【Git】报错处理:fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository at .....

  • 异常信息
  • 解决


Windows PowerShell
版权所有 (C) Microsoft Corporation。保留所有权利。尝试新的跨平台 PowerShell https://aka.ms/pscore6PS C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\she_qu_tuan_gou\_work\drivers>
PS C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\she_qu_tuan_gou\_work\drivers>
PS C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\she_qu_tuan_gou\_work\drivers> git pull
fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository at 'C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/she_qu_tuan_gou/_work/drivers'
To add an exception for this directory, call:git config --global --add safe.directory C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/she_qu_tuan_gou/_work/drivers    Set the environment variable GIT_TEST_DEBUG_UNSAFE_DIRECTORIES=true and run
again for more information.
PS C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\she_qu_tuan_gou\_work\drivers>
PS C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\she_qu_tuan_gou\_work\drivers>
PS C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\she_qu_tuan_gou\_work\drivers> git config --global --add safe.directory C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/she_qu_tuan_gou
PS C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\she_qu_tuan_gou\_work\drivers>
PS C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\she_qu_tuan_gou\_work\drivers> git pull
Already up to date.
PS C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\she_qu_tuan_gou\_work\drivers> 


git config --global --add safe.directory C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/she_qu_tuan_gou/_work/drivers

【Git】报错处理:fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository at .....Set the environment variable GIT_T相关推荐

  1. fatal detected dubious ownership in repository at解决办法

    转自:noerror.net 问题描述 执行git submodule update --init --recursive更新子模块时报错: fatal: detected dubious owner ...

  2. fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository git报错解决

    文章目录 环境 原因 解决方案 变更文件夹权限 设置git安全目录 环境 win10,git 原因 由于win10重装系统后,文件夹所有者变了,导致git pull等都出现了该问题 fatal: de ...

  3. git pull拉取报错fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository

    重装系统之后,项目的所有者发生了变化,导致git的文件夹权限错乱,无法进行git 操作. 1. git pull拉取报错 fatal: detected dubious ownership in re ...

  4. Git异常fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository at

    Git报错: $ git remote fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository at 'C:/Users/DELL/code/larabbs' ...

  5. git fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository 解决方法

    前言 最近windows 10 更新后,发现非常卡顿,鼠标右键,偶尔要等10秒才能有反应,无法系统还原,但是可以通过装机软件,进行重置,类似于系统重新安装 重置 windows 10后,因为更新了用户 ...

  6. git 出现 : fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository

    使用git的时候突然出现 fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository at 'D:/Web/map-tiles-downloader_node' ' ...

  7. fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository at....

    显示如下: $ git remote add origin git@github.com:2002060229jby/timeseries_course.git fatal: detected dub ...

  8. fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository at ‘/home/

    fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository at '/home/ To add an exception for this directory, c ...

  9. Win10系统,使用VSCode提示错误fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository at

    1 环境信息 1.Win10 系统 2.VSCode 软件 2 问题现象 使用 VSCode 打开 Samba 中的 Git 工程时,Git 相关插件不会启用,通过 git 输出界面,可以看到有提示如 ...


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