
  • 1 控制器结构
  • 2 操作函数
    • 2.1 初始化函数
    • 2.2 距离传感器操作函数
    • 2.3 ground_sensors 操作函数
    • 2.4 激光雷达传感器操作函数
    • 2.5 LED灯作函数
    • 2.7 电机操作函数
  • 3 DEMO
  • 参考资料


这里以webots自带的机器人 e-puck 的控制器为例,介绍webots控制器的编写规范。
首先我们打开 e-puck_line.wbt 模型文件,选择自带的避障控制器,如下图:

1 控制器结构


/* include headers */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>#include <webots/device.h>
#include <webots/distance_sensor.h>
#include <webots/led.h>
#include <webots/motor.h>
#include <webots/nodes.h>
#include <webots/robot.h>/* Device stuff */
static WbDeviceTag distance_sensors[DISTANCE_SENSORS_NUMBER];
static double distance_sensors_values[DISTANCE_SENSORS_NUMBER];
static const char *distance_sensors_names[DISTANCE_SENSORS_NUMBER] = {"ps0", "ps1", "ps2", "ps3", "ps4", "ps5", "ps6", "ps7"};#define GROUND_SENSORS_NUMBER 3
static WbDeviceTag ground_sensors[GROUND_SENSORS_NUMBER];
static double ground_sensors_values[GROUND_SENSORS_NUMBER] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
static const char *ground_sensors_names[GROUND_SENSORS_NUMBER] = {"gs0", "gs1", "gs2"};#define LEDS_NUMBER 10
static WbDeviceTag leds[LEDS_NUMBER];
static bool leds_values[LEDS_NUMBER];
static const char *leds_names[LEDS_NUMBER] = {"led0", "led1", "led2", "led3", "led4", "led5", "led6", "led7", "led8", "led9"};static WbDeviceTag left_motor, right_motor;#define LEFT 0
#define RIGHT 1
#define MAX_SPEED 6.28
static double speeds[2];/* Breitenberg stuff */
static double weights[DISTANCE_SENSORS_NUMBER][2] = {{-1.3, -1.0}, {-1.3, -1.0}, {-0.5, 0.5}, {0.0, 0.0},{0.0, 0.0},   {0.05, -0.5}, {-0.75, 0},  {-0.75, 0}};
static double offsets[2] = {0.5 * MAX_SPEED, 0.5 * MAX_SPEED};static int get_time_step() {static int time_step = -1;if (time_step == -1)time_step = (int)wb_robot_get_basic_time_step();return time_step;
}static void step() {if (wb_robot_step(get_time_step()) == -1) {wb_robot_cleanup();exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);}
}static void passive_wait(double sec) {double start_time = wb_robot_get_time();do {step();} while (start_time + sec > wb_robot_get_time());
}static void init_devices() {int i;for (i = 0; i < DISTANCE_SENSORS_NUMBER; i++) {distance_sensors[i] = wb_robot_get_device(distance_sensors_names[i]);wb_distance_sensor_enable(distance_sensors[i], get_time_step());}for (i = 0; i < LEDS_NUMBER; i++)leds[i] = wb_robot_get_device(leds_names[i]);// silently initialize the ground sensors if they existsfor (i = 0; i < GROUND_SENSORS_NUMBER; i++)ground_sensors[i] = (WbDeviceTag)0;int ndevices = wb_robot_get_number_of_devices();for (i = 0; i < ndevices; i++) {WbDeviceTag dtag = wb_robot_get_device_by_index(i);const char *dname = wb_device_get_name(dtag);WbNodeType dtype = wb_device_get_node_type(dtag);if (dtype == WB_NODE_DISTANCE_SENSOR && strlen(dname) == 3 && dname[0] == 'g' && dname[1] == 's') {int id = dname[2] - '0';if (id >= 0 && id < GROUND_SENSORS_NUMBER) {ground_sensors[id] = wb_robot_get_device(ground_sensors_names[id]);wb_distance_sensor_enable(ground_sensors[id], get_time_step());}}}// get a handler to the motors and set target position to infinity (speed control).left_motor = wb_robot_get_device("left wheel motor");right_motor = wb_robot_get_device("right wheel motor");wb_motor_set_position(left_motor, INFINITY);wb_motor_set_position(right_motor, INFINITY);wb_motor_set_velocity(left_motor, 0.0);wb_motor_set_velocity(right_motor, 0.0);step();
}static void reset_actuator_values() {int i;for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)speeds[i] = 0.0;for (i = 0; i < LEDS_NUMBER; i++)leds_values[i] = false;
}static void get_sensor_input() {int i;for (i = 0; i < DISTANCE_SENSORS_NUMBER; i++) {distance_sensors_values[i] = wb_distance_sensor_get_value(distance_sensors[i]);// scale the data in order to have a value between 0.0 and 1.0// 1.0 representing something to avoid, 0.0 representing nothing to avoiddistance_sensors_values[i] /= 4096;}for (i = 0; i < GROUND_SENSORS_NUMBER; i++) {if (ground_sensors[i])ground_sensors_values[i] = wb_distance_sensor_get_value(ground_sensors[i]);}
}static bool cliff_detected() {int i;for (i = 0; i < GROUND_SENSORS_NUMBER; i++) {if (!ground_sensors[i])return false;if (ground_sensors_values[i] < 500.0)return true;}return false;
}static void set_actuators() {int i;for (i = 0; i < LEDS_NUMBER; i++)wb_led_set(leds[i], leds_values[i]);wb_motor_set_velocity(left_motor, speeds[LEFT]);wb_motor_set_velocity(right_motor, speeds[RIGHT]);
}static void blink_leds() {static int counter = 0;counter++;leds_values[(counter / 10) % LEDS_NUMBER] = true;
}static void run_braitenberg() {int i, j;for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {speeds[i] = 0.0;for (j = 0; j < DISTANCE_SENSORS_NUMBER; j++)speeds[i] += distance_sensors_values[j] * weights[j][i];speeds[i] = offsets[i] + speeds[i] * MAX_SPEED;if (speeds[i] > MAX_SPEED)speeds[i] = MAX_SPEED;else if (speeds[i] < -MAX_SPEED)speeds[i] = -MAX_SPEED;}
}static void go_backwards() {wb_motor_set_velocity(left_motor, -MAX_SPEED);wb_motor_set_velocity(right_motor, -MAX_SPEED);passive_wait(0.2);
}static void turn_left() {wb_motor_set_velocity(left_motor, -MAX_SPEED);wb_motor_set_velocity(right_motor, MAX_SPEED);passive_wait(0.2);
}int main(int argc, char **argv) {wb_robot_init();printf("Default controller of the e-puck robot started...\n");init_devices();while (true) {reset_actuator_values();get_sensor_input();blink_leds();if (cliff_detected()) {go_backwards();turn_left();} else {run_braitenberg();}set_actuators();step();};return EXIT_SUCCESS;

