






关键词:时间管理APP; Java ;安卓;

With the accelerated pace of living environment, people instead of the concept of time is not strong, the effective use of time is reduced, especially for those who have poor self-control ability is particularly serious, for self-made ability of poor people, Time management of the mobile phone APP is necessary, is conducive to reasonable and effective use of time. At this stage, the use of Android platform, mobile phones more and more popular, based on the Android platform based on the design and implementation of time management APP to help people arrange a reasonable time and develop good habits. The time management APP mainly to achieve the popularity of time management knowledge, the normal schedule, time is life, so the use of the time management APP can arrange and make full use of time to develop a treasure time, to avoid the delay of good habits, on this basis Time to make life winners.

This topic is based on the Android platform design and implementation of the time management APP, the subject is mainly for some people do not plan or do things to delay the development of a time management APP, easy people to plan to cherish the time, save time, Improve work efficiency. The main implementation features include:

(1) universal knowledge of time management;

(2) to be based on four quadrants or Jiugong grid and other time management methods for scientific, rational and personalized work, reading, learning, housework and other plans, at the same time with a reminder and complete record of all process functions;

(3) the system according to the user schedule and the completion of the situation given the appropriate evaluation and recommendations;

(4) the system interface background can be personalized settings;

(5) support WeChat, QQ and other things planning sharing function.

Keywords:time management APP; Java; Andrews;


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