the password you use is among the list of known breaches, it alerts you and suggests you reset your password.

每当您登录帐户时,该扩展程序都会根据已知违规的数据库检查密码-既哈希又比较结果。 如果您使用的密码在已知违规列表中,它将提醒您并建议您重置密码。

Fire up Chrome and head on over to the Chrome web store for the Password Checkup extension. Once there, click “Add To Chrome” to start the download.

启动Chrome并转到Chrome网上应用店获取密码检查扩展程序。 在那里,单击“添加到Chrome”开始下载。

Read the extension’s permissions and then click “Add Extension” to add it to your browser.


After the extension installs, the icon will appear in the toolbar or the Chrome menu. Clicking on it will show how many passwords were analyzed in the past week.

安装扩展程序后,该图标将出现在工具栏或Chrome菜单中。 单击它会显示在过去一周中分析了多少个密码。

Additionally, there’s a Chrome flag you can enable, which does essentially the same thing. The difference is that the entire process takes place in the background, only alerting you if it notices a breached password.

此外,您可以启用一个Chrome标志,该标志的作用基本上相同。 不同之处在于,整个过程在后台进行,仅在发现密码泄露时才会提醒您。

You can enable the flag by copying the following address and pasting it into Chrome’s Omnibox:



Choose “Enabled” from the dropdown box and then click the “Relaunch” to restart the browser.


在线检查密码,检查所有存储的密码 (Check All Your Stored Passwords with Password Checkup Online)

If you use the Password Checkup extension but want to be able to check all the passwords you have saved in Chrome’s password manager, Google has a website dedicated to exactly that. Instead, use the same checkup tool to analyze all the passwords you’ve already entered and synced to your Google account at the same time.

如果您使用密码检查扩展程序,但希望能够检查您在Chrome的密码管理器中保存的所有密码,则Google会专门提供一个网站。 相反,请使用相同的检查工具来分析您已经输入并同时同步到您的Google帐户的所有密码。

Fire up your browser, head on over to the Google Password Manager’s website, and then click the “Check Passwords” button.


If you use a passphrase to encrypt passwords in your Google account, you won’t be able to use this feature unless you remove the current passphrase.


Next, click “Check Passwords” to get started.


To confirm it’s you, enter your Google account password and then click “Next” to continue.


After the check has completed, the page will display if it found any compromised, reused, or weak passwords below.


If Password Checkup found any conflicts with your stored passwords, a warning will appear next to the area that needs addressing. Click on the down arrow next to the alert and then click on “Change Password” to be redirected to the account management page for that account.

如果密码检查发现与您存储的密码有任何冲突,则需要寻址的区域旁边将出现警告。 单击警报旁边的向下箭头,然后单击“更改密码”以重定向到该帐户的帐户管理页面。

After you change your account’s password, you’re good to go. If you use the same password for any other accounts that aren’t synced in your Google account, reset those passwords as well.

更改帐户密码后,一切顺利。 如果您对未在您的Google帐户中同步的任何其他帐户使用相同的密码,请也重置这些密码。




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