2 操作函数


2.1 初始化函数



2.2 距离传感器操作函数

1、e-puck有着8个距离传感器名字分别为(“ps0”, “ps1”, “ps2”, “ps3”, “ps4”, “ps5”, “ps6”, “ps7”)

static WbDeviceTag distance_sensors[DISTANCE_SENSORS_NUMBER]; // 申明数组
static double distance_sensors_values[DISTANCE_SENSORS_NUMBER];
static const char *distance_sensors_names[DISTANCE_SENSORS_NUMBER] = {"ps0", "ps1", "ps2", "ps3", "ps4", "ps5", "ps6", "ps7"};


 int i;for (i = 0; i < DISTANCE_SENSORS_NUMBER; i++) {distance_sensors[i] = wb_robot_get_device(distance_sensors_names[i]);wb_distance_sensor_enable(distance_sensors[i], get_time_step());}


  int i;for (i = 0; i < DISTANCE_SENSORS_NUMBER; i++) {distance_sensors_values[i] = wb_distance_sensor_get_value(distance_sensors[i]);// scale the data in order to have a value between 0.0 and 1.0// 1.0 representing something to avoid, 0.0 representing nothing to avoiddistance_sensors_values[i] /= 4096;}

2.3 ground_sensors 操作函数


static WbDeviceTag ground_sensors[GROUND_SENSORS_NUMBER];
static double ground_sensors_values[GROUND_SENSORS_NUMBER] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
static const char *ground_sensors_names[GROUND_SENSORS_NUMBER] = {"gs0", "gs1", "gs2"};


 ground_sensors[id] = wb_robot_get_device(ground_sensors_names[id]);wb_distance_sensor_enable(ground_sensors[id], get_time_step());


for (i = 0; i < GROUND_SENSORS_NUMBER; i++) {if (ground_sensors[i])ground_sensors_values[i] = wb_distance_sensor_get_value(ground_sensors[i]);}

