
git clean  -d  -fx "" 


新同事,git又报错Please move or remove them before you merge相关推荐

  1. git pull 报错 Your local changes would be overwritten by merge. Commit, stash or revert them to procee

    git pull 拉取的时候报错 Your local changes would be overwritten by merge. Commit, stash or revert them to p ...

  2. git报错Please move or remove them before you can merge

    今天提交代码时git报错: Please move or remove them before you can merge 原因是本地的修改和别人的提交有冲突,且没有合并 解决: git clean ...

  3. 【Git】报错处理:fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository at .....Set the environment variable GIT_T

    [Git]报错处理:fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository at ..... 异常信息 解决 异常信息 Windows PowerShell 版 ...

  4. git push 报错Push rejected、 remote unpack failed 、unpacker error、 failed to push some refs to

    git push 报错Push rejected. remote unpack failed .unpacker error. failed to push some refs to 1.error: ...

  5. 服务器更新git版本报错 git-compat-util.h:14:2:error “Required C99 support is in a test phase“

    服务器系统 Centos 7 在更新git版本时报如下错误 # 执行的命令make prefix=/usr/local/git all# 报错git-compat-util.h:14:2:error ...

  6. git push 报错 Empty reply from server 或 Failed to connect to port 443: Time out

    git push 报错 Empty reply from server 或 Failed to connect to port 443: Time out 问题出现 报错信息 问 ...

  7. 【实习小tip】elementUI表格数值加减和实时计算、导出数据并解决手机号科学计数法格式问题、git clone报错:OpenSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL

    element表格数值加减和实时计算 实现效果: 代码: <el-table :data="voListForm" border show-summary :summary- ...

  8. git push报错:remote: error: refusing to update checked out branch: refs/heads/master

    远程仓库通过git init初始化了一个项目,没有clone到本地,本地新建了一个项目,关联本地项目和远程仓库(参见IDEA新建本地项目关联远程git仓库 )后git push报错: wulf@wul ...

  9. git配置报错fatal: Authentication failed for ‘‘问题解决

    git配置报错fatal: Authentication failed for ''问题解决 参考文章: (1)git配置报错fatal: Authentication failed for ''问题 ...


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