2.4 激光雷达传感器操作函数

2.5 LED灯作函数


#define LEDS_NUMBER 10
static WbDeviceTag leds[LEDS_NUMBER];
static bool leds_values[LEDS_NUMBER];
static const char *leds_names[LEDS_NUMBER] = {"led0", "led1", "led2", "led3", "led4", "led5", "led6", "led7", "led8", "led9"};


  for (i = 0; i < LEDS_NUMBER; i++)leds[i] = wb_robot_get_device(leds_names[i]);


  for (i = 0; i < LEDS_NUMBER; i++)wb_led_set(leds[i], leds_values[i]);

2.7 电机操作函数

1、获取电机操作句柄。"left wheel motor"表示电机的名称

  left_motor = wb_robot_get_device("left wheel motor"); right_motor = wb_robot_get_device("right wheel motor");


  wb_motor_set_position(left_motor, INFINITY);wb_motor_set_position(right_motor, INFINITY);


  wb_motor_set_velocity(left_motor, 0.0);wb_motor_set_velocity(right_motor, 0.0);

从上面的形式来看,每一个传感器操作都会经历声明变量、构建操作句柄、获取传感器值三个操作,其中获取操作句柄都是使用的 wb_robot_get_device() 这个函数实现的。




#include <webots/robot.h>
#include <webots/distance_sensor.h>
#include <webots/motor.h>
#include <webots/led.h>
// time in [ms] of a simulation step
#define TIME_STEP 64#define MAX_SPEED 6.28/* Device stuff */
static WbDeviceTag distance_sensors[DISTANCE_SENSORS_NUMBER];
static double distance_sensors_values[DISTANCE_SENSORS_NUMBER];
static const char *distance_sensors_names[DISTANCE_SENSORS_NUMBER] = {"ps0", "ps1", "ps2", "ps3", "ps4", "ps5", "ps6", "ps7"};#define LEDS_NUMBER 10
static WbDeviceTag leds[LEDS_NUMBER];
static bool leds_values[LEDS_NUMBER];
static const char *leds_names[LEDS_NUMBER] = {"led0", "led1", "led2", "led3", "led4", "led5", "led6", "led7", "led8", "led9"};static int counter = 0;
// entry point of the controller
int main(int argc, char **argv) {// initialize the Webots APIwb_robot_init();// internal variablesint i;for (i = 0; i < DISTANCE_SENSORS_NUMBER; i++) {distance_sensors[i] = wb_robot_get_device(distance_sensors_names[i]);wb_distance_sensor_enable(distance_sensors[i], TIME_STEP);}for (i = 0; i < LEDS_NUMBER; i++)leds[i] = wb_robot_get_device(leds_names[i]);WbDeviceTag left_motor = wb_robot_get_device("left wheel motor");WbDeviceTag right_motor = wb_robot_get_device("right wheel motor");wb_motor_set_position(left_motor, INFINITY);wb_motor_set_position(right_motor, INFINITY);wb_motor_set_velocity(left_motor, 0.0);wb_motor_set_velocity(right_motor, 0.0);// feedback loop: step simulation until an exit event is receivedwhile (wb_robot_step(TIME_STEP) != -1) {// read sensors outputsfor (i = 0; i < DISTANCE_SENSORS_NUMBER ; i++)distance_sensors_values[i] = wb_distance_sensor_get_value(distance_sensors[i]);// detect obstaclesbool right_obstacle =distance_sensors_values[0] > 80.0 ||distance_sensors_values[1] > 80.0 ||distance_sensors_values[2] > 80.0;bool left_obstacle =distance_sensors_values[5] > 80.0 ||distance_sensors_values[6] > 80.0 ||distance_sensors_values[7] > 80.0;// initialize motor speeds at 50% of MAX_SPEED.double left_speed  = 0.5 * MAX_SPEED;double right_speed = 0.5 * MAX_SPEED;// modify speeds according to obstaclesif (left_obstacle) {// turn rightleft_speed  += 0.5 * MAX_SPEED;right_speed -= 0.5 * MAX_SPEED;}else if (right_obstacle) {// turn leftleft_speed  -= 0.5 * MAX_SPEED;right_speed += 0.5 * MAX_SPEED;}for (i = 0; i < LEDS_NUMBER; i++)leds_values[i] = false;counter++;leds_values[(counter / 10) % LEDS_NUMBER] = true;for (i = 0; i < LEDS_NUMBER; i++)wb_led_set(leds[i], leds_values[i]);// write actuators inputswb_motor_set_velocity(left_motor, left_speed);wb_motor_set_velocity(right_motor, right_speed);}// cleanup the Webots APIwb_robot_cleanup();return 0; //EXIT_SUCCESS


[1] https://www.cyberbotics.com/doc/reference/motion
[2] https://cyberbotics.com/doc/guide/tutorial-4-more-about-controllers?tab-language=c



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